Dear Quirks

I know you feel too different many times

I understand exactly how you feel

Maybe not too exactly

But I can understand

I know you have wondered why you cannot fit in

Why it is has been so hard to look cool

Why you make jokes and no one laughs

Why you just want to belong somewhere

However before you go too far in your sad thoughts

It is good that you know

That you are cool

Especially if you are not causing harm to others

But that does not mean you should harm yourself either

Maybe its the way you walk or talk or your stutter or your hand movements or the way you laugh or the way you raise your eyebrows trying to be funny or maybe it is just the way you try to express yourself

Maybe it is one of these that make you feel unfitting for many crowds

Or maybe it is your mind playing games on you

Maybe you actually have a crowd that accepts you

Only that you have been blinded by the ones you want to fit into that you fail to realize that you do not belong everywhere

Maybe its because you do not realize that you have a reason attached to your life

That reason is called PURPOSE

Fitting in is not bad

Not at all

But don’t force it

First accept yourself

Then learn more

Then become a fragrance

Do not allow the others squash you

If you are not cool for them

You are cool for another

Dear quirks,

Stop feeling bad that you are one

Nothing happens for nothing

So don’t hurt yourself or another

Because of your quirkness

From another quirk to a quirk reading this….


Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. KJV

Some of the other quirky things I do aside my laughter, how I stare, extract myself from others (๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚), how I talk fast (๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚), my facial expressions…..

I can be paradox about things I appreciate.

I appreciate good compliments but at the same time I am shy to receive them.

I expect yet do not expect them


I am surprised when I get them

I appreciate certain humans but sometimes I will rather be alone than spend a lot of time with them.

Once-in-a blue moon long hours visits.

I appreciate constructive corrections yet do not know how I will respond to them when they come because I try as much as possible to be balanced and in the right lane.

No mistakes eh

I can care so much and not care at all…

I’ll stop…

I have been priviledged to meet people who are similar to me and it has been comforting to talk in the same language.

Alien language

As I weed out the negative aspects, I am also learning to accept that the quirks which I possess are…..


I actually wanted to write Beautiful

Have you felt like an odd person?

If you haven’t, this post may seem quite odd to you. However, odd or not…

God loves you

Yes, I had to write that

Your comments are welcomed

No preamble. No conclusion.

Stay safe and God bless



Dear, Quirks

you are loved


  1. Alheri Eunice Esechie says:

    Itโ€™s always a blessing when u know u arent the only one feeling the way u feeling and more that what you consider odd is just another vessel God chooses to use nd calls deserving and beautiful

    Liked by 2 people

    1. O. R. A says:

      Amen โค

      Liked by 1 person

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