30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 26


4 days left

Today has been….

But the series continues.

God’s work continues.

Lets ride in…


This word signifies that fire is present.

Fire burns. That is what it does.

Fire is hot.

Fire is beautiful but fire hurts.

Fire chars

Burn is a result of the contact between fire and another lighter substance.

The consuming fire

This is the fire that completely finishes whatever it is in its path.

This does not only burn but it erases.

This means that this fire should not be joked with.

Elijah in his face off with the prophets of baal, said “The God that answers by fire will be God” 1Kings 18:24-38

God’s response was to express Himself as consuming fire.

This fire responds to sin.

The presence of God consumes sin. Because God and sin cannot remain in the same environment (our body), when God is given the permission to be in charge, He consumes up the strings of sin in your life.


God as a consuming fire is also a warning signal. This means that we should not toy with God.

God is not a joke. Forget what many people are doing

God as much as He is kind is holy and just.

Continuing from Day 25, God does not vibe with sin.

Therefore understanding that God consumes sin, helps us to appreciate His holiness.

Do not forget that fire burns

Stop deceiving yourself 3

This has become a sub series

I told you not to deceive yourself twice. Now it is thrice.

Do not ignore

I also share here that fire burns.

Do not ignore

God is a consuming fire.

Con-suming. Con-su-ming.

Hebrews 12:28  Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:(KJV)

As much as we should relate with God on a platform of a Father-child relationship. Lover-friend relationship.

We also need to relate with God on a Maker-created platform.

God is not like the humans you get so used to that you disrespect

In Nigerian pidgin-that you rena

You cannot get too used to God. You can only enjoy the diversity of who He is.

Do not deceive yourself into thinking that you now know God enough to disregard His word and do as you like.

God you already know. We have a unique relationship. Dont vex with me. We will talk later

God is not your mate….

Be careful of fire

You see, fire is important. Fire creates but it also destroys.

It depends on how it is used.

The fire of God creates. When we relate with God sincerely, His fire creates more expression of holiness in our lives.

The fire of God also helps us burn brightly and this process is towards fulfilling His will on earth.

God’s will needs His fire

As we burn, God uses us to cause others to experience God.

But if you are not in this category, then God’s fire will hurt you not create through you.

It will now become the fire that destroys

If you take God for a joke, your life will become a joke

O. R.A

Go and check history. King Nebuchadnezzar will gist you.

Be careful of fire.


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for my life. Father consume everything that hinders your will in my life. Help me to burn to create not to be destroyed. May I not be destroyed by your fire because of sin rather may it fuel me to do your will. In Jesus name I pray. Amen


Thank you for being here.

Today’s post theme was written earlier but I wrote it out later.

Today was one of the days I almost did not write the post for the day but I am grateful to God for grace and strength. I knew I could not ignore the words to be shared and as I wrote and listened to words shared by other children of God, I was ignited to continue, writing the post not out of compulsion and routine but out of inspiration.

Kindly share to others.

Stay safe and be blessed.


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