Hard Times


Welcome to the preamble. A space where I ramble before the post is started.

So today, I would like to tell you that this post ursurped others. It literally jumped the queue.

But in actual sense, this is good for me because it means I have more posts to share.

These Times

We are in a particular season and this season we are in is very crucial.

This is not the first time that the world is in this season and to be fair, some parts of the world has been experiencing these kinds of seasons.

What seasons am I talking about?

I am talking about hard times.

Hard Times

Hard times is a season when there is lack, hunger, suffering, death, pain, disappointment and the likes.

It is a time of drought and famine.

A time of hunger and thirst.

You see, this scenario is very frequent in the Bible and as a replay, the atmosphere is charged with questions and pain.

Where is God?

Economies are crashing. Stock market is crumbling. Currencies are weakening. Businesses are failing.

These hard times

Covid-19 is threatening. Jobs are scanty. Purses are empty. Fields are dry.

These hard times.

I found myself in a transport vehicle and for a long distance that it travelled, I was the only passenger.

I could feel the driver’s frustration as he tried to call out to passengers were not willing to board his vehicle mainly because if cost or because they were not going towards his direction.

This was not so in the past. Passengers were supposed to be waiting for him.

After a long drive, passengers were found but they were going to pay half the amount because they were closer to the final destination of the bus.

The air was dry, people were few, in the past it was not so

These times….

All around the world, political tension increases day by day. Hope in the governemnt has died. People no longer trust the news because most of them are politically inclined. Seperation based on skin colour is repeating itself openly. People are forfeiting their faith to fit into the culture. Conspiracy theories keep erupting…

At the end of the day, where is the hope to continue?

There is a clause…

As I sat in church, encouraged by the message that was shared, this verse popped into my heart and it fits perfectly into this topic.

Regardless of the season, there is always a remnant.

Those who will choose to believe God against all odds.

Those that have radical faith irrespective of the current situation.

They are those who know GOD.

They understand and treasure their relationship with God and on that premise they will do exploits.


Faith is tough but it is real and tangible.

Faith works and to know God is to have faith in Him and trust Him.


2 Kings 3:17  For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts. (KJV)

We may not see the evidence of what we hope for but because we trust God, we will experience refreshing even in famine and drought.

I will confess that I have so many expectations. I have a huge list of all the things I think I need and want. I have many dreams, I dream everyday. I have hopes and aspirations. I have goals I want to reach.

And sometimes, I am overwhelmed by my inability to attain some of these things. I wonder how I will achieve them and when I will achieve them.

In the process of these thoughts, I wonder if possibility is reasonable but…..

God has continuously encouraged me to focus on Him and on that which I have.

In this process, I am learning to trust God and also be grateful for every small goal I reach and milestone I attain.

If you feel hopeless sometimes, your feelings are valid but please do not remain there.

Just continue to know GOD.


Check the Podcast page to listen to the new episode.

THE SIFTING 1 and THE SIFTING 2 compliments this post.


I think this will become the newly added heading to my posts.

Thank you for reading through. These words are a blessing to me and God always uses another person to encourage me when I am super down, therefore they are meant to encourage you as well.

Like, share and comment. If you are new, subscribe to be up to date.

All arts used in this post were created by me.

I may share the main art work in the future and if you are intrested in my type of art, check my Art Page to see what type of art I create. Reach out via my Contact page for more enquires.

Stay safe and God bless.




Welcome to another feature on Deeperlook. This post was scheduled for last year but it is best shared now. This topic was a question raised in regards waiting on God and as I was pondering on the topic, I was led in my heart to let someone else write it.

She is someone I know personally and her posts on Facebook usually coincided with thoughts God was sharing in my heart. I also love her usage of personal (day to day) events to share the word of God.

I was initially impatient as I really wanted to share this topic at the time I had planned but she on the other hand was meticulous to take her time and at the end, it was well done.

Before I take more time, let me introduce our guest writer today 👏👏

She is a young medical doctor who writes for the glory of God.

Dr Iye


It takes patience to wait. Ever had to wait for days for the results of an important assessment you took to be released? Your heart races. You’re anxious. There is an adrenal rush. Your bowels and bladder suddenly become hyperactive until you’re sure you made it. 

So, it is in the spiritual school of waiting. However, as opposed to the anxiety experienced in waiting, the Holy Spirit helps us to wait in calmness.

Truth be told, no one knows when God’s time is. Except in cases where He decides to reveal it before hand. 

Our attitude in the waiting is more important than the rewards for it. 

Whilst one cannot categorically predict God’s timing on life’s issues, it is imperative to look out for signs that herald the arrival of your anticipated blessing.

For example, a pregnant woman knows she would give birth after nine months. She tells everyone who cares to listen that a baby is on its way as her protruding tummy is an evidence to that.

Just as the pregnant woman never forgets that she is pregnant all because the baby is not yet in sight, we are not to forget God’s word concerning issues of life even in times when its fulfilment seems far.

Point one:


When God gives you a promise, wait in expectation.

A pregnant woman can tell that the baby inside her is growing because her belly grows bigger by the day. Soon, she begins to perceive her baby moving inside her. That is another pointer to the viability of the child.

Now when God gives a promise, He is not always hasty to give out the details. 

He dishes them out in bits, most times, after gauging our response to His preceding instructions.

Our role is to walk by faith and take to His instructions as we await the fulfilment of His promise. 

We soon discover that we are pruned in the process and our lives are never the same.

God continues to speak to us even after giving a promise. 

This shows that His word concerning that issue is still valid.

And even when He does not speak, He is still speaking. 
Point two:

Keep in touch

With God.

Mid-pregnancy she goes for antenatal checkup, takes routine medications and keeps fit during pregnancy. The nurses counsel her on the need to exercise, and heeds to their counsel.


You are not allowed to be lazy on an issue God promised you. There are forces to contend with God’s plan for your life. God is not a magician.

God’s promise calls for real work.

At nine months, she knows that her delivery time is close despite how uncertain she is about the date. She knows that before delivery, there would be labour which is characterized by pains. And until the day this happens, she remains pregnant.


For victory signs.

A lot of people have missed out on their seasons of breakthrough because they were careless to look out for the signs therein. The Holy Spirit prompts and quickens us to the reality of the arrival of our long awaited blessings. Only those who align to Him would be sensitive enough to know what time the promised blessing arrives. This is why it is utterly unwise to leave God out on the journey.

Resist the temptation to run faster than God for He alone knows the exact time His promise to you would be relevant. 

Hold on to God’s word and never discredit it no matter how long it takes to realise your anticipated blessing.

God is faithful. He can be trusted.

King David once wrote “Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart. Wait, I say on the Lord.’ (Psalm 27:14)


Thank you so much for contributing, these words are timely and inspired. Thank you for allowing God to use you to share these words.

You can connect with her on Facebook via her name Iye Abel.

Your ability to assess her will depend on if your request is accepted.

End note

Have you heard these words: God’s time is the best?

Have you pondered to ask when is this time which is the best?

If God’s time is the best, it means that God’s calculation of time is different from ours.

How can I get the watch or the clock or the….

Patience is a theme God has intentionally been teaching me for a while and at times when I feel I am patient enough, I would face situations that would show me big loopholes I still need to cover up.

Waiting on God’s promises is hard but I am learning personally that God’s promises includes the process to the promise.

It is a full package: The Waiting and the Outcome.

God does not leave any stone unturned, He loves to do His work perfectly because He is a perfect God in all His holiness.

In the process, we shed off.

I shed off. I am shedding off

And if this process of shedding off is ignored or rejected then full enjoyment of the promise would be hindered.

Another great kindness from God is that He is a good reminder. I have enjoyed this kindness many times in my life.

God does not give us a promise and leave us hanging.

He always gives us reminders

These reminders come when we get distracted, discouraged or confused.

You can call them confirmations

These reminders can come in any form and you will know because they will remind you of God’s promises to you.

The distance between waiting and the fulfillment of the promise depends on our ability to be ready.

And like Abraham who waited on God’s promise even though he got distracted and discouraged at some point, he was able to see the fulfillment of God’s promise to Him.

And like David, the forgotten shepherd boy who had to wait for 13 years until the promise of God was fullfilled.

And for Simon and Anna who waited until their ripe old age when they finally experienced the fulfillment of the promise of God from ages past in the form of baby Jesus.

So also, we will experience the fulfillment of God’s promise to us if we remain in God and jealously guard our relationship with God.

And when you get tired, run to God who gave you that promise and recieve grace to wait well.

Isaiah 40:29-31  He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (KJV)


If you have not recieved a personal promise from God concerning your life, ask for it.

The answer will come.

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Your comments are welcomed.


By O. R. A