Hello and welcome here.


This is the third part and we explore futher on the major themes the character of Samson shows us.

Let’s ride in…


Some time had passed and Samson decided to visit his bride. His plan was to spend time intimately with her since he had left in anger the previous time.

When he arrived and requested for his wife, her father told him that she was now someone else’s wife and it was no other person than the man that had been his bestman. Instead her father offered her younger sister and this infuriated Samson.

He caught three hundred foxes and tied their tails before torching it with fire and setting them loose into the plantations of the Philistines.

When they realised the damage that had been done and connected the dots to Samson’s ex father-in-law, they retaliated by killing the man and his daughter. Then they searched for Samson to also kill him.

Samson had begun his journey back home when he met his people who told him that he was being looked for. Samson agreed to surrender as long as they did not hurt him themselves.

However, when he was confronted by the aggravated Philistines, he had an unexplainable rush of might come on him and using the jawbone of a donkey, he killed about a thousand men.

He was thirsty and tired by the time the fight wss over and he cried out in desperation “God will you allow me to do after this great victory?”

God then created water from the ground around Samson from which he drank from.

He named the place Enhakkore.

He judged Israel for 20 years.

(Story culled from Judges 15. Read chapter for more context).


At this point, Samson could be termed as the man with unbridled passion. He had strength but it was not under control.

Power should come with control.

God is God because only He can control the power He holds and that is where His character of being just comes in.

Samson was oblivious. He was a passionate man but lacked wisdom to guide his passion. The wife he had left had been given out and in his passionate fury he turned on the same people who had insisted on coats.

Passion without wisdom will yield haphazard results

He had not thought of the consequences of his actions and this led to the demise of the woman he had wanted to marry.

Another interesting thing to note is that despite being a leader of his people, yet they could not identify or associate with the display of strength he showed. Samson was unable to connect with his people in a way that could direct their focus on the source of his strength.

Using the bone of a dead animal under the supernatural strenght endowed from God, he prevailed over a thousand men.

With God, we will always have victory.

Sometimes, like Samson we are able to trust God for big things but not for simple things. If God was able to deliver Samson with a jaw bone then was it water he could not provide?

Sometimes, what kills our faith in God are the seemingly small things

Samson was a superficial man with a great gift. He knew the purpose of his gift but it was mainly directed towards his personal goals.

Our depth with God will always depend on our ability to take responsibility.

We should take responsibility for the position, and gift God gives us. Only then can we maximize them.

God will do His part, will you do yours?



Knowing what to do with our lives is a big question that we are faced with answering because it determines the decisions we take and affects our life long path.

Purpose is discovered daily but what we do with these discoveries matter more than knowing them.

Abuse is inevitable if we do not understand a purpose of a thing.


  • What are the little things in your life testing your faith in God?
  • Have you been abusing your life?
  • What have you taken responsibility for?
  • Have you lost focus?

Thank you for being here.

Kindly share this post.

See you in the next part.

Stay safe and God bless.



Welcome here.

In coming days, a bible study series on Samson will be taken.

The story of this unique character is taken from the book of Judges 13 to 16 and it explores a variety of themes, some of which will be shared in this study.



BlogMas 3: Day 2


Today was dusty, warm and dry.

Today was sunny, cool and dry.

Today happened and thank God for harmattan.

Today is day 2….


It was as if nothing could be done until it clocked 12pm.

When it was 12pm, a mail was created to be sent to subscribed emails.

I sent it an hour later.

Then I tried to edit a portion of the satire I talked about yesterday.

Do you sometimes feel like your energy is boosted at specific times?


There are three energy frequencies I operate on:

  • Completely energized and focused
  • Partially energized and focused
  • Lazy

When I am completely focused, I can get lost in time doing as much as I can to finish what I am engaged in.

When I am lazy, I am lazy.

These frequencies are indicators of how efficient I am with my day and also gives me preview of how fulfilled I may feel that day.

For some caffeine does the job, for me internal balance is the deal.


With the little time I had from 12pm to 2pm, I did a little more organization then found my way to the radio station I had been frequenting for more than a month.

A friend who hosts a radio show invited me months ago to be part of a book review and though I was intially skeptical, I came to enjoy the experience.

The conversations that came as a result of the book review and the responses that came from listeners were refreshing.

I used was because the book review ended today

I enjoy meaningful conversations and to be part of such was an interesting experienece for me.

Doing something worthwhile is worth doing.

So clichè

I will say that even as I participated and contributed, I benefited from the interaction and I was able to take certain topics into more consideration.

Ecclesiastes 9:10  Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.(KJV)

This brings me to say: Find something worthwhile to be passionate about.

After the show, I sat with her and continued the topic we conversed during the show. This had become our routine after every show. We ended the conversation on ideas and finding solutions.

The thoughts I ruminated on afterwards:

Do not belittle any opportunity, however do not wrap all of your personal worth on them.


My next hop was church.


I had an hour to spare and meditate before the service.

It was not the first time and I had come to be aware of my body’s response to sugar.

To be aware of your environment is one thing. To be aware of yourself in your environment is another. Both of them are neccessary.

To be aware of yourself in an environment is one thing. To be aware of God in an environment is another. Both of them are neccessary.

The consciousness of God makes me realize that whether I am in the church praying or at home on the bed, God is in my environment the same way I am in the environment.

Therefore, despite my day, thoughts or interractions, God remains interwined in my daily routine.

Psalms 46:10  Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. (KJV)
Psalms 4:4  Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah.(KJV)

Remaining conscious of God in our daily routine creates a proper response to different situations, good or bad.


I was expecting certain conversations that did not happen.

I thought I would do more today.

I was partially satisfied with my productivity level today.

Today happened.


Simply click on the image below.

Waiting for you….


What does productivity mean to you?

What boosts your energy?

What activity appears worthwhile to you?

Do you review your day?


I had many reasons not to write today’s part but thankfully I completed it.

Tommorrow is Day 3.

Stay safe and God bless.


Redirection ⌚


After almost a month.

Schedules will be changed most probably


To the topic

I remember writing a post reviewing why I started to write blog posts.

I was confident of my reasons and I appreciate the posts that have been borne from it.

Over 200 posts aside pages.

Writing on this platform helped me air out thoughts I could not do easily with physical humans. It was my way of helping people have a fresher, healthier perspective and I enjoyed doing it.

Throughout these times, I have experienced happiness, discouragements and nothing (apathy). All these emotions combined to form memories I treasure.

As a writer, great joy is produced when your work is read and interaction follows after.

I too feel that.

Discouragements are extremely frequent especially when people do not understand why you write or not bother to care why you write. It is deeper when you experience it from people who should do better.

But then…

The question arises “Why did you start?”

That is the question I always ask when I am super discouraged.

My response is “Because I love it”

And yes that answer has been my biggest encouragement 😊

These weeks have been refreshing for me. I focused on other important aspects of my life and gave them good attention. I reflected on my intentions. I reflected on purpose. I reflected on my reactions. I reflected on human relationships. I focused on my relationship with God. I reflected on my space, and what it meant to be socially distant and feel comfort without interactions.

Mild Advices

  • Always know why you started
  • Expect disappointments
  • Be prepared for joy
  • Be prepared for discouragements
  • Always reflect
  • You can take time off
  • Give with a healthy mind
  • Always check your heart
  • Be ready to forgive
  • Some people may take you serious
  • Be happy with your work. Enjoy it like a fan would do.
  • You will make mistakes and that makes the journey more fun.

I have said enough.


I have always been intentional with my posts. Few have been spontaneous.

However, I will be more intentional with posts and will not continue with schedules as I started four months ago.

The direction of my posts will be less generalized and more focused on relating experiences with my faith.

I will not take down older posts because most of them gave these vibes already.

Like I said, I will be more intentional. 😊

Small Info

By 30th May, THIS IS THE END will not be available for free.

So you may like to check it now in the Books section in the Menu button.

If you are here for the first time, there are so many interesting posts to read 😌

See you next time.

Do not forget to check the remaining books.


Note for Febuary🌷

I do not even know if I spelt the month correctly.

I really want to post this month


I have to be sincere with myself.

I am choked up😅😅😅😅

Writing a good blog post takes at least 1 hour. It can take more at times. Then I have to edit because I make a lot of errors which gratefully, is ignored by readers🤗

There are a lot of topics I wanted to share this month

But I will refrain.

I have been asked how I combine school and writing consistently, and the answer I always give is “Passion and interest”

Another answer is because writing is therapy and a release environment for me. It goes beyond people reading, and giving feedbacks, the likes or engagement (repitition). I do it because I love doing it.

I still very much appreciate the engagements😌✌

Social Media is an integral part of my activity, and I use it for other purposes. Internet is a huge part of my social life, it is so needed in this day and age but sometimes discipline is needed to avoid abuse of time.

I had other plans for Febuary but school work needs my attention more🤗

If you are new to my blog, you can check old posts (over 120). They are interesting and engaging (or anything you would like to describe it. No negativities though✌)

After reading, you can kindly leave your thoughts in the comment section. Then proceed to subscribe/follow😁

Hopefully, spontaneousity will not drive me to make any impromptu post😂😂

Have a great day, anytime you read this…

Peace out until hopefully end of the month or March✌😊

N.B You can check the Menu button for other parts of this blog 🐣



Me is in small letters 🙄

This may be the last of the ME!! series. I said maybe 😂😂

Wrote this down last week and during the week experienced it.

We need people, I need people. No matter how island we think we are, we need encouragement and good one too.

When anyone is beginning anything, a business, journey into a discovery and other kinds of ventures, one person may just be enough to push you.

Passion drives but sometimes the fire gets dim and someone or people may help spark the flame again.

Also before people ‘blow’ they had this in- crowd that always cheered when no-one was watching or no-one knew and it is important to not forget these ones. Don’t forget the role they played in your life.

Grassroot is the toughest time of growing because it is a time you deal with discouragement, fears, doubt, depression, lack, progress and so on. But the moment you are able to grow out of this stage, you become an experienced individual in that field and not that things would go so smoothly but it would be a little easier than grassroots.

I was talking with one of my girls 😂😂. one girl like that😇😇 and she was like most people are not quick to encourage their friends on their ventures, we are pricked by the fact that our friend is ‘progessing’ and we are not. When in sincerity, everyone has the opportunity to grow or remain stunted.

Encourage your paddies, encourage that small venture, you know not how much of it will go a long way. A lot of us are screaming for it inside and it warms the heart to see that someone really cares.

So……. I wrote an appreciation note last year, my last post of 2018 and I say it again, thank you for encouraging me in anyway you did.


I encourage you too. I hope that my words are like balm to your eager heart and you find the strength to pursue your passion 😊💓

“For your passion. Don’t let the fire burn out

For your dreams. Don’t let them fade away

For your expectations. Don’t let them disappear

They will come around as you persist

They will see your light and come for warmth

A tree never grew in a day”


I encourage my self too 😊🌹

You can put in your comments and I will reply 🐦🐦

N. B You can also do me a favour by clicking the menu button above 😊👆🐧🐼


Two peaceful goats from 5years ago 😀😀