Good Habits

That will help your life



The new series that would be started here is still on preparatory mode.

The habits I will share are very simple but they have helped me develop a better sense of judgement. I hope you find them helpful too.


All the time.

All the time

No matter how you are feeling, allow prayer be constant on your lips. It helps you reduce complains, worries and other unhelpful emotions.

Even when you are happy, pray


Lay your bed

Lay it. ……

I learnt this habit from the boarding school. I always loved to lay my bed from an early age but it was not a habit until after living in the boarding house where laying the bed was necessary.

This habit helps you recognise how small actions have a way of causing bigger effects. Before I leave my space I always lay my bed no matter how late I am. Whenever I return and I am tired, the well laid bed is comforting to meet.

I have two options

  • Either lay it fully
  • Or leave it bare and clean

No clutter 😒

Drink water

When you wake up and before you sleep.

Do not wait until you are thirsty, just drink water.

Water helps regulate your body temperature and metabolism. Your cells need to be hydrated properly.

Drink more water than carbonated drinks or energy drinks or coffee or tea.

More water……

proper hygiene

Please spraying perfume is not equivalent to taking your bath.

Bath in the morning and in the night.

Washing my clothes with antiseptic solvents also give them a refreshing clean smell.

I do not use perfume as such, however, I make sure to have a deodorant, and a use a good scented cream and vaseline.

My recent retrial at perfumes. A local perfume that is applied in small quantities

Keep quiet

You do not always have to say something.

Sometimes, allow others talk and give your opinion if asked.

You will save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress of making promises you cannot fulfill, harsh words you will regret, comments that will ruin your reputation or another’s.

It is not easy but it is possible.



Eat good food.

Have a healthy food habit.

My food page talked about that here

Compliment others

Make it a habit to compliment others well. It is easy to notice faults, however, sometimes overlook.

Even if you have corrections, focus on the good aspect first before moving to the faults you have observed.

Your words are strong

Do at least one active thing

Before your day ends, do at least one thing that was productive.

At least one……..

Mind your business

It is not easy but it is possible.

Minding your business is healthy. Poking your nose in other people’s business is stress especially when they do not involve you.


In case you want to pin it:

Closing Remark

The Bible encourges me to pursue that which is pure and true, and with these encouragement I am able to live a life that pleases God daily.

3John 3:11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but [imitate] what is good. The one who practices good [exhibiting godly character, moral courage and personal integrity] is of God; the one who practices [or permits or tolerates] evil has not seen God [he has no personal experience with Him and does not know Him at all]. (AMP) 

If I am to copycat anything, it should a good habit.

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.(NKJV) 

It is not easy but it is possible through the help and strengthening of the Holy Spirit. To imitate God is to read His word and to practice it and to obey every leading He gives with sincerity and without ulterior motive.

Psalms 24:3-4 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. (KJV) 

What else?

If you have other good habits to share, mention in the comment section…


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