Hard Times


Welcome to the preamble. A space where I ramble before the post is started.

So today, I would like to tell you that this post ursurped others. It literally jumped the queue.

But in actual sense, this is good for me because it means I have more posts to share.

These Times

We are in a particular season and this season we are in is very crucial.

This is not the first time that the world is in this season and to be fair, some parts of the world has been experiencing these kinds of seasons.

What seasons am I talking about?

I am talking about hard times.

Hard Times

Hard times is a season when there is lack, hunger, suffering, death, pain, disappointment and the likes.

It is a time of drought and famine.

A time of hunger and thirst.

You see, this scenario is very frequent in the Bible and as a replay, the atmosphere is charged with questions and pain.

Where is God?

Economies are crashing. Stock market is crumbling. Currencies are weakening. Businesses are failing.

These hard times

Covid-19 is threatening. Jobs are scanty. Purses are empty. Fields are dry.

These hard times.

I found myself in a transport vehicle and for a long distance that it travelled, I was the only passenger.

I could feel the driver’s frustration as he tried to call out to passengers were not willing to board his vehicle mainly because if cost or because they were not going towards his direction.

This was not so in the past. Passengers were supposed to be waiting for him.

After a long drive, passengers were found but they were going to pay half the amount because they were closer to the final destination of the bus.

The air was dry, people were few, in the past it was not so

These times….

All around the world, political tension increases day by day. Hope in the governemnt has died. People no longer trust the news because most of them are politically inclined. Seperation based on skin colour is repeating itself openly. People are forfeiting their faith to fit into the culture. Conspiracy theories keep erupting…

At the end of the day, where is the hope to continue?

There is a clause…

As I sat in church, encouraged by the message that was shared, this verse popped into my heart and it fits perfectly into this topic.

Regardless of the season, there is always a remnant.

Those who will choose to believe God against all odds.

Those that have radical faith irrespective of the current situation.

They are those who know GOD.

They understand and treasure their relationship with God and on that premise they will do exploits.


Faith is tough but it is real and tangible.

Faith works and to know God is to have faith in Him and trust Him.


2 Kings 3:17  For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts. (KJV)

We may not see the evidence of what we hope for but because we trust God, we will experience refreshing even in famine and drought.

I will confess that I have so many expectations. I have a huge list of all the things I think I need and want. I have many dreams, I dream everyday. I have hopes and aspirations. I have goals I want to reach.

And sometimes, I am overwhelmed by my inability to attain some of these things. I wonder how I will achieve them and when I will achieve them.

In the process of these thoughts, I wonder if possibility is reasonable but…..

God has continuously encouraged me to focus on Him and on that which I have.

In this process, I am learning to trust God and also be grateful for every small goal I reach and milestone I attain.

If you feel hopeless sometimes, your feelings are valid but please do not remain there.

Just continue to know GOD.


Check the Podcast page to listen to the new episode.

THE SIFTING 1 and THE SIFTING 2 compliments this post.


I think this will become the newly added heading to my posts.

Thank you for reading through. These words are a blessing to me and God always uses another person to encourage me when I am super down, therefore they are meant to encourage you as well.

Like, share and comment. If you are new, subscribe to be up to date.

All arts used in this post were created by me.

I may share the main art work in the future and if you are intrested in my type of art, check my Art Page to see what type of art I create. Reach out via my Contact page for more enquires.

Stay safe and God bless.




I wanted to write this two days back but I am writing it now.

The intial emotions that flowed when I first thought of this post has mutated and modified but I will try to bring it back to the original position..

Engage in the conversations through your comments and follow by email or simply by pressing the follow button….


I wonder how many humans are like me : that still like baby food…..

I have been planning to eat Cerelac for a while now and recently I did it😂😂

I was in a store with my friends and I saw it at a good price then decided to buy it.

One of them was surprised and unamused that I wanted to buy it while the other who shared same taste said that she did not appreciate the type I bought, she prefered another type….

After eating it, it felt weird. It was not what I had imagined or it was not what I had held unto in my memories. I did not need it because I was not a baby😂😂

Let me confess: it inspired this post…..



I wonder how hard you work

I wonder if you have achieved your dreams

I wonder if you are achieving your dreams

I wonder if you are just trying to survive.

This word “Survival”has become such an active word in our day. Alot of people just want to survive something. There is so much competition that alot of people are tired of fitting in, they just want a space to breathe..

I love diary so much. It is the only food I can say I am obessed with, have been since childhood. It makes me very happy but some months ago, I had to cut it down to the barest minimum and literally did not eat it for months. I wanted to survive, I had eaten it in excess and my body was complaining😶 (recently continued and would continue my plan to be careful with excess in take😁)

Survival of the fittest is the favourite word for scientist who are obsessed with evolution.


It is a mad chase like rats chasing cheese,

everyone want a piece,

some want the big piece,

some would not mind the crumbs,

we all just want peace

even though we are chasing cheese. O.R.A

That was a poem that decided to jump right into the post.


I love using this citrus on my face. It helps remove spots and does whatever good thing it does on my face. I love to leave it for hours because I feel it does more work when I do so.

If you have followed this blog for a while, you would have noticed it in the posts where I talked on beauty..

The other day, I applied it (lime) but was not planning to leave it for extra long hours. However, I did because I was doing something that was inspired by survival.

I was editing my book, a poetry collection that is currently on pre-order on Amazon (Titled Quiet Memoirs Volume 2: Loneliness). I had edited about 5 or more times but as I continued to cross-check I realized that I had more corrections to make and that took time and data.

A link to the book :

I finished late that date and got absorbed with editing another work. It was quite late when I was able to wash the lime off my face and luckily for me, it did not burn me😁😁. It remained good as ever.


There is a poem in the book titled THE WORLD’S LOVE. I wrote that poem 2 years ago and even as I go through it and observe the world we currently live in, I cannot help but realize how true that poem is.

The world can be crazy and can create so much pressure that could push you off the cliff. The pressure to survive is overwhelming and it takes a lot of courage to insist on remaining sane..

To work, study, earn, live, eat, sleep, poop, bleh, blah beh…..is all part of the….wiagagt (forgive me😶)

I have often repeated recently that I am still learning the world🙃, maybe because I live in a world of my own. I am learning to adapt to the world I am existing in, and the process is challenging and interesting.

The beauty of it all is that it inspires art as I blend what I observe with what I accept. As crazy as the world is, it is beautiful and full of art.

I do not think I can blend in. I do not want to blend in, I rather appreciate from afar and see what art I can experience from the roller coaster ride. There is a poem in the book that explains that feeling well, titled I DO NOT BELONG.

SO, if you are alien or human or a combination of both, I hope you do not get crushed by the pressure to survive. I hope you do not fake a smile while surviving.

I wish you peace and joy.

I pray your dreams come true (that would make the world a better place🙂)

I really do hope you survive well….


Old news: The posts I have always talked about would hopefully be written this year. I really hope they escape into the next year, that would make them grandoldposts😂😂

I would love to talk about Aliens…..so if you are interested you may have to be in touch with this page by following😌

As the year comes to an end and Christmas is around the corner, I wonder if I would do anything special this year. I wonder……

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You can send more enquires through my email : rosyagwu@gmail.com
