BlogMas 3: DAY 22


Welcome to Day 22.

3 days left and this series will be over for this year.

It has been a ride.


So, I ask myself this question frequently.

Why am I doing this? Why do I love this person? Why am I making this effort? Why am I…?

I believe asking ourselves the question ‘Why?’ is important in revaluating certain decisions.


For the why….

I am discovering the reasons for my whys and I am learning to embrace what they signify.

I am learning to stop wrestling about certain things and instead appreciate the perspectives I am presented with even I do not find it as pleasant as I desire.

From some of these experiences, I am applying lessons learnt and getting relief as well.

There is a reason.

Find your why

Ecclesiastes 7:25  I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: (KJV)

There are times that understanding the reason is not tangible because of the intricacy of the decision.

Let me call it a leap of faith

There are times like Peter, we walk on water only because Jesus asked us to come not because we understood why.

However, I have learnt even for times when the why was not clearly understood by me initially, the understanding came later.


So, my back up plan is to remain in God and allow His will be real in my life.

It is possible to stifle God’s will in our lives

For the times I understand why quickly for the times understanding takes a little bit more time, I choose to be willing.

It is a choice

Psalms 32:8  I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye. (KJV)


Are you logical with your decisions?

Do you seek for reasons?

What is the back up plan for your life?

What does God’s will mean to you?


I will confess…..

I sometimes want to skip some days. However, for this series I appreciate myself for reducing some of the pressure to write I often give myself.

I still try to keep up.

I shared a vlog and a podcast today.

Today was a bit relaxing with extra afternoon naps which I have not done in a long time.

Until DAY 23, stay safe and God bless.
