Blogmas 2: Day 9




Today is the anniversary of Deeperlook on WordPress πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰….

Grateful for the moments and for everyone that has been part of this journey. You are so well appreciated.

Since this year started, I have practiced giving gifts from Deeperlook and sincerely I had planned to give one which was in the form of a free full fiction but due to certain circumstances, that would be transferred until next year.

However, what would you like as a gift from Deeperlook?

Tell me in the comment sectionπŸ™ˆ

You never know 😊😊…

N. B Requests may be accepted or politely rejected and conditions are also attached.

Let’s dive in (as usual)


Recently, I changed my toothpaste because it was unavailable and I ended up buying the brand that was available (I had been eyeing it for a while).

Weeks after, I was impressed by the outcome of the new toothpaste and bought it twice.

Change is not always bad

There is nothing wrong with change especially when there is a need for change.

However, we need to understand seasons and reasons.

Why do you need change?

What is the reason for the change?

If there is no need for change why change?

There is a reason for change and unless you understand that reason, you will either change carelessly or refute change.

To bring in the new, there has to be change

For the new to get ushered in, the old has to give way. That is change.

The new has a purpose

What changes has God been doing in your life?

Personally, this year God has been changing my mindset on many things, especially things I had held unto so firmly that had withheld me from moving further.

As God peeled my layers and exposed my vulnerability to me, I knew that I needed to accept changes He was introducing to me.

If I refused to accept the process and changes that meant I was not ready to experience the new God was bringing into my life.

As you walk with God, you will change

A relationship with God is one that exposes you. It is not a hide and seek relationship, it is a raw one.

You get to see yourself for you

And unless you don’t want to experience the new, then you can remain unchanged.


The following verses amplifies God’s intentions for us (and me)

Isaiah 42:9  Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. (KJV) 


Isaiah 43:18-19  Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old.
 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (KJV) 

To recieve God’s new, we need to let go of our old.

We need to embrace what He is doing at this moment in our lives. We need to experience it as we go through it.

Embrace the new

The only way to know the new things God is doing is to remain intentionally in God’s will and to sincerely pursue our relationship with Him.

In the first place, God pursues us. We pursue Him afterwards in response to His pursuit. Our response to God’s love is our love towards God.

Now to you

What is change to you?

Do you love new things?

What has God revealed about yourself to you?

Has anything changed in your life this year?

Your comments are welcomed.

Stay well and blessed πŸ’



  1. Peaceebo says:

    Yaay.. congratulations 🎊..looking forward to more content… yes I like new things ..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. sweetrose2 says:

      Yay! Thank you πŸ’

      Liked by 1 person

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