Announcement: Devotional


Welcome here again.

The Ruth Series was recently concluded and I am grateful for the opportunity.

It has been complied for easier access.

You will be redirected to the page to download it HERE

Hopefully 30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God will be complied as well.

Kindly share to others….

I hope to share with you soon.

Until then….

Stay safe and God bless…




You are reading this blog post weeks after the events shared below has occurred.

Since this year began, I started scheduling my posts as it helps me edit properly (I make too many mistakes 😣😬).

Before you finish with today’s post, I want to remind you that I recently shared Books and would love you to check them. THE COLOUR OF DIRT is the most recent.

That being said…..

Let’s ride into today’s topic 🏄🏂

When Anxiety Strikes

It is almost 1am, and I know that those feelings are surging again. They are not new to me, they have been fighting hard to overwhelm me for weeks now.

My mind has been bustling with thoughts and I have reasons to be wrapped up in thoughts.

God quieten my spirit

I repeat to myself inwardly.

God help me

I add.

God take control. Help my heart

Anyone who has experienced anxiety knows how it can be disabling.

For these past weeks, I have had reasons to be worried but I suppressed them, I know that anxiety is greedy. It seeks to devour its prey. It has tried that several times with me.

I know it’s tactics. I know its source; what it feeds on.

I know

Since I discovered, I have been practicing to hinder its operations no matter how subtle it appears.

Whoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13)

And my mother would add

I call on your name and I am saved

When anxiety strikes, I am practising to pray more and speak the word of God in my heart.

Anxiety only loves to suck the heart dry

What do you do when anxiety strikes?

The Things I am used to

I am used to some things, and they are not necessary good things.

I have simply created adaptive responses to them.

Sometimes, I wonder if I am creating a toxic response to trauma but then in retrospect, I am not.

Why I say so?

They happen repeatedly and I have learnt that whining about them would not get anything done.

And most times,……

There are things I am used to and I have accepted them as a refinery for my character.

They are

What You Want?

I am a person who does not usually get what she wants.

It can get annoying sometimes but in the long run, I have accepted it as refinery for my character.

I love to tick boxes but I have learnt through these processes that I may not tick every boxes according to my plan.

It should be God’s will and not mine

Hard truth for me to accept but God is merciful and I am learning.


Some people have said I am a positive person, that comment caught me in surprise.

However, I really appreciated it when it was said.

The truth is: For every suffering you experience, you desire to ease it for another.

Maybe my positivity has been in response to concerns I observed for too long but could not share.

Some have been impressed in my heart and I believe God did that to help me share that ‘which is good and lovely’.

I am sincerely intentional and by God’s grace, I’ll continue to be according to His will.

His will not mine

Another No

I have talked about disappointments a lot on this blog.

A lot

I will not lie, I am not used to it yet even though I get it many times.


For every time, I get the No, my heart sinks. The only difference is that I am learning to use as it as an opportunity to keep growing.

It still hurts

The truth is: Only a few have progressed without experiencing No.

For your information: No, can be anything

This verse in Romans 8:28 is one of my consistent encouragement.

All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

God’s word will not change and so on my part, I am meant to keep loving God and continue in His purpose.

Try Again

know not kniw

The Great Thing About Disappointment

This podcast was made in April and is available on my podcast platform and other podcast platforms.

It has a page on this blog and you can listen to the Podcasts while reading.


Months ago, I wrote a post with similar theme on anxiety (there are quite some of them). However, for that post an additional detail has been added.

Calm Down!! Is the post, do check it to see the updated detail.

I started something new on Instagram. It is an art series titled DISCOVERY. It is a collection of abstract art on paper with paint, ink, charcoal, pastel and watercolour.

The first one was a quarantine series, and this is a follow up.

If you would like to see them, check onyirose12 on Instagram.


If you have requests, private questions, and enquires do not hesitate to use the Contact form found in the menu option.

Your comments on this post are welcomed.





Few days ago, I shared a mini book. Have you seen it?

If yes, have you filled your writing pad?

Have you filled the review form? (I won’t know your name because you are not sharing your email or name 🙂. Just to get your honest feedback)

If you have not checked the new book, I will still share the link at the end of this post 🤗.

What is original?

How do you define original?

What is the true test for originality?

How do we quantify the values of originality?

I am not answerin….


Let me try.

I believe to be original is to be the true representation of contents.

It is to be what you are.

If I were to define for non-living things, it is to be the real thing. The first created material not copied from another.

Making sense?

To be original is to be real

I think that was easier to write

A dilemma?

Why are we so perturbed about originality ?

More like: Why am I perturbed about originality?

The reason I will honestly give is that it helps me know how to interact.


Well, the world won’t spin your way

The truth is that when sincerity exists, it is easier to resolve conflict, protect interests and chose which side to remain or to refuse.

Without originality, deception is easy.

People are varietized

I am sorry, that word that is up there is not a real English word. I wanted to just add flavour to variety.

I have been learning hard to accept that people have values that are totally different from mine, and because of that, I should not expect them to value what I value but rather understand their values and know how I can play a role in their lives.

Did that make sense?

I am learning that the things I hold dear will not make sense to everyone neither would they be interested in practicing it.

But I often forget and it causes me worry

Background, priority, focus, agenda and purpose influence the values people hold dear, and that is something that will usually arise in interactions.

I still prefer……


I always say to the humans I interact with, that I prefer a person who sincerely expresses their discomfort about me than one who pretends and yet harbors offences.

I cannot avoid it though

I love to know where I stand. It helps me clear my thoughts.

In Proverbs 27:5-6, it says

Better is an open reprimand [of loving correction]
Than love that is hidden.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend [who corrects out of love and concern],
But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful [because they serve his hidden agenda].

Amplified Translation

Honestly, it may be hard to be honest but it is possible to be honest.

Not only in words but in actions.

It is what you do that qualifies what you say.

Therefore, after you must have interacted or shared with others and you are in the closure of your space do you ask yourself if you meant what you said?

Did you share because you thought it felt suitable?

Or because you wanted to belong?

Or because……..

It is okay if you do not always have something to share 🤗

Recently, I have become more intentional of my words and actions. I want them to rhyme. I want to be sincere with myself, then others.

My thoughts ruminate on: if I over did it or if I was sincere.

I have learnt that sometimes, my silence is better and safer 🙂.

Sometimes we are insincere because we have agendas that we must achieve and do not mind using the route of insincerity to achieve it.


If you chose that part, you are not guaranteed insurance from the consequences.

I do not believe in karma. I believe in sowing and reaping.

Some Art

I often turn to art when I am in deep thoughts or overwhelmed. Depending on the one I am most inspired to do, I do.

It helps me relieve the overflow of thoughts. More like therapy 😊

I am not a professional, I just loving putting shapes, colours, lines or anything that I feel fits to become something I appreciate as art.

Sorry if you expected something else😂😂

What I wanted to create was different from this but I love this outcome 😁

📻 Drumroll (no emoji for it 😒)







I love creating abstract art because it helps me fully expreses my emotions and thoughts. For me, it has no boundaries to expression.

Take Home

Philippians 2:3-4

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit [through factional motives, or strife], but with [an attitude of] humility [being neither arrogant nor self-righteous], regard others as more important than yourselves. Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Amplied Translation

In chapter 4 of the recent book I shared, honesty was the main theme.

10 LESSONS FROM MY PARENTS is the book. Tap text to be redirected to the page.

Are you fake or real?

You know because you know…..

Until next post by God’s grace


Redirection ⌚


After almost a month.

Schedules will be changed most probably


To the topic

I remember writing a post reviewing why I started to write blog posts.

I was confident of my reasons and I appreciate the posts that have been borne from it.

Over 200 posts aside pages.

Writing on this platform helped me air out thoughts I could not do easily with physical humans. It was my way of helping people have a fresher, healthier perspective and I enjoyed doing it.

Throughout these times, I have experienced happiness, discouragements and nothing (apathy). All these emotions combined to form memories I treasure.

As a writer, great joy is produced when your work is read and interaction follows after.

I too feel that.

Discouragements are extremely frequent especially when people do not understand why you write or not bother to care why you write. It is deeper when you experience it from people who should do better.

But then…

The question arises “Why did you start?”

That is the question I always ask when I am super discouraged.

My response is “Because I love it”

And yes that answer has been my biggest encouragement 😊

These weeks have been refreshing for me. I focused on other important aspects of my life and gave them good attention. I reflected on my intentions. I reflected on purpose. I reflected on my reactions. I reflected on human relationships. I focused on my relationship with God. I reflected on my space, and what it meant to be socially distant and feel comfort without interactions.

Mild Advices

  • Always know why you started
  • Expect disappointments
  • Be prepared for joy
  • Be prepared for discouragements
  • Always reflect
  • You can take time off
  • Give with a healthy mind
  • Always check your heart
  • Be ready to forgive
  • Some people may take you serious
  • Be happy with your work. Enjoy it like a fan would do.
  • You will make mistakes and that makes the journey more fun.

I have said enough.


I have always been intentional with my posts. Few have been spontaneous.

However, I will be more intentional with posts and will not continue with schedules as I started four months ago.

The direction of my posts will be less generalized and more focused on relating experiences with my faith.

I will not take down older posts because most of them gave these vibes already.

Like I said, I will be more intentional. 😊

Small Info

By 30th May, THIS IS THE END will not be available for free.

So you may like to check it now in the Books section in the Menu button.

If you are here for the first time, there are so many interesting posts to read 😌

See you next time.

Do not forget to check the remaining books.
