Moody Doody


This topic was inspired by a strange experience. I had it on my list before the smile challenge buhaha started.

It was also supposed to come because it is a theme I have been faced with for a while.

Let’s dive in πŸ‡


If you are regular on this blog, you will be too familiar with the theme of today’s post πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

She’s back again with the melancholic vibe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I tell you, I am tired too. The motions are alot and the tiring part is that the triggering factors show up without warning.

I have been learning for a year to observe when triggering factors strike and this has only helped a little, however, I still have to weather through the motions.

Sometimes, I get warning signs and other times I do not. It just comes subtly until it crashes down.

Wa.. Voom! πŸŒͺ


I have been told for so much part of my life that I do not smile a lot.

I do not disagree πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

There have been times, I smiled more than usual but averagely I do not smile a lot.

I smile but not a lot. You get?

Weeks ago, as I was walking home from the bustop, I met two human creatures who asked me to smile. I looked at them puzzled and later smiled to myself.

How where they expecting me to smile when the weather was super hot and I was stressed and overwhelmed? Like weh? Why?

The other day, another creature told me I should always smile because she liked it.

Rose keep smiling, it is nice

Should I smile all the time? πŸ€”

Is that realistic?

Is that not pretending?

I love to be private but pretending is not my thing

I smile. I smile. I smile at people I like, random cute people, fond memories, when I am happy, when I am in the mood, when it is time to smile πŸ™‚

And so.. I smile at myself πŸ˜†πŸ˜‚

A Christian and emotions

As a Christian, I am well aware that my life should be a reflection of God’s word, of my relationship with Him and this is the aspect I am most concerned about when I reflect on my fluctuations.

Am I allowing my emotions take God’s place?

Am I representing God well?

And to add to them, I reflect on the possible causating factors

Why am I moody?

Am I disappointed at something or someone or God?

Am I tired of waiting and hoping?

Am I being ungrateful?

Why am I moody?

Truth be told; regardless of my answer I am confidently aware of God’s never ending love and that has been my strength.

God is my strength. Amen

I am learning that God is weeding out things that have been in my life for so long and this weeding process cannot be full of pleasure. This displeasure and discomfort I am experiencing is because I am growing and I know it.

Surrendering my moodiness and trusting God for His joy to fill my heart has to be a consistent willful prayer.

God has given me joy but I have to make a delibrate decision to accept His gift regardless of how I feel.

I am not pealsed with those who try to undermine other people’s down times and tell them to get over it.

You are bigger than this, get over it! You are a child of God get over it!

And the one I am taunted with in my mind

You just shared in church the other day, get over it! You are….. Get over it!

But I know that I need to get over it with God and that process may need more time.

Get over it with God

O. R. A

Looking at scriptures, I am reminded that God is my strength.

God is my strength

He is aware of my innate conflicts. He is aware of my prayers. He is aware of my concerns and He is with me.


Lamentations 3:24  The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. (KJV) 

God knows how to help us get over it. He is not in a haste, so we too need to be patient with what He is doing in our lives.

I need to be patient with myself

Isaiah 40:31

Recently tiny notes of inspiration were shared within the school environment and the one I picked was super encouraging πŸ€—. I picked it without enthusiasm but was suprised at how it made me feel afterwards.

N. B It is in Arabic 😊

As translated, it encouraged me to keep on, that my efforts in my personal life and family will not be in vain.

As I reflected on the words, it was a subtle reminder of what God had been encouraging in my heart.


There are two things I love to eat when I am moody and when I am not not πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

One is Banana 😊 and the other is Milk πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

This brand is a favourite

They are temporary stabilising factors πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Encouraging words

These words will never get out of fashion. They will never become useless. At one point or the other, they would be needed.

Even though some people exploit this good avenue of helping others, encouraging words are a blessing.

The word of God is filled with encouraging words and that is why like David and Job, I can agree that the word of God is better than food.

Isaiah 12:2
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation (KJV)

I shared more handmade arts on my Handmade page. If you have requests to make, regarding art commissions, collaborations, specific or a general questions, do not hesitate to send a message via the Contact page.

I promise you, there were more words I wanted to share but the ones written here are the only ones that agreed to come out.

N. B September is Suicide awareness month. It will be kind of you to check on that person that God has continued to remind you about. If there is no specific person, still check on your friends especially those who have become distant in recent times.

God be with you and me. In Jesus name. Amen.



Happy New Month

Welcome to September……

Welcome to the 9th month of the year. The month that tells us we have only 3 months left for the year to be over.

On Rosecast, a tradition of congratulating you for every new month was started some months ago.

And Deeperlook would like to say that to you again.

Congratulations πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰…..

To listen to the random shared today, click HERE to listen.

And better still, check the Podcast page on this blog.

May this month be a month of refreshing and God’s showers of blessing. Amen.

There shall be showers of blessing 
This is the promise of God
There shall be seasons refreshing 
Sent from the Saviour above
Showers of blessing
Showers of blessing we need
Mercy drops round us are falling
But for the showers we plead.... 

May we have more reasons to be thankful.



Note πŸ“πŸŒ·

Another day, another note.

I have been talking of the series I creating for this blog. It is a special series and will hopefully be released in September.

Meanwhile, this note is to indicate the introduction to a new page.


Art page is the new page.

On this page, I will be sharing my artworks in a more organised way.

Would love you to check it HERE.

The profile image

Meanwhile, do check previous posts, leave your comments, share, like and subscribe.

Have a meaningful day..
