

This is the last and oldest in the draft section.

The one that decided to take this long.

The one

Now that you know, can we proceed?

Well, proceeding depends on the writer….

Giving it

For someone to keep their word, it means they gave it in the first place.

To keep means it was given. Everything we have was given

Giving your word means that an agreement is made on a particular thing.

It means you are making a commitment.

A promise

The word

This is the agreement.

The committment.

The activity that was supposed to be done

The word is the partnershp.

I am looking for another synonym

It is what was said that made the other person to expect a result.

The raiser of hopes

It was on this word that expectations were begotten.

I have ran out of synonyms


For some, it is a habit.

Their lifestyle.

They keep their word.

If they said they would come to an event, they will.

If they said they would do something, they will.

If they gave their word, they will make sure they see the end of it.

They are known for it


You can laugh at the title

These ones struggle.

They are either intentionally habitual or unintentionally habitual.

Okay.. I mean: Some individuals intentionally do not keep their word while some accidentally do not keep their word.

You get?

Some people intend to keep their word but do not keep it because several factors keep interrupting. However, when it becomes a consistent sequence they are known for it regardless of their intentions.

Whether intentional or not, the inability to keep your word can become a life pattern.

A negative one

It is hard for anyone who knows you to trust you with work because you won’t deliver at the agreed time.

doing it differently

If you have troubles keeping up with agreements, maybe you should try these instead:

  • Do not be quick to give your word. Always add probability until you are sure you will keep up. From the begining, the other party is aware of the ‘may’ or ‘may not’ factor.
  • Be honest about your current state. Identify factors that will hinder you from keeping your word and let the other party know. Do not cover them up, they will still be revealed later.
  • Keep the other party up to date. If any new event comes up to hinder the agreement, let the other party know what is going on. You gave them your word and they are waiting on it, information on interruptions should be given.
  • When you give your word, focus on accomplishing it. Do not combine it with other responsibilities.
  • Know your limit. Do not give your word to please others when you are not in the right place to fulfill it. If you cannot do it, simply state that you cannot.
  • Give reasonable time for yourself to do it. This means that when you give your word and the timing, you have put into consideration the factors that may hinder you and you still have time to commit to the agreement.

It is stressful working with people who do not keep their word.

Nerve wrecking

You never know what to believe.

If you struggle with keeping your word, you need to re-evalute your life.

That was a bit…

Okay, let me rephrase.

You need to reflect on factors that always hinder you.

What is the usual culprit?

Could it be your underlying fear of commitment?

Or are you easily distracted and find it hard to commit to one thing?

Or is it miscellaneous?

Know the why and then deal with them.

God that keeps His word

One of God’s consistent attribute is His ability to keep His word.

Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. (KJV)

God’s ability to be consistently consistent makes me trust Him with my life.

Trust is built on consistence.

Isaiah 55:10-11  For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. (KJV)

God’s words create.

Consistentcy is God’s character. He remains consistent.

God keeps His word, it is His character.

We can trust God with His word.

We can hold Him by His word because He keeps it. He fulfills it.

Examples abound:

  • Noah and the rainbow
  • Abraham, Sarah and Isaac
  • Joseph and Egypt
  • Israel and Cannaan
  • David and the Throne
  • Isaiah and Jesus
  • Jesus and Salvation
  • Holyghost and Pentecost

And it continues until this day with our individual lives and personal walk with God.

We trust God because He has proven Himself faithful.

The Faithful One


I have experienced God’s faithfulness through several personal experiences.

I can testify that God keeps His word.

He does what He says

Sometimes, we do not enjoy full benefits because we are the ones who do not keep up with agreement. We falter and flop.

Flip flop

This is not new, some of the examples I shared above were culprits of flopping with agreement but God keep His.

I personally try my best to keep my word and when I find it hard to, I communicate as soon as possible.

It matters a lot to me

When I decided to write this article, I was not as compassionate as I am now towards people who do not keep their word but a conversation with someone helped me see differently.

However, it does not change my stance and I would rather say that if you struggle in an area of your life, be open to changing it.

Do not cling tighlty to it while it destroys your reputation. Be willing to let it go. Be willing to solve it.

Very importantly, prayer will go a long way in helping you deal with personal deficiencies.

So while you work on it, pray about it.

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Your comments are warmly welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless.


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