BlogMas 3: DAY 13


Today is the 13th day.

Gradually, I have reached today and I am so grateful.

Thank you for being here.


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Are there things you want to do?

Before you die?

If you were to know the exact day of your death, what would you do differently now?

What plans would you give more attention to accomplish?

Who would you show more love and appreciation?

If you were to know the exact day of your death, would you regret now?

What are you doing with your now?

What aspect of your life are you wasting away?

That would bring you regrets


In recent times, I have been trying not to harbour regrets.

Many things have happened this year to make me feel regretful.

Despite my efforts to avoid regretful situations

I have been exploring different ways to deal with this feeling and one of them is numbing it down.

I try to ignore the feeling.

It has happened

In situations where I tried the best I knew, I say

Atleast I tried my best

Living without regret is intentional. It does not happen accidentally.

Some people have a carefree attitude that help them take life lightly. They rarely allow situations weigh them down.

Jolly Jolly

I have in recent times been trying to do things I would not normally do.

I have always felt I have so much to do within a short time and because of that I made myself a busy person.

Who still makes out time for Instagram, YouTube and some Facebook mindless scrolling

I have always made sure to do something worthwhile everyday.

To me, it means ticking off my no-regret-welldone-day box.


Psalms 119:9  Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. (KJV)

Recently, I created a scenario and asked myself if I would regret the life I am living assuming I am giving an opportunity to live it again or in another way.

I could not pick a lot of things to regret especially when it came to the principle guiding my life.

What if the things you did not do was allowed by God? What if modesty was not necessary? What if abstinence was not a big deal?

I asked these and more and I could not find a reason to regret because I am at peace and comfortable with the principles that have guided my living.

Not doing many things have saved me from unnecessary discomfort and situations

The Bible which is the foundation of my life principles has a balanced view of life and in following it, I have experienced peace, clarity and a sense of purpose.

I have also been opportune to live a more healthy physical, emotional and spiritual life because of the principles in the Bible and I do not regret the choices I have made because of it.

Psalms 119:11  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. (KJV)

And because it has been healthy to my being


Psalms 90:12  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. (KJV)

I am being intentional about living a life I would be pleased to review at the end if my life. A life I can smile at and say “Girl you tried your best”.

I tell God everyday to help me live the life I am meant to live.

I tell God to help me dispense every good and beautiful gifts He has given me.

I tell God to help me experience people and opportunities to express my creativity healthily.

The journey has been gradual and I am grateful for the process. I trust God to make the dreams in my heart a reality.


Do you make use of to do list?

Are you happy with your life right now?

How often are you regretful?

Any painful regrets?

Any possible regret you think you will have before death happens?

Who needs to experience your love and appreciation more?

What principles guide your current lifestyle?


I wrote a book that was inspired by thoughts before dying.

It is a fiction. A collection of short stories.

You can find it here:


In order to beat time, I have been publishing my posts before the day runs out.

My days have been quite busy and I intentionally wait until most of the day is over before I type.

Today, I tried to be useful. I thought I would do much but the body aches from the stress I mentioned in Day 12 were complaining.

Today was still spent in a productive way and I am grateful for that.

N.B Everyday is an opportunity for me to learn something new. For example, today I discovered a new feature while writing this post and I love it and will keep using it in future posts. I love when I get these experiences.

I am still working on the satire I mentioned earlier during this series and if you are not yet on my mailing list, subscribe by clicking the image below. I will be sharing the book cover and asking for opinions soon.


Check out my podcast as well:

Looking forward to your contributions.

Until DAY 14, stay safe and God bless.
