
I thought I would not write one but I ended up doing so.

So this post is here and has become alive.

Let’s ride in….


I did not write this topic on my topic list. It jumped some topics to exist. I told myself to hold off any blog post until another time. Blog posts have been quite irregular in the last two months. I miss sharing.

Okay, let’s ride back in


Photo by Andreea Ch on

It is quite early in the morning and I am up doing another review of my life.

Recently, I have been practicing good sleep not sleeping too late. I have been sleeping earlier than I chronically used to.

In this my usual review, I do a mental breakdown of my progress as an individual and as usual many of my loopholes stare at me unapolegectically.

I analyze my finished not so finshed projects, unfinished projects, future projects and projects that are still in the dream world.

The title of this heading says FACE REALITY

Dreaming is good if it has plans backing it….

o. R. A

Facing reality meant that I realized that whatever superpower I thought I had, my loopholes were a problem.

Facing reality meant that I had to remind myself that I had no-one to blame for my life and I needed to take my life as mine and be responsible for it.

Facing reality meant I had to prepare myself mentally to believe that I have what it takes.

Facing reality meant that I had to continue some learning I had started and add some new ones.

Facing reality meant that I had to be grateful.

What does facing reality mean to you?


Photo by Jill Burrow on

Still in this mental review, I admitted that I had opened too many accounts and still opening more.


Exploration. Exploration caused it.

In the last few years, I have done many experiements and in the process had be present on different platforms. Many did not work out and I had to close the accounts and some of them led me to others and in the process I learnt some few things.

In this process of experimenting, I was able to begin the discovery of what was feasible for me and my projects and this helped me to deactivate what did not suite me and keep some that may serve a future purpose.

2018 was a year of more experimentation and as I reflect on that year, I realize that some of my experimentation yielded good results for which I should be grateful for.

I am still discovering and this has made me open new accounts and hopeful will have some unique experiences too.


Photo by Natalie on

As a creative who loves to be neo, my mind is heavily influxed with ideas. Some of the areas that have been consistently notorious include:

Writing. Art and Design and Food.

Writing being top on the list. I have many topics piled up to develop and yet more keep pouring in but I have to remind myself that I have to complete an older task before moving to the next content.

With that being said, I really do look forward to sharing some philosophical works soon.

Satire. Non-fiction. Maybe Poetry. Okay, fiction too


Photo by spemone on

Recently, I piled up some works on my Goggle docs that I thought I would give in response to an opportunity thay was opened but on further introspect, I changed my mind and stopped the process.

There is a probability, the content I started to create would be shared on this platform or on another platform where I volunteer for free. I am still navigating my decision in line with what God wants me to do.

See, a creative like me seeks for opportunities and sometimes we do not know how to look.

If there were spectacles for them, maybe I would ask the doctor to add it to the lens i am currently wearing.

Knowing how to seach for oportunities is important.

Knowing how to access them is also important.

Knowing how to prepare is important.

Getting recognized crowns the process.

Value is relevant when it can be accessed

o. R. A

Sometimes, opportunities come at a price.

Sometimes, the price is expensive.

Sometimes, opportunities are fought for.

Turtle ninja?


This verse came to my heart before I starting writing this post.

This is not the first time I have written on a theme like this and I am not promising it would be the last.

In the midst of analysing and sorting out, I needed to remind myself to see from God’s perspective and trust His guidance.

This verse makes a lot of sense:

Proverbs 19:21  There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. (KJV)

There is nothing wrong with planning your life out and creating a goal you desire to achieve at certain points, however as a Christian, it is the counsel of the LORD that preceeds our decisions.

So, maybe you are like me who feels like you are trying too hard, this post is a reminder that you have a partner (that is me) and if you feel I do not understand, someone reading this post does.

If you are that someone let us know in the comment section below


So, I make almost all my designs for every posts except for when I get pictures from pixel (rare occasions). I intentionally make all my covers (at least since 2019/2019) and posters because I want the uniqueness it adds and because I love it.

However, because I am typing this post in the middle of the morning and I am tired and I do not want to create any new design, this post has no new design.

However (again), I believe you still enjoyed reading this post.


I mentioned earlier about books. I have a store where my ebooks can be purchased. The previous platfrom is still under review and a new space was created months ago. I made that announcement in the BOOK section of this blog.

All the books including the free books are there. The changes to the older platform did not affect the free downloads on this blog ( meaning the free downloads are still available in the BOOKS SECTION)

The second accompainment would be my podcast platform. A topic on IMPACT was shared earlier this month.

N.B Podcast page on this blog is still patent as per active.


I thought I would not write a post but I finally did.

Okay, bye.

Until next time I share a post,

Stay safe and God bless.


T r y i n g T o o H a r d


Blogmas 2: Day 8


Welcome to day 8


Its not fair. I came first

I was standing in front of the section of the school cafeteria where freshly baked pies were sold when she joined me.

We greeted each other cordially because we knew each other.

The pies were brought out and before they were served she quickly picked the larger portion.

Let me confess: I had wanted to do that but withheld myself. I just did not feel it was right to do that.

Let the server give it appropriately

As I walked to the waiting bus which was going to take me and my remaining classmates to the hospital four our session, I wondered if my action to wait was pious or I was simply too slow.

Why were you slow? You also wanted the larger portion.

As I ate and pondered on my thoughts and the minute observation I had made, I wondered why sometimes I felt cheated when I actually did the right thing.

Maybe she was very hungry and she needed it more than I did. As long as you still got something to eat, then that is great.

One part of my reflection was:

Why did I feel bothered about what had happened?

Wasn’t it appropriate to let the other person pick before you?

Now, this is my pick: I am uncomfortable with people who are quick to pick better options for themselves while others have to deal with probably the crumbs. I interprete this attitude as only caring for oneself while not caring about others.

I feel uncomfortable with people who step on others to achieve goals or would do anything to be on the top.

Am I being realistic?

This question popped in my head as I reflected.

Does the world care?

To a major extent the world runs on the survival of the fittest. If you aren’t strong enough, you will lose and no-one would care.

You for yourself

I took her medical history and super enjoyed the communication. She was quite friendly and helped me as I mumbled with the arabic I knew. I and my partner had to wait for the Doctor in charge of us to be present to continue further.

He arrived and we began reviewing the cases together, the patients coming in and out.

Soon she entered and I volunteered to examine her.

He looked past me and chose someone else.

He had done that more than thrice

I was unhappy.

Why? I took her history and we had a good rapport

At some point, I felt he was being too picky with those he was choosing to examine the patients and told him it would be nice to make the participation more inclusive.

I reflected on this incidence and equality came to my mind. Everyone in the room was eager to participate but it depended on being chosen, however, some individuals were also willing to continuously participate even if that meant others did not get a chance.

I had fought that attitude in the past and I continue to.

Let everyone have an opportunity. If they refuse to participate then that is their choice.

I try to be inclusive whenever I have the chance to participate in a group activity. I believe in giving everyone a chance to contribute because that is what makes a group work a group work.

If it is a group work, then it is a group work not a one person work.

And from previous observations, I have noticed that when people are given the opportunity to participate actively, the activity done is more productive and enjoyed.

But that is not always the case

A concept, I still find hard to tolerate. The truth is that creating an environment where everyone has an appropriate equal opportunity is not realistic.


Because that is life. Life is not equal.

Some people were born into rich homes others were born into poor homes and others into the middle class homes.

Some people have better opportunities because of their family background and others have to struggle harder to get a meaningful pass at life.

Some people are smarter than others and that gives them an edge educationally.

Many factors we had no hand in constructing

Our fingers aren’t equal.

Neither are our toes.

My desire to be as just as possible in my dealings mainly depend on me and any opportunity I have to do so.

This means that expecting it from almost everyone I meet will only frustrate me

Frustrate me, because that is what I have experienced over again especially in cases I did not yield power. In cases where my voice carried meaning, I spoke and insisted but then there is always a limit.

Ambition if not guarded is extremely flammable. It can burn a man and consume him.

The truth is that most humans want to make meaning from their lives.

Most of us want to make tangible achievements depending on what achievement means to us.

I am no different

But our approaches are different and sometimes if you want to do it right, you may need to take longer time.

If you aren’t interested in waiting then shortcuts will be an easier option even it comes at the cost of another person.

A simple example:

How often have you experienced inequality at a queue? You’ve being waiting in line for a service and suddenly an individual strides in delicately and is handled differently mainly because of other factors you do not possess.

How often have you felt bitter and then jealous you were not in that position?

How often have you done the same thing when you had the opportunity presented to you?

How often have you make declaration of doing anything to get what you want?

Philippians 2:3  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. (KJV) 

I confess: even though I do have the deep sense to treat people appropriately, I have also had times when I felt foolish doing so especially when my efforts were not seemingly appreciated or I got the end of the pot.

Sometimes it feels like why don’t you grab it for yourself too?

Why are you concerned about being concerned about treating others equally?

And sometimes, I have felt a sense of regret.

Or a sense of feeling cheated like the above incidence I metioned.

But when I meditate on the word of God, I am encouraged to know that I am not out of point.

Treating other people well is not foolish neither is it wrong.

Giving other people opportunities to develop is not foolish neither will it be the reason I do not progress.

Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good;
 And what does the Lord require of you
 Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),
 And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]? (AMP) 

God requires us to treat others well.

God desires that we are concerned about the welfare of others.

God loves it when we are considerate of others.

1Corinthians 10:24 Let no one seek [only] his own good, but [also] that of the other person. (AMP) 

We all like good things of life.

Including me

However, motives and driving factors differ.

How we end up getting the good thing of life matters to God

THE GOLDEN RULE summarized 
Good for me, good for thee: Good for me (not harmful, detrimental to my life, helpful to my life, will improve my growth, will help me move further in life) can also be good for you and I should not stop you from having you or stop it from reaching you. 
Now to you

Do you share my concept?

Do you have a better way of writing what I wrote?

What am I missing?

What are your thoughts?

They are warmly welcomed.

Thank you for being here, I truly appreciate.

Thank you for sharing in my thoughts.

See you tommorrow by God’s grace until then stay well and blessed.
