Blogster 3: The Future


Welcome to the last part of this year’s edition of the blogster series.

If this is the first time you are reading, then the previous parts culminate to this post.

Also, there are podcasts attached to highlight the theme more.

Let’s ride in…


Do you know what your future holds?

Do you know?

The future is always ahead and as we come nearer to it, it gets broader.

The future is always ahead

The future is the dream we yearn to be in.

But do you we have an idea of what is in our future? Do we have a picture or a glimpse of it?

Have you gotten a revelation of what your future looks like?

Jesus had risen and the hope of the disciples had been revived, however, Jesus was not stopping there. There was a purpose for the hope He had revived and that hope was for a future that the disciples were to participate in.

The future of the disciples were to be the flaming torches that burned the world with the love of Christ. They were to take the message of Christ, the message of hope to all the corners of the world.

Before they could begin the future, they had to wait until the Holy Spirit empowered them for the mission that was in their future.

They could not go into their future by themselves because that future was one curated by God.

This brings me to ask: Who is planning your future?


Planning for the future is as imporant as getting into the future but then how do we prepare for it?


God who gives us the dream of what our future looks like is able to guide us into it. However, if you don’t have an idea of what your future looks like, then you have to ask God.

God what does my future look like?

For those of us that are good at making plans for our lives, it will take extra patience to be patient and still seek God’s will for our lives. It is two sides of the coin, we cannot sit and fold our arms doing nothing, however we cannot plan our lives better than God.

We do this by surrendering our future to God.

God who holds our future knows how best it is for us to arrive into that future.

God knows how to bring us into our future.

If you are like me, then you did agree that:

However, God is true and sure. He is faithful to the end. Amen.

There is a podcast version, listen here:

Click image to listen

Thank you for being here.

This is the end of Blogster 3.

Feel free to share your comments and share this post with others as well.

Posters used in this series were curated by me. I did not create the elements but I was able to tweak them to suite the message I wanted to pass across. I hope they pleased your eyes as they please mine.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.




Hello there!

Thank you for being patient with me.

I am here again.

Welcome to this part.

Let’s ride in as usual.


We prepare for important event.

We prepare for important people.

Preparation requires attention to details and even attention differs according top person and purpose, as long as it is important some level of preparation is done.

Success is a product of some level of preparation.

However, the truth is that sometimes our preparation may not be enough.

We may try our best but sometimes our best may not be enough and this can be disheartening.

Does this mean we should stop preparing?


We have certain plans for our lives and sometimes it does not usually go the way we hope for.

Sometimes, we prepare and do all the necessary things but sometimes things the way we plan.

It is possible to set certain benchmarks for our lives and work towards them but still not reach them when we desire.

Just sometimes, it happens that way

As a Christian, making plans is not enough.

God is still the most important factor when preparing.

Proverbs 16:9 A man’s mind plans his way [as he journeys through life],
But the Lord directs his steps and establishes them. (AMP)

How important is God in the plans you are making?

Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to Him],
And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance]. (AMP)


God has a plan.

This verse was written at a difficult time, therefore its premise is not a jolly one. Therefore it speaks volumes of God’s plans for us even when things do not look the best.

How God’s plan look good even when there is no sign of hope that things will end good?

This has been a question that has been hard for me to answer.

However, it tests my trust in God.

How far am I willing to trust God?

God’s plans for me are good even when things are not good.

God’s plans are to bring an expected end.

To bring me into eternity with Him.

I will comfort myself with God’s promises at all times.

God is good because that is His nature.

Difficult situations can make us loose interest in making plans because it feels like “Why should I bother?” but I am learning to remain disciplined even when I don nit feel like making plans.

There should be a lot to say about plans but I’ll stop here.

You can share yours below.

Until next part, stay safe and God bless.


30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 13


Day 13.

In this preamble, I will tell you that today was a unique day. A mixture of many things.

I was in deep thoughts (I am often in deep thoughts). In these deep thoughts, I am getting gradual answers to certain things.

As per some things are making sense

Often, when I am in deep thoughts I am….

Figuring it out

I love to figure things out.

The whys and the whys.

I love to understand things. I love to get to the roots of issues. I love to uncover. I love to discover.

Today, I was in deep thoughts trying to figure out certain things and find a balance in my heart for them.


Lately, I have been feeling anergic.

Now, the truth is this anergy has reasons but they have not been enough to stop me from doing things..

Anergy as per lack of willingless to do

Today was one the few days I had to the opportunity to do one of my favourite things- staying at home (alone) and this was even because an outing got cancelled.

I have been so busy not by choice but due to important circumstances and these circumstamces are pivotal to my personal growth.

I have been unable to edit and type what I am supposed to.

In some of these moments, I wonder how I managed to do it before.

It has been almost two weeks since I touched my keyboards to type

I have been figuring things out because I have to.

As I did my personal chores, I recalled certain items in my possession for long. The attachment and process of letting them go.

I also happened to use up the last batch of stock fish in my possession.

You see, I have had it for 6 years. Interestingly, I had almost thrown it away because of a mean comment I had recieved but I could not since it was given by my mother. She had made efforts plus it was food too (valuable food).

I was able to find use of it and one year later, I am eating it up.

I was figuring out many things and just like the stock fish got purpose again, I got some understanding…

Hazy road

You only figure out things when there is no clarity.

Figuring out things is putting things in their place for better coordination.

I am at the point of my life where I need to figure out my next steps.

As per:

  • What am I doing next?
  • Where am I going next?
  • Who is getting involved in my life next?
  • What are my next plans?

There are many decisions to make and as much as ‘take your time’ is a phrase, there is no time.

If you have dealt with anxiety before or still deal with it, you know how life decisions can be nerve wrecking.

Situations do not always wait for your permission, they just happen.

My prayer recently has been filled with the desire for more clarity

Father, I need clarity


Today, I watched some of my favourite korean comedy dramas. I laughed deeply even though I felt anergic.

Today, I brought out my laptop to type and edit but I left it because it had been a while I was just indoors. I was trying to enjoy it.

I enjoyed staying indoors during the quarantine

Today, I scrolled through social media reading different posts on prayer, motivation and random happy posts.

Some of the posts held words that are so frequently used.

Sometimes called cliche’

I wondered if the people writing them knew what they were saying or they just wanted to make happy posts.

I wondered why..

Okay, I stop here. I am not sharing the meditation here. I still to think it more.

Instead, I would say that today was figuring out day.

Everyday is figuring out day – more steps to the main goal.


Seek clarity.

I am grateful that God loves to give clarity even for things that we need to wait for answers, God gives clarity.

Abraham and Sarah waited for many years to habe Isaac, however, God gave Abraham clarity in the place of prayer.

I managed to listen some of my loved songs and I am grateful they stuck because even at this moment they are paying quietly in my head.

I was comforted with one of my loved verses. It rested in my heart as I meditated on this topic.

For me, this verse is a turning point. It always leads me back to prayer.

God give me clarity

Allow God

To guide you.

Allow God to make it clear.

Allow God to help you.

Even though these bouts anergy spring up from time to time, my heart is finding more rest in the moments of fellowship and meditation with God.

My heart keeps building confidence in God and all the process He is taking me through.

As I intentionally choose to delight in God, I will rest in His way and His plans. Amen.


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for your plans. God please guide me. God please help me. God please provide clarity in hazy matters. As I rest in you, may I not lose my way. In Jesus name I pray. Amen


I did not plan to type these words close to the end of the day but most of the days have been that way.

I spent most of the time meditating more than I typed and sometimes it was because I was fighting off anergy.

Forgive me, you heard anergy too many times today.

I actually thought I would type more but this is where I’ll stop. Maybe next time the other words would find expression.

If today’s post sounded too personal in usuage, kindly find a place where your current life situation fits in. If you cannot, then…..

The prayer will certain still fit you😊

Your comments are welcomed.

Kindly share to others.

Stay safe and God bless.


30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 4


Today is the fourth day.

Thank God for grace.

Thank you for being here.


This word means to think on something consistently.

It means spending time to mentally digest a thought.

It involves understanding a subject matter from the root.

Meditation is an active mind process.

How to meditate

First, you need a substrate which is the content you need to meditate on.

Then you begin by finding out if you understand the context and the purpose of the subject matter.

Then the next step is to ask and answer questions:

The why, how, what, purpose….

Sometimes answers may not come via meditation alone. Sometimes you only get questions.

Then is to interprete the subject matter into a familiar scene. Play a scene and check if what you have meditated on can be applied.

Then refresh your mind to see if you have applied it before or if someone around you has displayed it before. Check if it is a familiar theme and the results you have observed.

If it is not familiar, then know why..

The Word of God

Without spending time to meditate on the word if God, bible reading will be plain theory.

It is only by brooding on the word of God will many things make more sense.

God wants us to meditate on His words and understand it before it makes sense to our lives.

Spending time mentally on the word of God helps us to understand what God is saying to us at the moment.

Whenever I am in a bus, and I am not reading or chatting with someone, I reflect and think on God’s word. In these simple moments God explains more to me.

Many times, some bible verses and certain sermons may not dive into our hearts more unless we meditate.

Deeper understanding and revelations are experienced in the place if meditation.

Sometimes, you may need a quiet environment. Sometimes you may not have that opportunity. However, your spirit needs to be free from distraction because meditation needs focus.

To make it easier to understand: If you can worry then you can meditate.

Overthinking is mediatating on worries.


Recently, I have been practising Mathew 6:25-34, and it has helped so much.

Recently, someone insinuated that I was too calm and did not seem bothered about my future.

In response, I told the person that I was not going to bother myself about what was so far ahead and rather face each day as it comes.

If I should take into note all the concerns that linger around me, I would always be depressed.

I have lived an anxious life pattern and it does not help. It makes you a nervous wreck. Learning to trust God for my steps has been relieving even when I feel helpless.

As the conversation proceeded, I told the person that I was concerned about God leading me because wherever God leads me, He would provide for me.

The future may appear uncertain. Situations around may be depressing but I need look up to God to get relief.

Many of us put our hopes in many other things, sadly some of those things disappoint and falter.

Some of us even put our hope in people and systems but these even fail more.

I believe in making plans and preparations but it is better not to put all hopes in them because plans change, preparations fail.

I do not want to lose my faith because of the plans I made.

As the world crumbles and uncertainties abound, I pray my faith be kept. Amen.

Matthew 6:25-34  Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. (KJV)


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for my life. Thank you for everything. Uncertainties abound but help me to keep the faith. Help me to trust you and the next step to take. LORD, let your word become real to me as I learn to meditate on it. Let it grow and bear fruits. Let my worries be replaced by your word and let me reap its harvests in my life. Thank you for the next steps I will take. Order me well. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


It took me a lot to type today’s post but I am grateful to have made it.

Meditating on the word of God has been super therapeutic and my life has been changed gradually to the point I am sometimes surprised at my deposition towards certain things.

Importantly, I am grateful to God that I am losing the trait of anxiety and learning to trust Him for every step.

Your comments are welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless..




2021 is now a reality.

To think a whole year has gone again.

The year 2020

Welcome here!

This is approximately 3 years that Preambles became part of my blogposts, so enjoy them until I decide to try something new.

First of all

How was your 2020?

Like seriously?

Okay…..let me rephrase my question

How did 2020 go?

Is that a question? Are you living on another planet? I think you are an alien

What did 2020 do to you?

Many things… many things…

What did you do with 2020?

I survived! I did not die!

Are you grateful for 2020?

Come on girl! Can we get over 2020 already?

Okay…what about……?

That is all. Can you let us enjoy 2021? Let the past be behind. This is the future!

Okay then🙄. As if me too don’t like the future😒

Whatever. Carry on. This 2021. Fresh year, fresh things 😊


This month is special because it is the month where we wish happy new year and happy new month.

The month where stock of the previous year is taken and plans are made for the remaining months.

A sketch of expectations are made and prayers are raised for the fulfillment of these plans according to God’s will.

At least 2020 taught us this lesson very well

Proverbs 16:1 We may make our plans, but God has the last word (GNT)

It is the month of beginning. A month to test the remaining year

A month to understand God’s direction for your life and to allign in His will for you.

January is a month of intentionality.

What do you hope for?

I hope for many things.

Like many

There are many things I am desiring and trusting God for and even though I rarely share these concerns with anyone, I always tell God about them.

So despite how last year went, I still come into 2021 with full expectations.

Last year was significant in my life and a year I will remember well.

God indeed did great things in my life and even though what I expected did not appear as such, I saw God’s kindness throughout the year.

I am grateful at how God used 2020 regardless of its troubles and presentation and for that, I trust that 2021 would have a better outcome.

In Jesus name. Amen

I hope for many things and in my hoping , I trust God for enablement and resources to carry out plans necessary to accomplish 2021.

Proverbs 23:18  For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off. (KJV)


For as many of you that have blessed by this blog, I pray it keeps blessing you.

That’s the intention

And I pray through this you also bless others.

There is a Podcast version of this post.

You can listen via the PODCAST PAGE

Welcome to 2021


By O. R. A

Blogmas 2: Day 6


Good day (anytime you are reading this).

First, I think that the funny sounds my stomach is making means hunger.

I need to eat!

I already ate some bananas, yesterday’s left over homemade baked bread, and some unnecessary things.

Summary, my body wants me to cook!

How are you?

Have you eaten?

Hungry like me?

What was the highlight of your day?

Did you enjoy today?

How was the sunshine on your face today?

Let’s dive in…



I have been trying to keep afloat.

What I mean is: I am not always motivated.

Sometimes, I am like beh

Sometimes, I do not feel as motivated as I want.

Sometimes, I am tired.

Like I want to give up

The world keeps going downhill with it’s further deviation from good, life and God.

A new thing?

It is new because I am living in this moment.

Not new

I know it is not a new pattern but because I did not live in the old, I am observing events more closely as I grow older.

I won’t lie, sometimes events almost suck out every once of motivation you have for life.

Like what is the use of all the struggle when we live in a world like ours?

Morning wake. Night sleep.

Repeat the cycle

What is the use of fighting hard if your efforts will not yield meaningful results.

As I reflect on situations that have happened and how there is a regress in progress and how progress that was made is now becoming a regression.

We are supposed to move forward! Why are we recycling the same old issues and creating more tension with them?

The answer?

Human personalities do not necessarily change, just the faces. The same old problem with man’s heart is still the same problem of man’s heart.

So at some points, I ask myself what is the use of all the hardwork?

When the future we long for is not as bright as it seems

I know I am not the only one asking these questions.

After gaining one step, the next question is: What next?

Sometimes, you plan ahead but that does not mean your plan will follow through.

Take 2020 for example. I know you understand. I understand too. Like I do.

So you see, sometimes I am low on energy and because caffeine does not do any of the acrobatics that it does for others for me, I need to find a source to boost myself up.

And if I don’t find it then I may not use my day as well as I should.

Sometimes, I am just stressed and need sleep and good food.

Sleep is good.


Let me confess:

When I wear a dress I feel elegant in and I am on my earpiece listening to a favourite song or podcast or message, and I am walking confidently, I feel so confident.

That was a bit off

Summary: There are times I feel extra confident because I ticked off some boxes that encourage my external sense of confidence.

As I reflected on today’s topic, certain passages came to mind, most of which I reflect on very regularly because I need them.

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.(KJV)

This verse reminds me that despite my position, I can do all I need to do. It simply tells me to derive my motivation from Christ, not myself nor my environment but from strength which Christ provides everyday. If my reflection is from the right source, I will experience strenght.

Romans 9:16  So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. (KJV) 

This verse reminds me that hardwork is not always enough. I need God’s mercies.

We need God’s mercies despite our hardwork or personal motivation

Psalms 37:5  Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. (KJV) 

This verse encourages me to plan with God. I need God in the mapping of my life.

Put God in the equation

As I take my steps in my daily plans, God has to be involved.

Philippians 1:6  Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:(KJV) 

This verse encourages me that God wil complete His work in my life and it is not dependent on situation or environment.

It is simply dependent on God who is constant regardless of time and seasons.

This is my confidence

So even though the thoughts tug at my mind and questions arise and sometimes my energy fail me, I am grateful for the source of God’s strength that is constant.


Psalms 73:24-26  Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. (KJV) 


The book of Psalms is filled (like filled) with so many words of encouragements.

It a rich book in the Bible

I am tempted to share many passages but I’ll let you check out the book of Psalms (If you haven’t)

It is a book that is raw in its expression of sadness, pain, frustration, fear, depression and worries but it always ends with an acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty and love. A kind reminder that God is constant.

Now to you

Do you always feel motivated?

What gets you motivated?

Do you sometimes feel your future is bleak?

Do you have plans for your life?

Is God a constant or variable in the equation of your life?

What is the colour of the Sun?

You comments are welcomed.

Thank you for being here.

If it is your first time, kindly check Day 1 to understand the flow. You can easily do that by searching for Blogmas 2 and the list of post will come out.

Kindly subscribe to keep up, if you haven’t.

Share and like if you enjoyed this post.

See you tommorrow by God’s grace. Stay well and blessed.


Living Intentionally


I am in quarantine but still find time to be stressed.


Not going anywhere. 24 hours available to sleep and relax, yet I feel extremely stressed and sleep little.

The only thing that changed is that I am at a risk of wasting time unlike when life was normal.

Who feels the way I do?

Anyway, I am trying to balance my life.. .⛄

To be alive means to live

You can be alive but not living.

It happens to a lot of people.

They can walk around but they are not living, no life is springing from them to outside.

They always express winter in their heart

Living is a choice before death

Nobody can force you to live.

You can be encouraged to live but it is your decision to live or not

You get?

It is your choice to make your life a living experience. You can decide not to.

It is your life along with the choices you make.

And the choices you make will not affect only you. ..

So you have to live.. ..

Yes. ..I said it

When living is not an option

You live not for yourself

Take it or leave. It is the truth

It is no longer an option to live

You have to live while you are alive

Because you are not the only one in the world.

It is true, no one asked for your permission to be born but you have been born and you were not born for yourself.

That is truth. Take it or leave it

Your decisions have ripple effects and it crashes on other people.

You cannot avoid it

I said living is a choice but at the end of the day, is anything for free?


To win

You will need to have money

Not a lie though

To win, you need to plan.

Living intentionally is being purposeful.

It is walking consistently towards a clean plan.

To acheive success, a plan is followed properly.

When you do things accidentally on a consistent basis, you put yourself at a risk of ending as an accident.

O. R. A

To live intentionally

Is to plan.

Your plans may not always strike out but at least you know what and where to improve.

Improving is the important step. Staying stagnant is dangerous

Stagnant waters breed mosquitoes and malaria. Imagine a stagnant living person

O. R. A

It is so easy to waste time. I have 24 hours to myself, yet I have to consistently encourage myself to use each day meaningfully.

Two of my Books

That allign with this topic:


They both amplify Living Intentionally. One is a free download and the other is for purchase.

How is your new typical day?

Share in the commment section below


Blogging Basics 105: WP Admin function, Plans & Domain


Welcome to the last part of this series.

Whew! I am relieved to be done with it😂😂. Technology related topics are not my favourite because I am slow in understanding them. I really tried to make this series as simple as I could. I do hope you find it helpful.

Let us dive into the last part of this series

Function of the WP admin

To find this option, you need to find yourself here first:

Yellow dot is attached to it

When you click on it, you will find yourself here:


This place gives you an idea of how many memory space you have left, the spams you have, comments to review or trash and a glance of your site in general.

If you click the button close to the Red dot, you will find this appearing:

And this, if you scroll down:

You can do a quick edit of your blog post too or create one if you want to.

That is pretty much of this area. I check it time to time to see comments that were not approved, and either approve them or trash them.


There are currently about 6 plans on wordpress.

Each of them have their features and fees.

I am currently on a free plan because….😶

I will hopefully get to enjoy a plan but I believe that it would exciting to get on a plan.

If you are ready to get a plan, do hop in and get it. They offer a refund after 30 days of trial, so that authenticates their services.


Let me confess: I do not really understand what this is about😂😂.


I think if offers you your personal site without attached to it. It surely has a lot of advantages you can explore if you can fund it.

End of the series

The parts I had more strenght in were 101 to 104😂😂

You can check them out if you missed them.

WordPress offers more help to guide you through starting your website, check out their help button for more.

See you in a more comfortable post😂😂




My hands are freezing and no I am not in Antartica, I am in Tropical Africa. It is harmattan. It is really cold.

This post is a very dear one because I struggle so badly with it.

The previous post was on Late Coming and this topic flows in the same stream…..

The problem

The problem with procrastination is multifactorial.

It starts with a reasonable reason before it accumulates into a syndrome.

It is attached to emotions that are too much to handle.

Procastination is emotional before it becomes habitual.

Emotions such as:

  • Fear
  • Doubt
  • Insecurity
  • Laziness
  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety
  • Perfectionism
  • Distractions
  • I have tried to mention them😌

These emotions and tendencies accumulate in different ratios producing the final result of inactivity.

Sometimes the procastinator did right by procastinating.

Why? How?

They may get a better deal

But from experience, it is rarely favourable.


Losing out big time.

Losing money, opportunities, progress, activities, productivity, time, relationships, results.

I admire those that have built the resilence to always do things at the moment they have to do it.

I am a fluid person, and that has affected my activities in multiple ways. It has slowed me down multiple times.

I once wrote a series in 2018 titled ‘NOT FOR THE FAINTED HEARTED’ and in the articles I made invisible resolutions to be less procastinating.

I did fulfill them

After multiple struggles with procastination.

I still struggle

It is still a time problem

Enough time

Time is still the problem.

There are still lies resounding in the head saying ‘there is still time’, ‘there is still a perfect time’, ‘I am not ready at this time’, ‘right now, I do not have everything’

All these lies recycle and not long after, the victim is doing something less rewarding.

A pile of nothing

Another factor is loving the comfort zone.

I love comfort zone. I love to convert wherever I am to a comfort zone, to a replica of where I stay. I love to have a trademark of my presence and once I do that, it becomes hard to move, just like a cat(meow)

I love doing things from a particular place and anything that would cause me to meet a lot of people, see faces, talk too much is already draining. These are mental reasons I have to overcome before stepping out and that is the catalyst for my habitual procastinating.


Not a lot….

Getting things done is vital to productivity and progress, especially things you have to do yourself

cage the monkey…..

Dealing with the problem

Deal with the reason you procastinate

Deal with the emotion

Give yourself a time frame

You have today to do it. You may not have tommorrow


Someone is doing that which you are procastinating to do


If you do it today, you can do something else tommorrow.


Deal with the distraction, remember there is time for everything (talking to me)

Say no😅😅

Truth is that dealing with a habit takes time, and sometimes you need a spur to get a better.

I have been getting spured to do better.

My mother is one true example of a do-it-now person. She never procastinates, I got her genes but I also have to get some of her habits😅😅

Another truth is that, a lot of creatives procastinate because they are always flooded (in their mind), and I am victim of this too. This situation can be dealt by making a list and sticking to it. Create a plan and tick.

The above is one of the process I go through to overcome the cold feet.

Ecclesiastes 11:4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.

King james version

Ecclesiastes 11:6 In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or wether both alike be good

King james version

What you do?

I still have projects I carried over from previous years and I am full of hope that I would share them this year.

What of you?

For Now: #fromamedicalstudentfaraway

Happy New Year or Happy New Month 5


The day almost everyone shares their resolutions….

First of all….


2020 is finally here. It used to be faraway but it is here and so are you.


The day with two honours👑

It is only on this day bearing 1st of January.

Do you wonder what greeting to say?

Happy new year? or Happy new month


We say both..

2020 is finally here and the hopes and aspirations that has piled up from last year is enormous.

2019 drained most people and they cannot wait to breath in 2020

Plans, businesses, and several committments have been prepared to push forward in this year

2019 was the year of weddings💐 maybe 2020 will carry on with the wedding celeberations😁

2020 has two 20 and hopefully we get double of every great expectation we have.


I have heard people say January has seventy something days😂😂😂😂😂

It takes time before 31st arrives…

Whether you make resolutions or not or decide to roll over your last year’s resolutions, I hope and pray that your steps move forward and not backwards.

So Have you gotten your gift?🎁

I gave a gift in my last post (Appreciation Post). Go get it….

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected End

King james version

As for me…

2020 is a year to continue moving in God’s direction. It is a year to grow more and blossom more. It is a year to continue being a gift. It is a year of courage, hope, and trust in God…

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths

King james version


Happy New Month and New Year…


For now: #fromamedicalstudentfaraway