BlogMas 3: Day 6


Today is the sixth day.

Thank God


This has become one of my most used in-house questions.

It started when I was in the boarding house and with time, it has become well used by me when I am sharing a space with others.

I love asking because: It is my way of checking on your stomach. It is my way of knowing how much food is left to either package or consume. It is my way of knowing if I have to prepare more food. It is my way of showing love through food. I see it as a caring responsibility.

I often obey a hidden rule which I gave myself (I cannot remember the origin): “Eat last when you cook”.

I see the role of a cook as being a sacrificial yet powerful position.

You control what enters the pot and how others get to eat yet you have to lay aside your authority over the food to let others have a satisfactory experience.

Did I go too far?

Food which is one of man’s basic needs cannot be overlooked to avoid damaging health conditions. Food and water are two main neccessities needed by the human body to survive.

When we deny the human body of food and water for unnecesarily long period of hours, you put the body at risk.

This sounds like a repeat

Denying a human food is denying them a right to live and survive.

When next someone cares about your stomach, that may be a sign that they love you.

Not scientifically proven though


I cannot remember at what age I became extra sensitive of my time but I am very conscious of my time and even for days I was super sluggish, I tried to compensate with reasonable activities.

For example today

If I spent my day on little meaningful activities then my night will compensate. This is my way of making sure I end the day with something relevant to reflect on.

Even for the time I may have spent in my slugishness, I make sure to learn something in those moments that I could add to a blog, vlog, podcast or a book.

For example today, despite the sluggishness, I was able to gather thoughts to emphasize on in the book I hope to share soon and in another I hope to start soon

The downside is: I could do more.

For example: Today, I would have done a vlog and a podcast which I did not.

I love to be useful with my time. I love the sense of accomplishment knowing I used my time well.


Who is true and who isn’t.

What is real and what isn’t.

What will last and what won’t.

Who will leave and who will stay.

Time will tell and it does not need our permission.

I have a diary.

I have kept many for the last 7 years and it has been quite therapeitic and informative and refreshing to go over them but recently, I have been having a hard time keeping up with the current one despite the several interesting activities I have been engaged in.

I will still cover up for the days missed

Writing important things down makes a lot of difference and even if you are not a diary person, I will encourage you to record important moments in your life.

Habakkuk 2:2-3  And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. (KJV)

You will need a reminder one day. I pray you get it when you need it


Is food a love language for you?

Are you a sacrificial cook?

How do you show concern?

Do you keep a diary?

Are you a slacker or a worker? (If you were to choose work or slack, which would you choose?)

What makes your day feel fullfilled?


I thought I would share some of the details of what I spent my time on but on a second thought I changed my mind (let me leave that for future books).

Today, I discovered somebody uses my hashtag as their instagram handle (I should have done more research). Anyway, since I only use it as a hashtag on this blog, I’ll leave it that way.


Adverts are not placed by me.

I make sure to correct grammatical errors but if you notice any, kindly let me know in the comment section.

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If you enjoy the contents I make and would like to reach out privately for collaborations or give more inputs then the CONTACT button will be great.

Grateful for this daily series and the extra purpose iit gives my days so far.

until day 7, stay safe and God bless.
