Another Devotional

It had become a tradition to make the bible study character series on this blog into a downloadable version.

Zipporah series can now be downloaded and read offline.

Thank you for being here.


There would be no preamble here.

In this part I would share with you some of the ways I coped with the stress of house job.

It was a tasking experience and I was overwhelmed multiple times. I coped because of some factors and that is what I would be sharing here with you.

I was able to cope because God helped me.

I was able to cope because I had people in my corner that were around for me. I was able to decompress and share my struggles, get consolation and advice to continue.

I was unable to be frequent at church but I tried to still keep up with my relationship with God. I still attended and participated in bible studies, and fellowships.

I did not neglect my love for art and writing and even though my writing suffered a bit, I was able to still share some of my works with you.

I made a lot of podcasts as well.

You can check the PODCAST PAGE for them.

I also made vlogs and you can check the YOUTUBE PAGE for them.


I made vlogs.


I made something.

I did a compilation,

I also left something for you there.

Thank you for being in this journey with me.

It was a journey and an experience that I have learnt from. It had its smooth and rough edges and it all blended into some of what I shared with you.

Hopefully, whatever would come next would be deeper that usual.

I trust God to help me share what would be a blessing you.

Continue to stay safe and God bless.


BOOK 2 FOR 2023

Hello there.

I shared this book some weeks ago. It is a short book. You did be able to read it up in a sitting.

What is special about it?

I want you to check it out for yourself.

But I want you to check the cover first 🙈🙈


I have been sharing with those on my email list the progress of the books I have been working on.

I will sharing one with you a month from today. That will be on April 8th 2023.

You can check out more on this book here:

Put it on your calendar and if you are interested in following more processes before release, then join my email listing. You will find the button when you scroll down.

Release of The Deborah Series Devotional


It’s been a long time…

The Deborah series has been compiled and you can access the devotional by clicking the button below:

This will be fourth compiled devotional. Your feedbacks are welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless.



Today is the day it is released.

Kindly head over to the page on this blog to purchase.


I have desired to share this book for along time.

This is a philosophical satire guided by Christian themes.

It is currently available as a pre-order with a preview chapter on purchase.

Watch the promotional video🙈 first.

Then, get a few more details via review page on this blog.

Thank you.

Stay safe and God bless

Diary: Planning Your Life


Welcome again.

Today’s post will end with an interesting product.

Don’t run. It will be affordable

I will also share with you some interesting tips and an extra for you to benefit from.

Ready? Let’s go….

So the Year Already Started

A week is already gone and January is on a fast lane. Time no longer drags and every hour disappears in a flash.

Maybe because I keep myself busy

If you read the first post written in this month, you will appreciate my concept towards plans.

The year has started and will continue until it ends but the important question to ask yourself is: Have I started?

The year has started but have you started?

Many of us are still clouded. We were unable to plan before the year began and until now we are still struggling to organise ourselves. This could be because of our personal commitments or academic curriculum or simply our laziness to get ourselves together.

Whatever the case may be, some of us are yet to figure what we want to do with this year.

Figuring Out The Year

Is is possible to figure out the year from the beginning?

Is it possible to know what we are supposed to accomplish for the year?

Moreover there are many months left to go

It is possible to have an insight into the year by knowing what you want from the year.

What do you want from this year?

Knowing what you want from the year does not mean you are foretelling your life in coming months. It only means that you know what you will give more attention and how you will manage your current resources and incoming ones.

Do you now know what you want from the year?

Try Diaries

I started using diaries 7 to 8 years ago. Since then, I have have more than 10 diaries. It has been a form of therapy and also an effective way to plan my activities. Another very important aspect of my diary are the things God has said to me that I write down, the testimonies and the prayers. Many times I have written down prayers in faith to return to write a testimony and God always showed up. Reading through the experiences has been a great comfort to me and a beautiful expression of my unique relationship with God (who I call ABBA).

I look forward to having new diaries because I know I would pen down great experiences in them.

The challenge I often face with diaries is getting the ones that suite my taste. I am very particular about surface, texture and colour of the cover and the paper. As much as possible I prefer coloured paper (that yellow hint). Then the lines of the paper and the feel of the book. I know the quality of a paper when I see it and these are what I look for when I search for diaries.

This means that most of my favourite diaries cost me to get and I don’t regret.

My recent diary looks like this:

I love the cover, the feel, art and inscriptions on it. The paper and colour also suites my taste. The only downside is the number of papers. However, that will not stop me from enjoying the process.

Diaries help me keep tab on important parts of my life, write down memories and a progress of how much I am growing.

Keeping diaries will continue to be a part of my life for a long time.

A Planner for You


I made a planner for you to purchase.

It is a printable file and you get to print it at home for use.

This planner has two covers and they come in green and peach variants.


Each month has a Bible verse attached to it. You can print according to the month you are in and make copies of the notes according to your preference. You can see the templates when you buy a planner of choice.

Time To Save and Invest

I love to save. It makes me happy. In recent times I have not saved as I normally do.

I did not save in the last 6 months of 2021🥲

The expenses I have made in the last few months have been more than my usual and more expenses keep coming up. This has been a thing of concern for me. There are frivolous expenses I have made that I would have saved instead and that is why I decided to open a saving space.

The app responsible is known as Cowrywise. I have been aware of this fintech since 2018 but I was skeptical about using it and held back. Three years later, I reconsidered it and recently I opened an account.

There are other alternatives and Cowrywise is one of the most trusted and popular saving space that is easy to use and available to both android and apple users.

Setting up an account is easy and they also provide methods of protecting your account by using your contact number, bank verification number, biometric data and a two factor authentication.

I will use 2022 to explore this app and will use it to strengthen my saving habit.

Interestingly they also have an offer which I used to open my account. It is the referral offer. I opened my account using a referral link and I got credited in addition to what I added.

I am sharing my referral link, you get credited with 1000 naira when you save at least 500 naira on your new account. Then you also get to have a referral link to share to others.

You can open your account by using my referral link:

N.B This offer is mainly open to Nigerians.

They also have options of investment and I will explore that as well.

Investment is another area I plan to give more attention to this year.

What The Bible Has To Say

The Bible has a lot to say about planning and investing.

I will pick few verses to share on.

Ecclesiastes 11:1 -4 & 6 Cast our bread on the surface of the waters, [be diligently active, make thoughtful decisions], for you will find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, or even [divide it] to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth. If the clouds are full [of rain], they empty themselves on the earth; and if a tree falls toward the south or toward the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it lies. He who watches the wind [waiting for all conditions to be perfect] will not sow [seed], and he who looks at the clouds will not reap [a harvest]. Sow your seed in the morning and do not be idle with your hands in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or evening planting will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both alike will be good (AMP)

The above chapter is a strong encouragement on investing in multiple places and starting meaningful ventures without always waiting for perfect conditions . This passage also points out the place of patience when it comes to investment and building wealth.

 Proverbs 19:21 Many plans are in a man’s mind, But it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand (be carried out). (AMP)

There is nothing wrong in making plans. God acknowledges that we have many plans, however what stands well are those plans founded on the word and will of God.

James 4:13-15 Come now [and pay attention to this], you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and carry on our business and make a profit.”Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen in your life tomorrow. [What is secure in your life?] You are merely a vapor [like a puff of smoke or a wisp of steam from a cooking pot] that is visible for a little while and then vanishes [into thin air]. Instead [i]you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and we will do this or that.(AMP)

Another important balance is that even in making our plans, we do not depend on them completely. Our plans are not our source of confidence. The money we save may not save us. The investment we make are not the final guarantee for our lives.

To strike balance, we make our plans with God and trust Him to bring them to pass as we work on them.


I do have plans for 2022. I am working on them and I trust God for testimonies and manifestation.

The great part is that these testimonies will serve as an encouragement to other people and also as an inspiration for this blog.

You can be a part by participating in my posts and products. Your engagements are warmly welcomed.

By the way, how do you love the new look of my blog? More changes will come with time.

I appreciate you with much love.

Do not forget to subscribe, like, comment and share.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.


Announcement: Devotional


Welcome here again.

The Ruth Series was recently concluded and I am grateful for the opportunity.

It has been complied for easier access.

You will be redirected to the page to download it HERE

Hopefully 30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God will be complied as well.

Kindly share to others….

I hope to share with you soon.

Until then….

Stay safe and God bless…


Book release of D.O.H



I have been announcing it. Now it is here 😁

What are you waiting for?

Let’s ride in…..

The Book. The Story

To know the story and complete title, click


I hope you have a great time with this book.

Stay safe and God bless.
