Low Budget Life 3: Fix the armpit odour πŸ˜žπŸ˜’πŸƒπŸš¨

This is part 3 and the freshest post on block. Like it pushed more than five to claim this position πŸ˜’

Finished writing a nice piece last week but it disappeared because of internet connection 😒 and I have been trying to rewrite it but it is taking my brain time to pit the pieces back together.

I was not planning on writing this but it jumped on me and refused to let me go. Forgive me, older awaiting topics πŸ€’πŸ˜–

Thank you for listening to the prologue πŸ™‚



I am grateful not to have body odour as am not a fan of perfume, I don’t hate it, I only dont use it often. I am also a bit sensitive to harsh or strong ones, I prefer the lighter misty ones.

This is the third part of this series. I did not plan it. You already read that 😀.

Although I do not have body odour, I am extremely conscious of how I smell. I smell myself which sometimes look awkward, and repeatedly ask people around me: ” Am I smelling? “

They reply me with a strange look before shaking their head in the negative.

The reason for my notorious question is because I sweat a lot especially from my armpits πŸ˜₯. It is so annoying……. I use a good deodorant (Nivea) but sometimes when the weather is extreme, I let out some sweat and end up smelling sweaty…. .

I mentioned in the first part of this series, the different ways and body products that can be used to smell nice at the least expensive way. The topic is titled LOW BUDGET LIFE: YOU SMELL NICE, you can get it from the search box.

So, recently a lovely friend of mine was telling me about using lime and sugar to shave… It is a hurtful process, and maybe if I try it… Maybe… πŸ€•πŸ˜³. She then specified the armpits because I complained of the excess sweat and smell I was conscious about.

After weeks had passed, I decided to try it… Ummmm

Before we continue…..

Note: This was a personal experiment and not a definite remedy for serious body odour issues. If you have really troubling body odour, go see a doctor ❀


So I decided to use lime. I am a huge fan of lime. I have talked about it in previous beauty tips, and use it in my tea. You can get tea recipes on my food blog down below the post. I usually have lime in my food rack. So have using the main juice for tea, I often squeeze the remaining on my face. This time, I squeezed it on my armpits.

I tried it twice and the results were beautiful.

No after smell. No armpit smell or sweaty smell. The weather has been raving mad in North Africa, and even though I have been sweating, my armpit was spared the smell πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

This made me happy. As a person who often still feels uncomfortable even after scrubbing the armpits unless I put my deodorant, this felt really comforting.

Some use lime to lighten dark armpits, I knew people used it for that but I never really knew it could also reduce smell, I just experimented.

So if you are like this guy down here who chases others without knowing.

poor guy 😞

You may want to first take good bath daily, at least twice. Get a good deodorant. Shave. Wear free clothing, allow some air. Then probably try using lime or lemon, they are siblings.

If your skin is sensitive, you could try diluting the juice in water first. Then use cotton wool to vigorously dab.

So useful

I wanted to add….

Materials needed

  • Lime or lemon
  • Cotton wool or your hands
  • Water for sensitive skin
  • A bowl, if you like

I was just making a big deal πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I decided to share this simple tip if you would not mind trying it the next time you buy lemons or lime. Don’t waste a single drop of juice!! Use it all!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I am grateful I have girls who know about beauty tips because I keep learning every time 😊😊

If you have tried it, let me know. If you are willing to try it comment below. Share your warm thoughts on using lime for body odours. I decided not to go into stressful details about the specific importance but I came to tell you that it worked for me 😁😁

Okay. .. I wrote a lot in just a short while or maybe not. . .I hope to rewrite the lost piece soon and clear off my awaiting list.

I hope the Sun is not raining where you are🌞 β˜€


YOU SMELL NICE 😏😏(LOW BUDGET LIFE 1: How to smell nice on budgetπŸ“ƒ)


It looks like this preamble is becoming a thing for me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, though this is the second time I am using it πŸ˜’


I want to tell you a secret 😢😢

I have not yet bought a purse πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

If you dont understand, go check the post VINTAGE and VINTAGE 2. You would understand when you are done there πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

Am a low budget being and sometimes I dont even understand myself and why I like the things I do, why I do some things I do. I am learning to just accept my existence and its process of processing things and environment.

Another secret 😦😧..shhhh

Kopi 🍡

This is the newest post I have written down. I have a one year old topic that is still waiting in the queue. Am sure if they could beat me, they would πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. Just that this topic was on my mind but then, something spurred it to come to life now.

This post still has some more secrets πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




Twitter has become one of the most sarcastic platform for individuals who are so gifted with words. I find sarcasm funny, though there is a borderline I dont appreciate and cross but sometimes it just adds spice to conversations especially when the other party would not take offence.

Now, a lot of humans dont know where to share some personal experiences and fail to share what should have been private or within close relationships. They bare their information to the public, hoping to be sided or encouraged. Unfournately, social media is not friendly and Twitter is becoming more tough.

I dont use twitter that much, I actually dont participate. Used to but dont know how to use it like others. 13 followers, following 16 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. So I get most of the gist from instagram πŸ™„πŸ™„

Some weeks ago, a story about a certain interviewer who bashed the interviewed for commenting on her scent, went viral. She actually talked about it on social media and the response was not positiveπŸ€’πŸ€’

I somehow tried to understand her but her approach was rude and telling it to public was not so necessary and a bit impolite to the interviewed.

To her defence, I would say: I may not have been comfortable too because it was an official meeting in which certain languages may have been held at bay. Also facial and body language may have not been well accepted.

In this case, it would have been better if she had stated politely she did not appreciate such comment at that moment without really having to run down the individual or maybe a simple thank you would have not been bad.

So many memes were made, adding more humour to the whole issue.

Nigerians were created to be funny πŸ˜‚πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬


Okay.. . Let me move down to telling you how to smell nice without necessarily buying perfumeπŸ™ŠπŸ’©


I laughed first because am laughing inside.

Before I continue, let me tell you another secret. Cooking is an emotional and thoughtful process for me. I take 30 minutes to an hour to make noodles and as usual, I make strange noodles πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I just distracted you, forgive me 😢😢

Lets continue

Now to smell nice, there are very simple habits and things you need to do. These regular habits will help you maintain a nice body smell even without using perfumes.

I have not had perfume for some time now and actually, I rarely get perfume. Mainly because I have not gotten what appeals me or they are expensive for me and I rather buy food πŸ™„πŸ™„

So if you are like me and you need to know how I still dont smell, then good for you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


  • Bath twice a day or more if you can. Using soaps that have nice fragrance is a big plus. Antiseptic soaps usually have refreshing smell and is a good start. Use sponge too πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
  • Use deodorants. Plese to keep your armpits at bay, having deodorant is not an option especially if you have not shaved the bush under your arm (try and do that). In tropucal West Africa, the heat is not very friendly and so you may not be able to avoid sweating. It is good to pick good deodorant and if most possible, the ones with nice fragrance
  • Use petroleum jelly that is scented. Discovered this a year or two years ago. These variation of petroleum jelly are interesting and I find them pleasing. The first I discovered was FRESSIA🌿
  • If you can, use creams that have nice smells. Cocoa butter is really very nice 😊😊.
  • And then, brush your teeth! !πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I did not give any magic recipe. These are simple hygiene tips. Perfume is just an extra.

I find it really unpleasant that some people spray nice perfumes on their unkempt bodies, only using the sent as a cover up πŸ˜’πŸ˜’. You cannot hide forever though, your secret would be revealed😢😢

Maintain a good hygiene then perfume follows after and if you suffer from body odor you may want to see a doctor for that. Dont be quick to use perfumes to cover up.

Resolve issues first, rather trying to cover it up. Some issues should never be covered up, they will only hinder growth 🌿🌿

All time favourite deodorant brand and this fragrance is very pleasant
Not fressia but this has a nice fragrance too 😁😁


Hopefully, THIS TH!NG CALLED CHEMISTRY will have its season finale next post πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. If you have been following, thank you! ! If you haven’t read it all, you could check it. ..Comments and thoughts are appreciated😊😊

This, hopefully would not be a long series πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
