Blogmas 3: DAY 25 (CHRISTMAS DAY)


The final day is upon us.

The 25th day has arrived.

Today’s post would have time stamps.

Let’s ride in….


I am tired. The past few days have been hectic. Less sleep and good work done.

Cooking and cleaning

I woke up an hour ago to help with cooking. The ingredients needed had been prepared yesterday.

I am also trying to find a suitable dress to wear as I could not prepare anything special.

I thought I would make a dress before today.

Or dresses

I need a suitable dress for the church service.

I also thought I would make my hair before today.

I also thought that…..

Okay, summary is: I don’t have Christmas cloth and shoes and hair.

I am still trying to find a suitable dress, I have seen one but I am looking for an alternative.

I am yet to make Christmas cards and I hope to do that for today.

I hope to do a podcast as well. All, I have been unable to do.


A lot has happened in between these hours.


I did the podcast. I did a DIY hair. I got a dress.

There was a morning food prep before the service after having a family devotion.

Service was by 8:45am and we had completed the preparation before 8am which included a 45 minutes devotion

We arrived church and had a wonderful service.

The preacher compared the season surrounding the birth of Jesus to current happenings. The lessons of humility, simplicity and contentment. The preacher also encouraged us to reflect the life of Jesus and to trust God concerning any word He has spoken to us.

Numbers 23:19  God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? (KJV)

The preacher encouraged us to know history as it solidifies our knowledge about events and their repitition even in our time.

After service was eating. We had food and drink in the church and merried together.

I stayed behind with some of my siblings to have a choir practice then we stayed to have personal singing practice.

I took pictures with loved ones and returned home.

I shared personal conversations with a loved one.

Opened my phone to recieve messages from friends and those on my contact list.

My favourite movie house released the third episode of their current series and I am pumped to watch it.

I will share all the goodies at the end of this post.

Meanwhile, I return to continue creating cards.


I had meaningful conversations with a close friend after promising to give a video call, which I did.

Had more chunks of fried meat, chin-chin, cake, drinks and soup in-between creating the cards.

Had more conversations with friends. Sent messages and connected with friends.

I published the podcast for today after creating a cover for it.

I created an email for those on my email listing with a different card made for them.

Click to subscribe

Had more chunks of meat

Had meaningful conversations with a loved one.

I will share an indirect summary of what we shared.

Ecclesiastes 3:10-11  I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.He hath made every thing beautiful in His time: also He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.(KJV)

God makes everything beautiful in His time.

If you allow His time to come

I will share the first post shared this year titled WHEN IS GOD’S TIME?

I thought I would watch the movie I mentioned earlier but I was unable to.

I will still make time to watch it

I will still share the link in today’s post.


This vlog:

The movie:

The Podcast

A post I contributed to the organisation I volunteer in:



What were your reflections today?

How has Christmas affected your life?

Did you spend the celebration with family, friends or alone?

Who is Jesus to you?

What package are you still expecting from God?


Today was interesting.

I was initially moody today but I thank God I shook it off and allowed myself to enjoy the moment.

I have tons of things to still do and I am trusting God to complete them before the year is over.

I really want to do them before the year runs out.

I do not want to miss anything needed to be in this post. However, I won’t pressure myself.

I am grateful to finally conclude this series.

I shared with you so many goodies to munch on. I could not not pictures of the meals I made with family as a way of beautifying today’s post but you can enjoy the extra contents shared today.

I know they are many. So enjoy!

I still have another card for you 😊

Thank you for being here.

Until next post stay safe and God bless.
