There would be no preamble here.

In this part I would share with you some of the ways I coped with the stress of house job.

It was a tasking experience and I was overwhelmed multiple times. I coped because of some factors and that is what I would be sharing here with you.

I was able to cope because God helped me.

I was able to cope because I had people in my corner that were around for me. I was able to decompress and share my struggles, get consolation and advice to continue.

I was unable to be frequent at church but I tried to still keep up with my relationship with God. I still attended and participated in bible studies, and fellowships.

I did not neglect my love for art and writing and even though my writing suffered a bit, I was able to still share some of my works with you.

I made a lot of podcasts as well.

You can check the PODCAST PAGE for them.

I also made vlogs and you can check the YOUTUBE PAGE for them.


I made vlogs.


I made something.

I did a compilation,

I also left something for you there.

Thank you for being in this journey with me.

It was a journey and an experience that I have learnt from. It had its smooth and rough edges and it all blended into some of what I shared with you.

Hopefully, whatever would come next would be deeper that usual.

I trust God to help me share what would be a blessing you.

Continue to stay safe and God bless.


30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 30




Music: Finally by Ada Ehi (I love this song so much)

Today is 30th of 30th.

I am pleased and I am grateful.

Today has finally come.

Thank God.

Let’s ride in…..

You don try

Meaning: you have tried

As per: Weldone

Seeking God is not for lazy people neither is it for the non-chalant. It is for those who are interested and willing to be available.

Therefore, if you have been seeking God intentionally, you are trying and God is seeing you and will uphold you throughout your life.

Read the whole chapter to enjoy the complete message it contains.

A pat on the back

A pat on the back can mean many things:

  • Weldone, you have done well.
  • Sorry, take heart.
  • You could have done better.
  • Don’t give up. Keep moving.

And if you are an African, a pat on the back from your parents will often mean:

  • I am watching you be careful.
  • What are you doing?
  • Don’t try that again.
  • Stop what you are doing!

However, in line with the theme of this post, it means: Weldone, you have tried. Don’t stop keep moving.

Yes, we need gentle pats on our backs as a form of encouragement. Those who do well deserve to be encouraged to do more.

Don’t stop doing good


With the vision

As you seek God, He will give you burdens to fulfill. Do not ignore them. Do not push them aside. Write them down and ask God to give you the strategy to fulfill them.

Then run very fast.

Do not turn sideways. Do not get distracted. Run with the vision until the end of it.

If you do not run, you will waste time and elongate the process. If you still refuse to run, God will choose another.

Write the vision and run with it

Do it!

Stop sleeping!

Wake up!

Stop giving excuses. You have life, you have chances to do the work.

You have sought the LORD intentionally. He has given you the vision. You have written it down. What are you waiting for?

Get the work done. Now is the time for that work God has given you to do.

God picked you for a reason even if you have not discovered the why.

God, I am too tired. Let me sleep first. I will wake up and do it

Stop sleeping on it

God allowed it to be you because you are reaching a specific group of people.

Stop being stubborn. You do not have a coconut head. You have brain.

Do not waste the time you spent with God. Use the things God gave you during the time you spent with Him.

Yes, as we spend time with God, we receive many things with Him.


LORD, I thank you for today. I thank you for everything. LORD, may the time I spend with you not be wasted. Help me to run with the vision you have given me. Let me not slack and may the Holy Spirit continue to fuel me to do the work you have given me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Whatever has a beginning has an end

I am grateful to God for this opportunity. I am grateful I obeyed and did not ignore the prompting to do this series.

God has really helped me and I am grateful.

Tommorrow, something extra will be shared plus some announcements.

Stay safe and God bless.
