Welcome again.

Welcome to another day.

Welcome to a new week.

Welcome to a new month.

Welcome to a new year.

Welcome to a new season.

Glad to have you here.

Thank you for being here.


If there is anything I should have learnt more in 2022, it ahould be gratitude

I have accepted that gratitude is a choice. I have to choose continually.

2022 was a year that taught me the power of gratitude and how healing it was in my growth as a person.

For the things we are not grateful for, we loose unknowingly.

In 2023, gratitude is still a key word and I trust God for the grace to remain grateful.


Is there a need for more resolutions?

Did you achieve the resolutions of 2022?

I am choosing to be kind with myself and I admit that I did not finish a lot on my list. I still have a lot of unfinished projects to complete and this year will be on completing them.

There will certainly be new resolutions added but the old ones will not be pushed aside because they are as important as the new ones that will come up.


I am not quick to make any promises and I will confess that my head still needs a lot of clearing to do but this years, I really would love to share a lot of personal projects which are dear to my heart.

Some of them have taken years to develop and I hope this year would be the year to finally allow the world to see and access them.

I also hope to share myself with the right people and have God lead and guide my steps,

As I get older and the years come and go, I see the need to ever be jealous with my dreams and purpose and to trust my plans in God’s hands.

I hope to have you here


The word of God has always been a watchword for me every year and this year is not different.

There is more for me in God and I am willing to harness that privilege.

Psalms 16:11 You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore. (AMP)

I will seek God’s word more for my life and in all that I am doing.

I pray you do as well.


I began my day by creating a podcast, then I began writing this post earlier during the day then went to Church, had some warm times with others in Church. The had some calm moments with myself, after eating I decided to take a nap which lasted for good hours. I had some appointments which had to be postponed then returned to complete this post.

You can listen to the podcast here by clicking on the image:

The diary planners that were shared last year are still valid this year. You can get them via the shop section. Kindly scroll down to see them.

Thank you for being here and I hope to still have you as I keep sharing.

You can share with me via the comment section, I will be expecting your feedbacks.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.
