Ultimate SuperMan 🏋


I am here again….

Preamble is now part of my posts even when I do not have anything to write here.

Well…. Who loves superhero movies?

Let’s ride in 🚵


As a child, I loved watching superhero toons. It was interesting watching them save the citizens of the country they lived in from the bad guys.

Another one I watched a lot was X-men toons. I liked Maryjane and Storm and the guy that removed fire from his eyes and Wolverine!

I liked Superman because he was very strong and he could fly.

He had such enormous strenght and nothing could kill him except a kyptonite which was not present on planet earth.

He was from another planet

The interesting thing was that he was such a gentle man who never revealed his identity until a call for help was raised.


Then he would tear off his office clothes and throw away his glasses to reveal his super suite hidden underneath and his front hair would become super curly and then he would fly into the sky with his right hand folded into a fist.


He would save the victim and use his super laser eye beam to remove obstacles and use one arm to lift up heavy objects and the other arm would hold the victim.

Super strong ye?

The sound that I heard over again still plays in my head when I think of the cartoon.


If you understand 🙂

The others

I am not into action movies, I enjoy them when I watch with other people. However, there are certain ones I have enjoyed alone.

One of such is the Avengers 4: Infinity Stones (the last part even if it is not 4)

I enjoy action movies because they are straight to the point and decent to an extent except for a few where curse words were used heavily. But a bulk of super hero movies are quite clean (at least the last time I checked. Don’t know of now 😶)

Let me go back to Thanos and the avengers. That movie was emotional and it was epic. Thanos was such a villian, not watched a villain like him.

Summary: He lost and the superheroes won.


S.. U…. P.. E.

You will get why the heading is that way.

How many of us think that we are super heroes who can swoop down and save the whole world

We think we are invisible. Always available. Always ready to save someone.

We have that sense of always saving others.

They need my help!

The truth is that while some humans believe they need to be saved, others believe they need to save others.


The people who believe they need to save others tend to over work themselves and go off limit because they want to keep proving a point.

A super hero aint a super hero if there is no saving

Just like the movies, the super heroes do not feel comfortable unless they save a victim. Their sense of purpose is tied around being a hero and wearing their special costumes.

Some of us are like that

It is not wrong to attend to others and help them when needed, however, it should be a concern when your life is completely wrapped around that and nothing else.

There should balance

One of such occupation that is wrapped around this mentality is the medical profession.

The admiration, respect and sense of being a super hero is immensely high and despite the ill treatments that sometimes happen within the hospital walls, the medical personnel is highly respected because of the ability to intervene in life threatening issues (medical).

As A Christian

Years ago, in a conversation with my father, we both agreed that the protrayal of super heroes is copy cat of what Jesus came to do on earth.

What He has done

Jesus came to bring salvation to mankind and whoever calls on His name will be saved. (Romans 10:13)

Jesus is the Ultimate Superman

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. (KJV) 

End Note

Sometimes our desire to help others stems from our internal problems that pushes us to save others from what we have faced. In this process we are saving others from the point of our trauma.

This does not appear harmful until it becomes a patholigcal lifestyle where we derive a sense of importance from saving or helping others. When we do not do this we feel worthless and useless.

The truth is that only God that has the power to change a man and sometimes in our bid to save others, we may become a pathway to their ruin.

Do not over do it.

Sometimes take a break. You need it too.

Streching yourself over the limit will only make you ineffective rapidly.

As a Christian, I am made aware that my desire to help others should be as God leads me to.

I should not ignore an apparent need that needs my intervention, however in the process of doing such I should make sure I am doing as God leads me too.

Even in helping others, we need God’s guidance because He knows the heart of man and sometimes that help you may want to give may not be what is needed.

This reminds of Peter and John and the man at the beautiful gate. The man asked for alms, and instead of alms he was healed. This they did as God had led them to. (Acts 3)

When our desire to help others is built on the foundation of God’s leading, we are rest assured that our actions will please God and also do the work it should do.

A recurrent encouragement I have given this year is:

While you are alive, live.

O. R. A

And while you live, survive.


Ending verse
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (KJV) 

Do not forget that your source of strenght is God and not yourself.

Art works used are from my artpage. You can check it out on instagram @oraproduct

It is almost the end of the week, I hope your week has been productive.

Mine has been jampacked but I am grateful to survive the stress everyday.

Your comments are welcomed.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.

