Queen Esther 5



Welcome to the fifth part of this series. The story is gotten more intense and we are reaching the peak of events.

If you are new, I welcome you warmly and if you have been following, thank you.

Let’s ride in…


Haman got the invitation and was elated. He was always ready to be invited to anywhere important.

He picked one of his many elaborate attires.

The banquet hall was ready with enough wine, meat and food. The King and Queen were both on their royal seats with their respective chamberlains.

In the middle of eating and drinking, the King asked “What do you want to ask me? Even if it is half of my kingdom, you will get it”

“What I would to ask the King is this: if it would please the King to come to the banquet I would prepare tommorrow and invite Haman as well. I promise to answer the King’s question tommorrow”

“Okay then. Haman you heard the Queen. You are invited tommorrow”

Haman was hearty and drank more wine while Queen Esther watched him gloating in the pleasure of being in their presence.

When he reached the gate, all the servants there bowed to him except for Mordecai who maintained his sitting posture.

Looking at him with disgust, Haman became angry and clenched his teeth then walked away to his house.

When he reached home, he met his servants engaged in several chores. His wife was not outside. He looked around and called one of his servants. “Call my wife and my friends who ate here last night. If you have forgotten those who ate here then forget about having meals for a week. I do not feed useless servants”

The servant he called scurried away, he was not waiting for any rash comment again. Haman had the tendency of being rash with brutal decisions.

Haman looked scornfully at the remaining working “Peasants! Useless! I need some wine! And meat! Someone should set that at once! Some of you here will die as servants so do what I order you. Some of you can never even in your dreams reach the position I have obtained” he spat and walked into his chambers.

Minutes later, the court house was steaming with roasted meat, wine and chattering. The people he had sent for were all waiting for him.

Haman who had remained inside until they had arrived, walked into their midst majestically.

When they saw him, they made obeisance. This made him swell more and grin ear to ear.

“You can all sit down. You are privileged to be in my presence. You are in the presence of the most honoured man in the whole of Persia. The one loved and respected by the King. I was promoted by the king above other princes to become his right hand man. By my word, anything can happen because the king trusts me. My ten sons are the most prominent men in the whole region of Persia. What of my wealth? The servants I command? My wife? She is one of the most respected women in the region and one of the wisest if not the wisest. You are all privileged to be in my presence” he gulped some wine then dropped the cup roughly causing it to fall to the ground.

“I need another cup! Do you know that cup is coated with gold? However I have more. Get me another cup! Also, the queen Esther did not invite any other person to the private banquet she made for the king except me. Yes, me! Tommorrow is another day to enjoy the feast. None of you here can even dream of that” he continued merrily.

The people he called friends were used to his egostically behaviour and rather than allow it bother them, they encouraged him by cheering him on. The meat and wine were surplus and that was enough for them.

“Despite all these great things I have accomplished there is someone who I hate so much yet have to still see anytime I get to the palace gate. That man Mordecai, I hate to see him and he sits at the king’s gate and is always there whenever I come. I really want to get rid of him”

“Why don’t you build gallows? And tommorow you let the king know that you want Mordecai hanged on it. After that you can enjoy your banquet with the king” Zeresh his wife said.

Haman’s countenance changed, his eyes glistened with excitement “Wow! My wife is the wisest woman ever. I said it! Yes, I love that idea. What do the rest of you think?”

“We agree. It is a great idea” they replied in unison.

“Okay then, begin the preparation now. I do not have the time to waste”

More meat was added to the table and wine into the jugs as they continued merrily.

The sound of hammers banging on wood resonated in the background.

King Ahasuerus was restless. He could not sleep. He kept hearing the words “Records” resound in his ears throughout the night.

He finally stood up from his bed and ordered for the records to be brought out so he could read them.

Then he got to the part where Mordecai had reported Bigthana and Teresh, his former chamberlains who had planned to murder him.

“What has been done for Mordecai?”

“Nothing” the servant that ministered to him replied.

“Nothing? Who is in the court?”

Another servant went out to check and met Haman who had come early to tell the king about his plan to kill Mordecai.

“Haman is the court. He wishes to see the king”

“Okay let him in”

Haman strode in, he had come early to get the opportunity to tell the king about the gallows he had made for Mordecai. He wanted that sorted out before the banquet.

Without waiting for his obeisance, the king asked “What should be done for a man who the king wants to honour?”

Haman unable to contain his excitement smiled widely, he had only come to place a request. He did not expect the king to give him more honour. Moreover who else was the king planning to honour, if not him?

“For the man whom king the wants to honour, let the royal apparel which the king wears be brought out and the horse he rides on be given to the man and the royal crown be placed on his head. Then let a noble prince be made to escort that man on the street and loudly proclaim that he is the man the king delights in”

“Okay. That is great. Immediately do all that you have said for Mordecai the Jew that sits at the king’s gate. Do exactly as you have said” the king said standing up and withdrawing into his chambers. He needed to catch more sleep.

Dumbfounded, Haman stood shocked at what had just happened. All he had said was not for him? But for Mordecai? Mordecai? Who he had planned to kill? Mordecai the Jew?

He was still standing when the items were brought before him.

“The horse has been set and Mordecai is outside”

Mordecai was still meditating on what Esther had told him. He was praying that her plan would work out. They had until the end of the year to save themselves and yet he could not stop serving the king. He always found himself returning to the king’s gate.

“Mordecai you have been choosen by the king” a chamberlain interrupted his thoughts.

“Me? For what?” Mordecai replied, startled by the interruption.

“For saving him from the plot of Bigthana and Teresh. Prince Haman will serve you”


“Yes. You may follow me to the king’s stable. You will ride on the king’s horse, wear his apparel and have his crown on your head”

Mordecai was speechless but he could not reject the king’s favour. What shocked him the most was that Haman was going to serve him or was he imagining things?

He was not. Haman stood before him boiling with rage, the king’s royal robe in his hand.

Without saying a word, Haman wore the robe on him, and put the crown on his head. Another servant helped him to climb the horse while Haman held the strap of the horse’s bridle.

The gate was opened and they both went into the street.

Haman was so ashamed of himself. He was boiling with rage yet he could not disobey the king’s order. How could the king disgrace him this way?

“This is the man whom the king desires to honour. Mordecai is his name!” Haman shouted as they moved on the street.

After spending hours riding through the town, they returned to the palace.

Mordecai returned to the king’s gate while Haman covered in shame went home immediately.

His friends had slept off in the courtyard. They were eating when he came in.

“What happened my husband? You look so terrible. What did the king say about your proposal concerning Mordecai?” Zeresh, his wife asked.

“I went to the courts because of that but the king ordered me to parade Mordecai throughout the town”

What? How?” Zeresh asked, her hands covering her mouth, her eyes widened in disbelief.

“When I got there, the king asked me what should be done for the man he delights in. Who else wòuld I think of if not myself? So I said that the king’s royal apparael, his crown and horse be given to such a man and that a prince be made to proclaim in the streets about the man. After my suggestion, he commanded me to do it for Mordecai. I am so ashamed and full of more hatred for that man”

The mummurings among his servants increased, they were pleased that for once Haman felt belittled and suffered from what he constantly did to them. His friends on the other hand were not very sympathetic.

“This is bad. This is a bad sign. If Mordecai is a Jew, then all these that has happened is a bad sign that you will never overcome him” one of them said as he casually put roasted bread in his mouth.

“I agree. This is a bad sign. Very bad” Zeresh added.

They were still speaking when the queen’s servant passed the message that the banquet had started.

Haman hurried out, his acquaintances watching him with pity.

Queen Esther and the king were waitìng for him. The table was set with every good food and as usual, the best wine.

“You look haggard Haman. You should have changed your robes” the king said lightly, his attention shifting from Haman to Esther.

“I am sorry my king. I had to hurry from the duty you asked me to do”

“Oh.. anyway take your seat. The queen asked that we wait for you”

Esther in her full regalia maintained a poised posture in the couch which she could recline on as well. Haman paid her obeisance to which she only nodded her head before averting her eyes from him.

She had heard of what happened with Mordecai but little did he know what was coming next.

“So my queen, what do you want me to do for you? Make your request and even if it is half of my kingdom, I will give it to you”

“If it pleases the king, I want to beg for my life and that of my people”Esther had knelt to the ground, her head bowed.

“What threatens your life?”

“I and my people have been sold as slaves destined for death. I would have said something all this while even though the enemy cannot do anything about it again” she had risen up and rested back on the couch.

“Who is the person that dares to threaten your life? Who dares even think it in his heart? Tell me”

“The enemy I speak of is right here with us. He is this wicked man Haman” she said pointing her finger at the trembling Haman.

“What?!” the king shouted before standing up from his seat and went to the outer court pacing to and fro.

Left alone with the queen, Haman stood and begged “Please spare my life. I did not know you are a Jew. Spare my life”

Esther did not say anything then Haman proceeded to fall on the couch where she sat, his tears wetting where he put his face.

The king returned and saw Haman on the couch “Will he force himself on the queen in my presence in the house?!”

The personal guards who had stayed with them throughout immediately covered Haman’s face.

“Haman built gallows in his house for Mordecai who saved the king’s life” Harbonah one of the chamberlains who stood with them said.

Haman could be heard struggling beneath the cover over his face.

“If he built it then he can use it. Hang him on it” the king said and sat on his seat.

All the while Esther who was shocked by the news she had heard, held her hands to her chest. She had thought the death decree was the only concern she had, not knowing that Haman was going to go further to hurt Mordecai.

The king held her hands “Its okay. He is gone. He won’t harm you again”

Esther placed her hands over his and smiled. This was only the beginning, there was more concern ahead but for now, Haman was not around to cause more harm.

This narration was taken from Esther 5:6 to Chapter 7 and was fictionalized for the sake of this post. Kindly read the chapters in the Bible for the original format.


Esther was careful and meticulous in executing her plan. She did not rush to tell the king her concern, instead allowed Haman to become very comfortable in her presence.

While the king was eager to hear what she had to say, Esther was not in a haste until she had built enough suspense.

Also, the time she took was symbolical. It was a way of expressing to the king that what she wanted to share with him was heavy on her mind.


Haman only needed his ego to be fed.

He was the only one invited to a banquet organized by the queen with whom he had never had a previous interraction with- yet he was very relaxed to participate.

The god of his life was pride, therefore whatever would feed it was always welcomed

Haman was a wicked foolish man.

An unfortunate combination

He was not only invited once but twice yet he did not question the banquet.

You are not meant to be in every gathering including some that you are invited to.

Worse, to the ones you are not invited to


In Haman’s mind, he was the only one who deserved certain things.

Every other person was to remain under him

With his high and lofty mind, he prescribed what he expected to be done for him and this showed how vain and rotten his thoughts towards himself was.

It also showed that he desired the king’s crown and position.

It was only a matter of time before he made plans to overthrown the king if a possibility arose.

Haman by his request also believed that he could do as he pleased when it concerned making decisions with the king. It showed the level of respect he had for the king. It showed the level he had placed himself :a position exempted from being under the king’s rule.

He had started to see himself as a king

If he could make an eratic decision to kill people he never knew and got permission from the king then he never expected that getting permission to kill one man was going to be a difficult process.

Unfortunately he entered the court at the wrong time

There are certian individuals who believe good things should only happen to and for them. When good things happen for other people, they are upset.

They are only elated by their success and never the success of people around them because they always want to be ahead of others.

Haman never thought anyone aside himself could recieve certain favours from the king even less someone like Mordecai. In Haman’s dictionary it was impossible.

But that was an illusion


God used Haman to exalt Mordecai.

Mordecai did not have to bribe or lobby his way to get favours from the king. Haman, his enemy did it without a single cent from him.

Suddenly the king could not sleep soundly because Mordecai’s time to be blessed had come and Mordecai did not have to do anything except be at the gate.

The same time Haman came to discuss Mordecai’s death was the same time the king was planning on what he could do for Mordecai.

The same timing. Different plans.

God used the King’s carefree nature to exalt Mordecai.

The same king who had carelessly signed away the death warrant of thousand of people asked his right hand man to parade a gatekeeper on the streets.

One medicine for one is same medicine for all


Mordecai was a man who knew his position and who knew how to remain there.

Despite the decree that had been passed against his life and that of his people, he returned to work.

He remained where he was supposed to be and got the blessings for that day.

However, after he had worn the king’s crown and rode and had rode on the king’s horse, he returned back to the gate.

Maybe if he was modern, he would have taken selfies

Mordecai always returned to the gate because it was his position.


The good and the bad

Among the people who had witnessed the creation of the gallows was a person who was going to report it.

Unknown to Haman, he had been watched all day. He seemed to have more enemies within the palace than he thought.

The gallows he had prepared for Mordecai was exposed and instead was killed in them.

Somebody is watching you

That is reality.

Somebody is watching your pattern.

You cannot do much about it

Somebody is watching your consistency.

The same way you are watching someone else


The most unlikely person had prophesied to Haman-his wife.

The way he chased and hated Mordecai was the beginning of his fall.

The same man who he had wanted dead became the cause of the beginning of his death.

Why are you so insistent on causing a person to fall?

It is sad that certain persons who have already attained relevant heights are threatened by people who are way below and will do anything to keep them below.

Haman despite his position wsas deeply threatened by Mordecai and that hatred was the cause of his death.


God can overturn.

God can intervene.

God can change decrees.

God can.

God prepares our table in the presence of our enemies and causes them to watch while we eat.

Mordecai did not need to defend or fight for himself. God did.


  • There is a time to be subtle
  • Ask questions
  • You do not need to be everywhere
  • Your hatred for someone can be the beginning of your downfall
  • Good things are not for only you
  • Somebody is watching you
  • God can


Haman was a prominent man and this also meant he could also make decrees. His wife and companions who were wiser than him were his counsellors and he took their word.

Despite Haman’s position, he was monitored as well. This showed the extent of the king’s involvement in the life of his subjects.

With a decree from the king, he lost his life in an instant.

This verse explains it well:

Ecclesiastes 8:4  Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou? (KJV)

At the end of the day, it was the king who still had the final say regardless of his weakness.

This section is for asking you questions and here they are:

  • Do you know your position?
  • Does the progress of other people hurt or annoy you? Or make you envious?
  • Do you consider yourself better than ‘some’ people?
  • Who gives you the best advice?
  • Have you experienced envy from someone and it cost you something important?
  • Have you been in a situation that God intervened and overturned it for your good?

Some of these questions are quite personal, however if you want to share, kindly do that in the comment section or send me a private message using the Contact button.



This part came later than usual.

I am grateful for the opportunity to still share.

Your comments are welcomed.

Subscribe. Like. Share.

Stay safe and God bless.


BlogMas Series: 10🎉


Today is finally here.

Day 10.

I had initally wanted it to be on Christmas day but my calculations did not match.

Today is as real as the other day.

I will share the converstion I had with my people today🌾



I did not want to talk about food today until tommorrow but the context of my activity today focused a lot on food.

We were in the bus taking us from the hospital back to our different homes and we were talking about food.

My consistent school partner had showed me the beautiful meal she had created and on request linked me to the lady she had taken cooking lessons from.

As I scrolled through her instagram handle, I was amazed at how the meals were well photographed and their presentation.

Another classamate joined our conversation and shared his favourite, then another joined and shared his too.

As I looked at the different handles, something in me felt disappointed😐

I had also been doing the same thing; posting meals, for years and mine was nothing compared to ‘theirs’.

Also, my friends were more excited to talk about these ladies meals and even oblivious to the fact I had a page too (that they had not checked despite posting about it on my instagram page).

I was not offended. I felt backward because I felt I should have done better.

I thought of the several ways I had not made enough efforts and wondered if I had any excuse.

N.B The reason for my feelings were because we were the same geographical location and I felt I had not been passionate enough to do better.

Before I continue…

I was really grateful that my school partner had shown me the instagram handle. It was inspiration for me.

I asked myself later in the room why I had not done that earlier

Why now?

Why not before?

Why amajgahc?

But I was grateful because it is few days to New Year and seeing this now was a push for me to be better.

Getting better🍑

You see, only the best is well appreciated.

When it comes to getting things done, the best is sought for.

When it comes to assurance of quality, the best is needed.

The best strive. The best excel.

Then is the mentality of ‘I don’t care’

I have lived there before, I have been struggling to escape that room. The struggle has been real and I believe I am getting better.

Getting better is achievable. It is attainable (I am also telling myself). It is possible.

We need not be envious of those who do better. We should learn from them.

(please if you take my quotes, kindly refer❤)

I followed their handles, their instagram handles. They were far better than me and so I decided to follow them.

Still food🍥

I will talk about more food tommorrow😂😂

Before I came down from the bus I was reminded about food. As I walked home with my hostel mate, I was reminded to make something delicious.

It was already part of my plan but I was looking for a way to escape it, talk about cold feet.

I have not yet gotten my ingredients. Talk about last minutes preparatioms (Don’t be like me here, be like Sandy. If you read the last post you would understand😂😂)

People had been quite warm since in the morning, wishing a ‘Merry Christmas’

I have a food blog where I share my neo-recipes. If you are patient to scroll down the page, you would see the topics. Click on them to find out more.

Or click here to go directly to the page👇



There is a lot to improve..

Proverbs 22:29

Observe people who are good at their work—

skilled workers are always in demand and admired;

they don’t take a backseat to anyone.

Message translation

2020 is almost here, is your mind prepared for it?

End of Blogmas series🎉❤

I appreciate everyone who was consistent and for those who still peeped.

I appreciate those who followed recently and interacted about the post.

I have always found writing as therapy and place to relax but when I get engagements on my posts, that makes me more happy. So know that your engagements are fully appreciated.

I have scheduled 2 more posts for this year.

If you are new to this page, there are tons of articles to read, I am sure you have read the MOTTO of this blog to get an idea of what it is about. You can follow by email or follow as a blogger.

Let’s make 2020 work😇❤

If you are celebrating Christmas, how prepared are you? Share in the comment section below..
