Blogmas 2: Day 11



How was your day?

Welcome to day 1 and 1.

Welcome to double one.

Welcome to day 11.

And as usual…

Let’s dive in….

Sound mind

Today I’ll share a short story that happened before my eyes.

Take what you may from it before you read my take on it as well.

the polite insane man

I was minding my notebook in the moving bus when I noticed the uniqueness of his attire.

It was designed in and with bird poop. Sorry, bird faeces

He moved from the back seat to sit front of me

Did he work at a poultry? Was he in a hurry that he forgot to change his attire?

I thought as I observed him sit, my eyes shifting from my notebook to the man in his uinque attire in front of me.

Then I noticed something else, something different about this man.

He was literally punching the air

The bus was in motion and the able bodied man was punching unseen forces or beings

I did not want to stare at him as I was tempted too

Me and my eyes that loves to stare ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

The bus stopped at the red traffic light and the man paid his fare and jumped out of the bus with a force that made him limp. By now, everyone in the bus were aware that he was in another interesting world.

I used this opportunity to continue observing him. He crossed the road and shook a standing man then proceeded to a pick a lonely brick and threw it above the head of a squatting man.

Next, he went to search for the brick in the burning waste, instead he picked something else.

The bus moved and I got to my stop and highlighted off.

However, the distance I moved was not far from him

I noticed him.

He was now kicking an empty plastic bottle, leaving it at intervals to kick at the air.

Invisible beings maybe

He was moving in the direction of the plastic bottle.


I reduced the pace of my steps as I noticed that he was few meters away from me.

He shook a beggar by the roadside. He was possibly the only person who did that. The man recieved his possible warm morning greeting from this interesting man.

Then, he noticed a driver who was standing beside his static car.

An issue of maybe knocked engine or maybe it was the cold weather

He immediately proceeded to help push the car. Others had ignored but not this interesting man.

His next mission was to coordinate the buses as they moved in respect to the traffic light.

He needed to help the traffic lights too

I watched from a distance as he continued his journey onward still negotiating aggressively with the beings he had fought earlier.

As I mediated on my way to church, my mind went to this verse in the Bible

2 Timothy 1:7  For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (KJV) 

The sound mind part gets me a lot. It is beyond just having a mind, it goes further to having a sound one.

What is a sound mind?

A sound mind is one that thinks well. One that knows what to do at the right time. One that knows God and obeys His instructions.

God needs our mind to be ready to receive from Him at all times.

Because God is always speaking

God needs a heart that is willing to communicate and respond.

Because what we have is a relationship. Us and God, connection is a relationship

A sound mind is cultivated. It does not appear magically or spontaneously and that reminds me of this verse

Philippians 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (KJV) 

The verse above is a summary of cultivating a sound mind.

A mind that is saturated with healthy thoughts.

Our mind needs to be sound because we need faith to relate with God. Without faith, there is doubt and in the prssence of doubt, there is worry and worry questions our relationship with God.

So we need faith to relate with God but faith is developed in a sound mind

Therefore, it is an intentional decision to maintain a sound mind.

Like the man I mentioned above, if our mind is not sound we may think we are doing the right thing and yes we may according to standards we have set but if it is not according to God’s will, we are still off course.

A sound mind can recognise the current environment, respond to it appropriately and achieve purpose.

Reflecting on this man, though it seemed as though he was helping, there was a high chance if him getting violent later on. His acts of interaction appeared normal but in general, it was not.

There was no guarantee that he was not going to throw a brick at a person soon but for the moment he was not harming anyone, nobody bothered.

Another reflection is this, because he was in another world, he did not observe what others did and rather observed what they did not but some of the things he was observing had the potential of hurting him.

He also felt he could do anything, he failed to recognise that jumping out of the bus or moving into the midst of the road could mean his sudden death but because of the state of his mind, he was unable to notice this.

N. B If you struggle with a mental health issue, God is with you and God desires to heal you. Therapy is great. Medications are great. But God is the best therapy. Remain in God and do your therapy and take your medications and trust God to be sound.

To add quickly on that RoseCast has treated a specific topic on mental health and even in other topics has tried to share on mental health concerns. However, there is a specific topic to address it.

The title is UNASHAMED. You can listen to it via the PODCAST page or go directly to it on anchor via this LINK

Now to you

Share with me.

I do not have specific questions for you.

Just share with me.

Thank you for being here. I am grateful to share these thoughts with you. Most times I thought I would write more but I am grateful that the little I share is a honest summary of what I needed to share.

If you are new, great to have you here. If you have been following this series, great to have you here.

Stay well and blessed โค



  1. Peaceebo says:

    Three word ๐Ÿ˜ญ โ€œDonโ€™t do drugsโ€… Many of them are nicest people you will meet because they know what it means to be helpless as they depend on these substances. We keep them in our prayers always as we keep ourselves. Nice post..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sweetrose2 says:

      Amen….. Thank you ๐ŸŒธ


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