BlogMas 3: Day 4


Today was all shades of interesting and of course I will share it with you.

Today is the fourth day of this year’s edition of Blogmas and I am grateful for the opportunity to share with you my daily experiences.


Let’s ride in….


Ephesians 4:31  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: (KJV)

Bitterness is built up from anger. It slowly grows until you can taste it in your mouth.

Gall. Bile

Yesterday, I mentioned apathy and empathy. Bitterness is apathy, hatred and a desire to revenge.

Bitterness is very consuming even though it may creep in unannounced.

Today, the Holy Spirit specifically said to my heart “Do not allow bitterness” and that set the tone for the rest of my day.

Obeying this word guided my day and added to the confirmation that when you walk with God in sincerity, and obedience even your weakness will become stepping stones for deeper experiences.


I did not expect to be part of a surgical team today but I did participate in a surgery.

Unlike previous times where I stood at the last place because many other heads were superior than me or there were enough heads to partake, today I was the sole assistant.

I had learnt a bulk of surgical instruments and today, that knowledge was multiplied.

An surgical outreach was organized and I thought I was only going to participate by doing peripheral activities, however an older doctor (who happens to be my father as well) gave me a srcub to join.

“I hope you can manage”

“Yes. It is not my first time”

True, it was not my first time of being in a surgical theater but it was my first time of actively participating during the surgery of which I did not expect.

After applying the surgical aseptic technique of cleaning my forarms and hands I wore the surgical gloves available.

Mind you, this was after I had been shown about three times on how to wear it, my instructor being very helpful and patient with me.

My instructor who happened to be a familiar person guided me through the mathematics of diluting local anasthesia, gave me a run down of the instruments we were going to use and then told me I was going to assist him.

From the beginning until the end of the surgery, he gently guided me, taught and asked me questions to test my level of understanding regarding the case. Then, he gave me opportunities to ask as well, which I did.

The clean incision made along the crease of the patient’s skin was sutured properly after we had completed the surgical procedure leaving a very fine scar which become difficult to notice after healing.

I was content with myself because I had recalled appropriately and was able to answer most of the questions I was asked. The knowledge which I had revised multiple times and often times still forgot or mixed up flowed out when I needed it even though I had not intentionally prepared for the surgery.

As someone who struggled with hemophobia from a young age until early adulthood, I am grateful for the progress I have made and today I was completely at ease without feeling nauseated or troubled through out the surgery.

This brings me to say that being ready is advantageous.

Be ready for what you are praying for

I have become more intentional about praying for the capacity and grace to be ready for the things I desire. It is one thing to pray for something, it is another to be ready for it.

Be ready with God’s word

Being ready with God’s word does not happen by accident. It is a result of internal deposition of the word of God over time.

1 Peter 3:15  But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (KJV)

To add to this part, I made vlog some months ago on a topic similar. Watch it below:

Kindly subscribe, like and comment after watching😊


I internally thrive on healthy conversation.

It is a fuel for one of my love tanks

I love conversations than can be flexed from being very serious to being humourous to being creative and impactful.

Today was filles with such. Aside from the humour that filled the shared theater, I got to spend time with friends and family with whom I engaged in meaningful conversations with.

Shared theater: The outreach caused that. We shared the theater with other surgeons. My instructor and I used a corner while other surgeons used the other spaces.

After spending time on the outreach ground and having a hilarious journey back to the nearest place close to church, I made my way to choir practice.


I love seeing happy people.

Another source for one of my love tanks

II love seeing expressive happy people because they serve as a motivation for me.

Choir practice was another place I shared in the joy and company of other people.

If you are a very happy and expressive person, there is a high chance than when I meet you, I will smile more whenever I see you.

That is me saying your presence makes me happy without you trying so hard.

TOO BUSY TO ENJOY? Is a podcast I made months ago with a similar theme.


Do you recall easily?

What fills your love tank?

What kind of conversations do you enjoy more?

Are you ready for what you have been praying for?


I recently passed a medical exam that would give me the opportunity to expand as a medical doctor. If you have been following this blog, I graduated from medical school on March 2021. I am not yet a specialist in any field and I still have the opportunity to explore many options before settling for one.

Obeying an instruction given by the Holy Spirit can change the trajectory of your day, week, month and year.

I pray you listen and obey.

Thank you for being here. Until the 5th day of this series, stay safe and God bless.
