Poetic Days 5


This is the last part of the original series. I am grateful I was able to share it here.

I always wondered what to do with it, and why I even wrote it in the first place but now it has found a place to rest.

I talked about REJECTION last year, and my continuous encouragement is : if you believe you are good at what you are being rejected for, do not give up. It could be quite hard when you feel unappreciated but keep on being a shining star💫

You are not alone

In this part, I did not plan to conclude the series. I just ended it abruptly and never continued it.

NB warning you before you read it


It’s been long. Like forever long. Like three weeks ago.

I miss having my diary because it captured my everday feeling, it was something near. Now I can’t seem to find a replacement.

A lot and lot has happened since I wrote my last poetic day. A lot.

Last last Friday I walked under the extremely burning Sun, my eyes under the glasses that could not still veiw clearly, as I made my way to the food spot to buy the local food, which I enjoyed. Sudan rice.

Discovered a new transport spot and found my way home.

Missed reading my Famished Road. As of now, haven’t read it in two weeks. I have not entered that world yet.

On a Monday, heard a very heart wrenching news of a classmate who passed away. It was so unbelievable and I was tortured with the thoughts that came to my heart. The thought being: I had just thought of her few days ago. In the early morning, I felt an odd feeling of fear before I went to bed. More like I felt an odd prssence and thoughts of Death. I had not prayed about that aspect but just thanked God for my life. If I had known, I would have prayed for her.

It took so long a time to accept reality as her voice and laughter kept ringing in my ears. I was far away from home and wasn’t ever going to see her, that really hurt. I had not seen in years, like two years.

Prayed for my family and asked God for mercy. I wasn’t afraid for myself because I know my purpose and I know I won’t die till I accomplish that. I will continue in my steps till I get there.

I was missing family and getting small talk from them, social media for siblings and calls from parents.

I applied for about two places to apply my writing skills. Got rejected at one and no response from the other. Felt bad but encouraged myself.

I also finished kkahava right before deadline of March ending. My akkajaja book still pending

On Friday, made a trip to hdda’s place. Khf and hff, pogf and her sister. It was fun even though I was really tired. Past time and I was back to the hostel.

Yesterday, Monday. Typed 8 pages of ghhhy4sas (an upublished work)
No gas, no cooking. No bus after school. Spent excess and was beyond irritated but not irritated enough to be really angry.

Watched some Mount Zion movies. No reading and just slept off.

This morning my face is long and I am not really in the mood. Listened to a nice audio that encouraged me, and beautiful music in my ears.

Also, I posted on my blog after like three weeks of not posting anything.

Thanking God for provision. He supplies every needs, like everything. And even though my mood is not in line, am grateful for life and for God in my life.

Note for this part

I replaced some English words with alien words. I never thought of that in the past but I felt I needed to keep some English words withheld.

I was unable to finish reading The Famished Road. A joker took it out of the library. I was so sad about that, and I have not seen it since then.

The part where I spoke about not dying was not meant to reflect any form of personal pride but it is a reflection of my belief in who God is in my life and my belief that I have a purpose. It does not mean that I control my existence on earth, God still has the final say in my life.

Thank you for reading the five parts (if you did)

If this is the first part you are reading, kindly start from the first to get the flow of the series.

Your thoughts and comments are well appreciated.

Kiny check Contact for some details.

Sending more flowers to those who lost a special one. A special post will be up by tommorrow🌸🌻🍁🌷🌹🍂🍀



  1. Williams Olusegun says:

    I offer you my thoughts, prayers and well-wishes to the family of the deceased 🙏

    Pride?… NO

    As a child of God… one can always declare good things… people can think anything but the declarer knows better….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sweetrose2 says:

      Thank you…….


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