30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 8


Welcome to the 8th of this series.

Lets ride in…


This word means hardly found.

Any rare thing is equated to something of value.

Rare signifies a special sense of worth.

There exist many rare things and depending on available possibilities, you can access them.

When it is rare, you cannot replace it easily (that is if you can)

Recently, I searched for certain beauty products which I had bought months earlier and I was not finding the anymore, not even in the shop I had bought them from.

I happen to always buy unique products which are rarely available and they end up being perfect for my needs. Whenever, I almost run out of them I prepare my heart to do a serious search and sometimes I am unable to get a replacement.

As I went from store to store and shopping mall to another, I wondered how interesting it was not to find a single item in a store filled with other products.

The attempts of the store owners to make me choose a different brand failed, I had come to trust the ones I was looking for and was not eager for a replacement.

While meditating on these scenarious, I thought of God.


How beautiful it is to have the almighty God as near as possible to us.

How beautiful it is to have God always with us.

It is a great priviledge to have God’s presence around us.

It is a great priviledge to call on God anytime, any day without excessive protocols.

God who is more precious than rarest items is easier to find than them.

I was unable to get some of the products I sought but I was able to talk to God in those moments.

It is very precious to be aware of God’s presence.

As King David, the psalmist said:

Psalms 139:7-10  Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. (KJV)

God is with us. A consciousness we should never lose.


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for the priviledge to have you near. Thank you for the opportunity to experience personal fellowship with you. Help me to be aware of your presence all the time. Help me to experience deeper fellowship with you. May I never lose sight of your presence in Jesus name I pray. Amen.


Apprecaiting God’s presence in my life has been a gradual but fulfilling process and I am loving it!

I pray for this experience to continue.

Thank you for being here. Kindly share to others.

Stay safe and God bless.


Blogmas 2: Day 18


A week to go….

Today was warm…….

Warm with love….

Lets dive in.


We had spent some time practicing and it was finally time to present.

We sang our hearts out with smiles, we were not concerned about any other thing, we just wanted to share.

We already practiced

After the service, the compliments came in

It was nice! I enjoyed it!

I loved the atmosphere. I loved the love and warmth in the atmosphere.

Warmth of love

My smiles and laughter were genuine, I was genuinely happy.

Joy to the world. Joy to my world

We shared snacks and shared songs and shared laughter and shared words.

First swallowship

After service was the after fellowship

And second swallowship

Which means foodship… Eehmm…eating together 😌

With two women that I really enjoyed being in their company.

We shared words of wisdom and they shared with me words of wisdom.

I felt so priviledged to be in their midst and hold their cute babies and share in the laughter.

What made this sharing special was our faith in Jesus Christ. That connection was strong enough to unite our thoughts and core principles regardless of our backgrounds or nationalities.

Jesus was our center

Jesus was the center of our discussions and that balanced our words.

My heart was encouraged, not because their words were wise but because they encouraged me to keep following after God.

We shared testimonies of what God had done in our lives and shared concerns we noticed in our environment.

But the baseline still returned to God.

This is one of the main reasons I do not miss Church.

This opportunity to share with others and learn from them is one I cherish.

To be united by our love for God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit is an environment which I cherish.

There is encouragement (also through testimonies), admonishment, laughter, peace, love and warmth in these moments (the hours) and I am left with a refreshed heart to face the week.

For my current location, my free day is on Friday and this has made me to appreciate this verse

Romans 14:6-8  He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. (KJV)

This verse made me appreciate that everyday is holy unto God as we allow Him be fully in control.

Therefore if Sunday is not free and Monday is free to fellowship with brethren then gladly dedicate Monday to God and be consistent in the fellowship.

The body of Christ was built on fellowship and is sustained through fellowship.

It is God’s desire that we fellowship together.

Hebrews 10:24-25  And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.(KJV)

It is not spiritually healthy to intentionally avoid meeting with believers.

There is safety and counsel when you fellowship in the right place.

You may ask

How can I know the right place?

What if I do not like where I am?

The answer lies in your relationship with God.

As you cultivate your relationship with God, He will direct your steps to the right envrionment and one of the signs is peace.

When you are in an environment where your peace is troubled and you do not notice growth in your spiritual life then you need to reconsider that place.

I will always recommend a fellowship or a local gathering where you can easily interact with others and share too.

Sometimes it is easy to get lost in a big crowd.

If you are in a new vicinity, state, country or continent, check for a place to fellowship.

Psalms 133:1  Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! (KJV)

My local fellowship in Khartoum is called Khartoum Christian Center (KCC) and I attend the English service on Fridays.

I love the simplicity in the service and people and the word of God that is always shared has been very impactful in my life.

This fellowship is a blessing to my life and one of the things I missed so much during the quarantine.

If you happen to stop in Khartoum and you are looking for a place to fellowship, you can kindly check on Fridays by 8 or 9am

I cannot share the exact location but I can share the loaction of the high school that is opposite it.

Unity High School
Al Qasr street, Sudan
+249 18 374 7310


The gate of the church is red and the walls are brown. The Church and the school both face a hotel named Regency Hotel.

Just incase you stop by in Khartoum 😌

now to you

How do you fellowship?

Is fellowship paramount to you?

How do you interprete the passages used in this article?

Your responses are welcomed.

Thank you being here. I am grateful to share with you….

Stay well and blessed…
