Losing Yourself


I will confess..

I started writing the last article in my draft when I decided to write this.

Talk about jumping the line.











Loss is not addition neither is it multiplication.

To lose you

To lose you

Meant every piece of you was broken

And these broken pieces became apart

Even though

They were once whole

You do not suddenly change.

Change takes a process to become evident.

To you and others, it may seem sudden or a snap!

But it isn’t.

You changed slowly sometimes without your notice.

We lose ourselves becuse of many things and the person you used to know and they used to know



It was not sudden, it took time


Do you want to put them together?

The pieces of you that fell apart?

Do you?

Do you prefer the new version or you missed the old you?

What are you chosing?

Change should be for the better

Not worse

If you are losing your flavour then you need to know why.

Your flavour is your uniqueness.


Your style.

If you are, maybe you need space.

There is only one you, use you well.

Don’t lose yourself. Don’t become fake. Don’t become a flake. Don’t lose taste.

This verse came to mind:

Romans 8:28  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (KJV)7

And this

Psalms 147:3  He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.(KJV)



Don’t lose yourself

I won’t lose myself


I was reflecting and it seemed that a decision I had repeated to myself verbally was begining to be a reality.

In past times, I was very verbal but failed to be active because I often found myself returning to what I said I would not do.

But I realized that it gets to the point when you will have to make the decision to go forward.

Not back and forth. Forward.

Maybe because I did not want to make certain decisions and hoped I would not. However, I have to and I am making them.

I won’t lose who God has made me to be. I am rather excited to discover more.

Did you recognise the poem?

Your comments are welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless


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