

My hands are freezing and no I am not in Antartica, I am in Tropical Africa. It is harmattan. It is really cold.

This post is a very dear one because I struggle so badly with it.

The previous post was on Late Coming and this topic flows in the same stream…..

The problem

The problem with procrastination is multifactorial.

It starts with a reasonable reason before it accumulates into a syndrome.

It is attached to emotions that are too much to handle.

Procastination is emotional before it becomes habitual.

Emotions such as:

  • Fear
  • Doubt
  • Insecurity
  • Laziness
  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • Distractions
  • I have tried to mention them😌

These emotions and tendencies accumulate in different ratios producing the final result of inactivity.

Sometimes the procastinator did right by procastinating.

Why? How?

They may get a better deal

But from experience, it is rarely favourable.


Losing out big time.

Losing money, opportunities, progress, activities, productivity, time, relationships, results.

I admire those that have built the resilence to always do things at the moment they have to do it.

I am a fluid person, and that has affected my activities in multiple ways. It has slowed me down multiple times.

I once wrote a series in 2018 titled ‘NOT FOR THE FAINTED HEARTED’ and in the articles I made invisible resolutions to be less procastinating.

I did fulfill them

After multiple struggles with procastination.

I still struggle

It is still a time problem

Enough time

Time is still the problem.

There are still lies resounding in the head saying ‘there is still time’, ‘there is still a perfect time’, ‘I am not ready at this time’, ‘right now, I do not have everything’

All these lies recycle and not long after, the victim is doing something less rewarding.

A pile of nothing

Another factor is loving the comfort zone.

I love comfort zone. I love to convert wherever I am to a comfort zone, to a replica of where I stay. I love to have a trademark of my presence and once I do that, it becomes hard to move, just like a cat(meow)

I love doing things from a particular place and anything that would cause me to meet a lot of people, see faces, talk too much is already draining. These are mental reasons I have to overcome before stepping out and that is the catalyst for my habitual procastinating.


Not a lot….

Getting things done is vital to productivity and progress, especially things you have to do yourself

cage the monkey…..

Dealing with the problem

Deal with the reason you procastinate

Deal with the emotion

Give yourself a time frame

You have today to do it. You may not have tommorrow


Someone is doing that which you are procastinating to do


If you do it today, you can do something else tommorrow.


Deal with the distraction, remember there is time for everything (talking to me)

Say no😅😅

Truth is that dealing with a habit takes time, and sometimes you need a spur to get a better.

I have been getting spured to do better.

My mother is one true example of a do-it-now person. She never procastinates, I got her genes but I also have to get some of her habits😅😅

Another truth is that, a lot of creatives procastinate because they are always flooded (in their mind), and I am victim of this too. This situation can be dealt by making a list and sticking to it. Create a plan and tick.

The above is one of the process I go through to overcome the cold feet.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

King james version

Ecclesiastes 11:6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or wether both alike be good

King james version

What you do?

I still have projects I carried over from previous years and I am full of hope that I would share them this year.

What of you?

For Now: #fromamedicalstudentfaraway