BlogMas 3: DAY 14


Today is the 14th day and I am grateful to experience it.

God is good


Have you tried something and just when you got to the last lap, you just missed the step to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Near success is almost becoming successful but not becoming successful. It feels like failing but does not look like failing.

You get?

Near success syndrome is when it becomes a pattern.

A chronic pattern of never completing a task or getting to the end of it


The title though 😌

So this is what happened today.

At home we have an industrial generator which needs to be manually turned to get it started. It has a depressor that makes the turning easier.

Like reduces the work by 40-45%

The young men of the house were not around and only two females, of which I was one, were at home.

The other aside me tried to start the generator and after some grumbling the machine stopped.

Prior to starting the generator, it had been fully checked and all the requirements needed were met.

Gasoline. Oil. Water

Then it was my turn.

I pressed the depressor, and positioned my hip and arms then began to rotate the engine with the metal turner.

After some convulsions, the machine grumbled loudly, hooted and sounded as if it was going to take off before it went off again.

She tried. I tried and for most of the time I tried, it repeated the same pattern of almost starting.

“I am almost getting it” I said as I panted.

She had tried in previous times and had succeeded but her success at starting the machine always happened by chance.


“You switched it on the other time. How did you do it?” I asked her.

“”I tried like four times and it came on” she replied.

By now we had tried up to eight times and probably more as I continued making efforts in the background.

My remaining efforts to begin the machine earned me a painful blister with a little to no grumble from the machine, unlike before.

“If he was around, he would have started it” we somehow said in our ways.

“When he does it, he does it very quickly. It needs a lot of energy” she said as I continued making my maybe sixth to eight effort.

“We are not getting the amount of turns to make. I almost got it” I said trying to find out the mathematics and physics theory I had not applied.

After more painful trials with the blister on my hand, I gave up, washed my hands and ate.

A very strong black brownish woman story


She had mentioned calling for help, and while I was still making efforts, she was looking out for possible help.

She had mentioned certain individuals who had helped in the past that handled a similar machine as ours.

They had not appeared.

After I had eaten and returned to the location of the machine, she let me know that had found them.

Or they had found her. Anyway they found themselves

“Tell me when they come”

Minutes after, she called me out to meet them.

“Good evening” I greeted and they returned my greeting.

The stronger one collected the metal turner and after a minute of quick powerful turns, the machine roared to life.

Not grumble

I shouted in excitement.

The same activity that had taken both of us minutes, almost an hour to accomplish was accomplished in a minute.

With an air of confidence, the young men left after recieving my warm thanks.

I wanted to give them water but they left immediately 😌

We needed help and we got it.


When the right person does the job.

Less stress. Quick good result

This brings to mind the story of Peter and Jesus and their first meeting.

I’ll just share the passage for you to read.

Luke 5:1-6 Now it happened that while Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee), with the people crowding all around Him and listening to the word of God; that He saw two boats lying at the edge of the lake, but the fishermen had gotten out of them and were washing their nets.He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little distance from the shore. And He sat down and began teaching the crowds from the boat.  When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon [Peter], “Put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch [of fish].” Simon replied, “Master, we worked hard all night [to the point of exhaustion] and caught nothing [in our nets], but at Your word I will [do as you say and] lower the nets [again].” When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their nets were [at the point of] breaking; (AMP)

Peter and his team though professional fishermen had struggled the whole night without possible reasonable rest, yet caught nothing.

Very frustrating

I suspect they may have gotten blisters, muscle cramps and some sores from insect bites yet it produced nothing fruitful for them.

There was no result until Jesus came into the scene.

There is a difference when God is involved.

The difference lies in God’s leading.

In God’s direction.

Anyone led by God reaches the appointed destination on time.



Have you almost gotten something but did not get it?

How can you describe making efforts at something and getting a poor result? (If you have experienced it)

From the story shared, who is supposed to switch on the generator? (Bonus question 🤔)

Does God lead your life? (Or you are both the driver and conductor and passenger)


Today was productive. I began the process for another work. More like step 1 of the main work. I am grateful for the energy to do them.

I am grateful for today’s special story and the lessons I get to share from it.

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Thank you for being here.

Until day 15, stay safe and God bless.
