BlogMas 3: Day 2


Today was dusty, warm and dry.

Today was sunny, cool and dry.

Today happened and thank God for harmattan.

Today is day 2….


It was as if nothing could be done until it clocked 12pm.

When it was 12pm, a mail was created to be sent to subscribed emails.

I sent it an hour later.

Then I tried to edit a portion of the satire I talked about yesterday.

Do you sometimes feel like your energy is boosted at specific times?


There are three energy frequencies I operate on:

  • Completely energized and focused
  • Partially energized and focused
  • Lazy

When I am completely focused, I can get lost in time doing as much as I can to finish what I am engaged in.

When I am lazy, I am lazy.

These frequencies are indicators of how efficient I am with my day and also gives me preview of how fulfilled I may feel that day.

For some caffeine does the job, for me internal balance is the deal.


With the little time I had from 12pm to 2pm, I did a little more organization then found my way to the radio station I had been frequenting for more than a month.

A friend who hosts a radio show invited me months ago to be part of a book review and though I was intially skeptical, I came to enjoy the experience.

The conversations that came as a result of the book review and the responses that came from listeners were refreshing.

I used was because the book review ended today

I enjoy meaningful conversations and to be part of such was an interesting experienece for me.

Doing something worthwhile is worth doing.

So clichè

I will say that even as I participated and contributed, I benefited from the interaction and I was able to take certain topics into more consideration.

Ecclesiastes 9:10  Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.(KJV)

This brings me to say: Find something worthwhile to be passionate about.

After the show, I sat with her and continued the topic we conversed during the show. This had become our routine after every show. We ended the conversation on ideas and finding solutions.

The thoughts I ruminated on afterwards:

Do not belittle any opportunity, however do not wrap all of your personal worth on them.


My next hop was church.


I had an hour to spare and meditate before the service.

It was not the first time and I had come to be aware of my body’s response to sugar.

To be aware of your environment is one thing. To be aware of yourself in your environment is another. Both of them are neccessary.

To be aware of yourself in an environment is one thing. To be aware of God in an environment is another. Both of them are neccessary.

The consciousness of God makes me realize that whether I am in the church praying or at home on the bed, God is in my environment the same way I am in the environment.

Therefore, despite my day, thoughts or interractions, God remains interwined in my daily routine.

Psalms 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (KJV)
Psalms 4:4  Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.(KJV)

Remaining conscious of God in our daily routine creates a proper response to different situations, good or bad.


I was expecting certain conversations that did not happen.

I thought I would do more today.

I was partially satisfied with my productivity level today.

Today happened.


Simply click on the image below.

Waiting for you….


What does productivity mean to you?

What boosts your energy?

What activity appears worthwhile to you?

Do you review your day?


I had many reasons not to write today’s part but thankfully I completed it.

Tommorrow is Day 3.

Stay safe and God bless.
