Welcome to day 8 of the blogmas of 2022 which happens to be the fourth series.

It has been a long ride and I have hope I will conclude this series in appropriate time.

Let’s ride in as usual..


Life is full of choices and even when we refuse to make a choice we stull make choices because the act of not making a choice is still choice itself.

Therefore life is full of choices and it is one of God’s gift to mankind. God gave us the power to make choices and this includes the choice to choose Him as well.

That brings me to say that salvation though a free gift from God can only be received when a man makes a choice to receive it.

We make choices everyday and the end product of these choices affect the quality of our lives and destinies.

You cannot help but make choices


This question is one I need to be reflecting on as often as possible for our choices shape us.

The choices we make for the day starts from the moment we wake up and from then on, our lives are shaped until we go to bed for the day.

The choices we make are first conscious and as they continue routinely, they become subconscious. Let us not forget that we are shaped by the choices we make. Therefore if that is the case, we need to be wise with our choices even in the possible insignificant decisions.

We need to review our choices as often as possible for the choices we make today may not be good enough for tomorrow. Therefore, choices can change and we should be ready to accept this as part of life.


Okay, God gives us the power to make choices, however we won’t make great choices outside God,

Great here refers to all within God’s will.

There is God’s purpose for each and every one of us and the method we will use to arrive at our destines differ and is tailored by God.

In all, this when we chose God we choose life.

Because God is life

Deuteronomy 30: 19-20 “I call heaven and earth to witness against you that today I have set before you life or death, blessing or curse. Oh, that you would choose life; that you and your children might live! 20 Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and to cling to him, for he is your life and the length of your days. You will then be able to live safely in the land the Lord promised your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (TLB)

I need to reflect on my choices as often as possible for to make good choices needs wisdom and discipline to follow through.

Discipline is key

God gives us the power to make choices, we receive wisdom to make them and we implement discipline tp pull through and over time, we develop consistentency and enjoy growth.

Kindly share this to others.

Until next part, continue to stay safe and God bless.




Welcome to day 7 of this series.

Still taking you on this unique blogmas series that is not going according to plan yet still finding a away to be put up.

Let’s ride in as usual.


We should all have a place we can rest and relax.

We should all have place we can be.

That place can be something we do, a person, a place, or fellowship with brethren.

We need a safe place.

A place to be.

We need to find that safe place and cherish it for what it is.

A safe place is a place where our vulnerability is treated with respect and comfort is provided.

It is a place we can loose guard and be comforted that we will not experience harm.


What is your safe place?

Where do you most comfortable to be?

Have you found people who make you feel safe?

Do you make it safe for others to be?

Do you move with peace?

I have found safe places in certain people. I have experienced what it feels like to be with people who made me feel peaceful and I can say that it is a beautiful experience.

I hope I have provided that comfort to others.


The truth is that God is our safest place.

We can trust our lives in His hands.

With God, we find solace we won’t find in others. The solace God provides is wrapped in peace and is not conditioned by our feelings and it protects our faith in His word.

Our faith in God’s word is primary for it sustains our life

I have find solace in God’s word for it gives me hope for the future.

I pray you share this experience with me

As usual do not hesitate to share your feedbacks.

I pray you find saety in the right place and with the right people.

There are similar topics on this blog that share this post’s theme, if you have read them before you must have notice that already. If you haven’t, them n you will need to read older posts.

Until next part, stay safe and God bless.




Hello and welcome here.

This year’s blogmas should be the most unique done so far. You will understand if you have followed closely.

Regardless, let’s ride in as usual.


Yes, you will.

You will figure it out.

You will go through that situation.

You will survive.

You will be fine.

You will pull through

You will be okay.

The truth is that the feeling of giving up will linger at certain times of our lives and in these moments, giving up appears to be the best option and the thought of giving up is most often not voluntary, it is out of frustration.

However, most often than not, giving up is not the solution and when we give up out of frustration, we only end up more frustrated.



Even if you want to give up, come to terms with it and give up peacefully.

At least you can console yourself with the thought that you tried your best.

Isaiah 40: 31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]
Will gain new strength and renew their power;
They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun];
They will run and not become weary,
They will walk and not grow tired.(AMP)

While we don’t give up we look up to God for strength not to.

This year has been unique for me and I have felt like giving up many times with reason I could defend sometimes as being valid but am grateful for God’s kindness and everyone who has remained a source of encouragement not to.

The truth is that sometimes giving up feels like the best option but at the end of the day, when we give up out of frustration we will sow seeds of regrets in our lives.

Therefore, when you want to give up, make sure you do it after you are ready to not because you are frustrated.

If you are not ready to give up then don’t

Don’t hesitate to share your feedback.

You can also share this others.

Until next part, stay safe and God bless.




Hello and welcome to day four of this series.

You are correct, this series has not been flowing like previous ones but I am trying as much as I can to make it work.

Let’s go…


To do certain things.

Sometimes, you need enough encouragement and inspiration to do certain things.

Sometimes, you need to be pushed outside your enclosure to achieve certain feats.

It happens


I promise you, I need the words I share with you

Sometimes you need encouragement to do it.

And reminders too.

If you are someone who chases life head on , then keeping your fire burning is one thing.

However, you need candle lights to keep your fire burning and many of them are people

You need need encouragement.

Me too


Sometimes, you need to face it for what it is.

And just do it

Sometimes, you need to stop holding back and go for it.

Go for it

Face it for what it and do it. I know it may take time and you may be slow but it is better than nothing.

Yes, baby it is

Ecclesiastes 9: 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity or planning or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead) where you are going. (AMP)

The year has been challenging but I am grateful people in my life that have pushed me to do the things I need to do.

I am grateful for those that have cheered me on.

I love you

Until next part, stay safe and God bless.




It is a period of many experiences and this year’s blogmas series is different and I am hopeful I will make it to the end.

How have you been in this season?

Making preparations to travel, be with family or staying alone.

Whatever, your plans are I pray they are going well.

With that being said, let’s ride in..


Is an area of safety.

Safety is a feeling of protection. It is the space away from danger.

A safe zone is a space away from danger.


We express vulnerability in a place we feel safe.

We express vulnerability with the people we feel safe with.

Vulnerability is letting our guard down and opening up.

Vulnerability enable relationships grow.

When we are vulnerable, we express parts of ourselves that we kept in. We give others access to ourselves in a deeper way.

Vulnerability builds relationship on a platform of openness and honesty.

Where there is no safety, vulnerability cannot be well expressed.


Vulnerability gives access

That is why when it is compromised, it can cause more havoc.

Whom we give access to, matters.

You cannot give access to everyone

I have had few experiences where my trial at being vulnerable became the reason I became more guarded but I am learning giving access to people is something I should not run away from.

I cannot run all my life

Psalm 27:1-10 The Lord is my light and my salvation—Whom shall I fear?The Lord is the refuge and fortress of my life—Whom shall I dread?2 When the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh,My adversaries and my enemies, they stumbled and fell.3 Though an army encamp against me,My heart will not fear;Though war arise against me,Even in this I am confident.4 One thing I have asked of the Lord, and that I will seek:That I may dwell in the house of the Lord [in His presence] all the days of my life,To gaze upon the beauty [the delightful loveliness and majestic grandeur] of the LordAnd to meditate in His temple.5 For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter;In the secret place of His tent He will hide me;He will lift me up on a rock.6 And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me,In His tent I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joy;I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud;Be gracious and compassionate to me and answer me.8 When You said, “Seek My face [in prayer, require My presence as your greatest need],” my heart said to You,“Your face, O Lord, I will seek [on the authority of Your word].”9 Do not hide Your face from me,Do not turn Your servant away in anger;You have been my help;Do not abandon me nor [a]leave me,O God of my salvation!10 Although my father and my mother have abandoned me,Yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His child].(AMP)

I have had to learn to be vulnerable with God and it is one of my favourite things to do.

I enjoy pouring my heart to God

I love to tell God details about my thoughts, and feelings.

I love to know that God is listening.

He listens

It is from some of these conversations that QUIET MEMOIRS:4 was birthed.

You should check it out

I pray to continue to maintain this openness.

Now to you, how vulnerable are you?

Do you have a high fence around you?

Who has a access to you?

Share in the comment section your comments.

See you on another post.

Until next time, stay safe and God bless.


BLOGMAS 4: Day 2


Hello and welcome to day 2 of this edition of Blogmas.

This year’s blogmas is different from last year, however I’ll get the opportunity to share the themes that are captured in my heart.

Let’s ride in..


Comfort is a term used to describe peace and safety. It is to provide warmth and shelter.

It can be expressed in many ways, via words and actions.

We are pulled towards comfort especially when we are overwhelmed and for the times we do not find it, we may decide to create it.

Yes, comfort can be created

We can find comfort in people, things, activities, or animals.

As long as we can find solace in it, we find ways to remain attached to it.

However, this sense of comfort can make us addicted.


Addiction is an attachment created from a place of solace to the point of loss of control.

Addiction is controlling and this control is maintained by continually returning to the source of addiction where comfort has been received.

Therefore, this means that comfort does not always come from good places.

Comfort can come from anywhere

At first, it was comfort that was sought after with addiction, it becomes more than a temporary release, it becomes a source to remain.

Addiction is always about control


Okay, comfort does not always lead to addiction.

We can derive comfort from sources that do not keep us addicted.

We can be comfort

1 Corinthianz 1:3-4 Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.(AMP)

We can find comfort in things, people and places but even in our search for comfort we should not that God is our complete source of comfort and from the comfort we recieve in His presence, we can comfort others.

Sometimes, those short words of prayers, that text, that touch, acts of service can go a long way in providing the comfort a person around us needed.

I pray we do not miss the opportunities to do so

I have recieved comfort from people and at times I needed them.

These comfort I received helped me face the difficulties I was experiencing at that time.

I have tried my best to do same and I hpe those I did it for also felt comforted by my presence.

It is pleasing to be a person whose presence brings comfort.

Now to you, I have shared mine. I wait for yours.

You can respond via the comment section.

Like, share and act on what you have learnt.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.


BLOGMAS 4: Day 1


Hello and welcome here.

Welcome to another preamble on another blogmas series.

I promise you, I don’t know how I will pull this through but I don’t want this year to pass without a blogmas series.

So with whatever energy I have stored in, let’s ride in.


Triggers are our body response to trauma that happened on the past. They are like the warning signs that are elicited when a similar situation is about to happen.

They remind you that that you have has such experience before

Triggers cannot be without a previous history of trauma and where there is a trigger, they a story to share.

Triggers can elicit responses depending on the effect and depth the trauma experience was.

N.B Trauma varies and also it’s extent of influence on our lives.

Do you have triggers?


Life happens to everyone

You are not that special in that aspect

It depends on what life does to you and how you allow it do something to you.

Facing reality has to be one of the toughest thing to do.

To look reality in the face and say, I face you for what you are

Facing reality has to be one of the things I have had to slowly accept as a person still living on earth.

Ignoring reality only means accepting fantasy and fantasy is only escaping from what will still be.

It does not solve anything only postpones it


Psalm 61:1-4 Hear my cry, O God;Listen to my prayer.2 From the end of the earth I call to You, when my heart is overwhelmed and weak;Lead me to the rock that is higher than I [a rock that is too high to reach without Your help].3 For You have been a shelter and a refuge for me,A strong tower against the enemy.4 Let me dwell in Your tent forever;Let me take refuge in the shelter of Your wings. Selah.(AMP)

Triggers humble us.

They show us where we are healing and where we are bleeding.

Knowing this helps us realise that we can depend on God as our healer.

Even for things we never shared with anyone

I am learning in the easy and hard way, that I am not too much for God to handle.

He is well aware of my struggles as much as I am aware of them.

With this, I can always lean into Him. I can find comfort where comfort always resides.

His everlasting arms full of love and comfort

This does not take away the relaity I face but gives me strength to face it for what it is.

I have shared mine on this, what would you like to add in return?

Share in the comment section below.

A session on ABBA’S COURT today. Even if you see this late, you can still join the conversation afterwards. Click on image to be redirected.

BlogMas series this year will not be up to 25 days due to situations beyond my power. Enjoy the days as they come. I hope to still have you here.

Share, like and give your feedbacks.

Continue to stay safe and God bless.


Blogmas 3: DAY 25 (CHRISTMAS DAY)


The final day is upon us.

The 25th day has arrived.

Today’s post would have time stamps.

Let’s ride in….


I am tired. The past few days have been hectic. Less sleep and good work done.

Cooking and cleaning

I woke up an hour ago to help with cooking. The ingredients needed had been prepared yesterday.

I am also trying to find a suitable dress to wear as I could not prepare anything special.

I thought I would make a dress before today.

Or dresses

I need a suitable dress for the church service.

I also thought I would make my hair before today.

I also thought that…..

Okay, summary is: I don’t have Christmas cloth and shoes and hair.

I am still trying to find a suitable dress, I have seen one but I am looking for an alternative.

I am yet to make Christmas cards and I hope to do that for today.

I hope to do a podcast as well. All, I have been unable to do.


A lot has happened in between these hours.


I did the podcast. I did a DIY hair. I got a dress.

There was a morning food prep before the service after having a family devotion.

Service was by 8:45am and we had completed the preparation before 8am which included a 45 minutes devotion

We arrived church and had a wonderful service.

The preacher compared the season surrounding the birth of Jesus to current happenings. The lessons of humility, simplicity and contentment. The preacher also encouraged us to reflect the life of Jesus and to trust God concerning any word He has spoken to us.

Numbers 23:19  God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? (KJV)

The preacher encouraged us to know history as it solidifies our knowledge about events and their repitition even in our time.

After service was eating. We had food and drink in the church and merried together.

I stayed behind with some of my siblings to have a choir practice then we stayed to have personal singing practice.

I took pictures with loved ones and returned home.

I shared personal conversations with a loved one.

Opened my phone to recieve messages from friends and those on my contact list.

My favourite movie house released the third episode of their current series and I am pumped to watch it.

I will share all the goodies at the end of this post.

Meanwhile, I return to continue creating cards.


I had meaningful conversations with a close friend after promising to give a video call, which I did.

Had more chunks of fried meat, chin-chin, cake, drinks and soup in-between creating the cards.

Had more conversations with friends. Sent messages and connected with friends.

I published the podcast for today after creating a cover for it.

I created an email for those on my email listing with a different card made for them.

Click to subscribe

Had more chunks of meat

Had meaningful conversations with a loved one.

I will share an indirect summary of what we shared.

Ecclesiastes 3:10-11  I have seen the travail, which God hath given to the sons of men to be exercised in it.He hath made every thing beautiful in His time: also He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.(KJV)

God makes everything beautiful in His time.

If you allow His time to come

I will share the first post shared this year titled WHEN IS GOD’S TIME?

I thought I would watch the movie I mentioned earlier but I was unable to.

I will still make time to watch it

I will still share the link in today’s post.


This vlog:

The movie:

The Podcast

A post I contributed to the organisation I volunteer in:



What were your reflections today?

How has Christmas affected your life?

Did you spend the celebration with family, friends or alone?

Who is Jesus to you?

What package are you still expecting from God?


Today was interesting.

I was initially moody today but I thank God I shook it off and allowed myself to enjoy the moment.

I have tons of things to still do and I am trusting God to complete them before the year is over.

I really want to do them before the year runs out.

I do not want to miss anything needed to be in this post. However, I won’t pressure myself.

I am grateful to finally conclude this series.

I shared with you so many goodies to munch on. I could not not pictures of the meals I made with family as a way of beautifying today’s post but you can enjoy the extra contents shared today.

I know they are many. So enjoy!

I still have another card for you 😊

Thank you for being here.

Until next post stay safe and God bless.


Blogmas 3: DAY 24


It is day 24……

this year’s Blogmas has been a ride…

Let’s ride in…


So, this year’s Christmas is special for me because it is the first I have had with my family in the last 7 years.

It came with responsibilities as well.

Pots to fill with raw meat to cook and fry.

In the course of preparation, I have had burns, bruises and blisters.

I will focus on the blisters.

On day 17, I experienced them after a long time of not having them (like many years) and today I experienced another round. They are quite painful to touch and when I move my fingers.

The reason I got these blisters?

I got them because the knife I had used was blunt and the handle had no protective case.

As I struggled with the bluntness of the knife, my palm suffered under the pressure.

After moments of cutting, I released the knife to see the blisters.

If the knife was sharp and had a protective case over the handle, I would have prevented the blisters.

This brings me to say that unless we are well equipped with the word of God we will be ineffective (poorly effective) and also hurt our walk with God.

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.(KJV)

Blisters can be used to represent shame as used in the above passage.

It is the knowledge and understanding of the word of God that has become internalised and practiced that keeps us from shame.

The shame of sin and ignorance

No one who has experienced the truth in God’s word will live in sin because the word of God has the power to transform our lives.

2 Timothy 3:16-17  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (KJV)

Only those who know the truth can use it.

And use it well


Have you had blisters before?

Do you study the bible?

How much of the Bible have you internalised?


Today was quite hectic.

II love cooking and cleaning at the same time. I love keeping my environment as clean as possible and it makes me very happy and confident.

Merry Christmas already.

Day 25 is the last day of this series.

Until then, stay safe and God bless.


Blogmas 3: DAY 23


Welcome to the 23rd day.


Getting closer to the d-day.

Let’s ride in as usual….


Na who know road person go follow

Do you know where you are going?

Who are you following?

Who is following you?

This brings brings to share an experience I had recently.

I misplaced my earphones and had to spend about two weeks without one. I finally decided to get another and made my way to the kiosk where I could find a replacement.

I asked the young man for the available earphones and their price ranges.

He informed me and presented me with their packages to select my preferred one.

I was discontent with what I was seeing and asked for a brand I had used before.

He presented it to me and with confidence told me that the previous one he had given me was better.

“Better? How?” I asked.

“The sound is better. I have tested all the earphones in my shop and this one is better”

“I have used this one before so I am more comfortable with it” I said referring to the earphones I had specially requested for.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders “I am sure that this one is better than that one” he continued.

Our conversation was light and hearty and I did not feel pressured by him.

To let me know he was quite confident of his review, he offered to reduce price of the one I was holding and maintained the price of the one he had specially advertised.

Both of them were the same price.

I was getting convinced but I was not willing to take the risk.

After debating with myself, I requested to test them.

The issue was that the one he had given recommendation on could only be opened once. Therefore opening it meant I was willing to buy it.

I tested the one I was holding and became skeptical of the sound. All the while he was looking at my facial expressions and smiling.

“Okay, give me the one you are talking of, and if I open it that is it”

He handed me the packet and I took the risk to open it.

To my surprise, it was exactly what he had described. I happily expressed my satisfaction to his delight.

We both shared a laughter as I paid him before taking my leave.

This experience imprinted something on my heart. There are those who know and when they tell you what you need to know, you have to believe that they know.

Following ignorant people is equivalent to seeking disaster.

Matthew 15:14  Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. (KJV)

It is one thing to be ignorant, it is another to follow another ignorant person.


I have been learning so much in the last weeks. Even without expecting to learn something, I find myself discovering new things.

I love these experiences. They feel like solving puzzles. It gives me a great excitement knowing that I just learnt something new especially when I was not expecting to.

As a Christian, I believe in the Holy Spirit and His ability to teach me all things including the things I do not know.

My participation is needed to listen and obey and do.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.(KJV)


Are you a planner?

Are you most of the times confused of what to do with yourself?

Who are you following?

Do you learn quickly?

Is the Holy Spirit real to you?

What unique experiences have you had by listening and obeying the guidance of the Holy Spirit?


So…today was quite productive. I sent out an email to the subscribers on my mail listing. I shared with them details I am not sharing publicly and they will get to see more details I won’t share to everyone.

Also, today was quite interesting and filled with lots of work. Kitchen work in preparation for Christmas a part of the activity done.

I had to publish this post halfway because I did not want to miss the day. My hands were busy in the kitchen when I published it. Hours later, I am adding the remaining content.

I was also able to do some updates on my foodblog which I had stalled for months.

Okay…I stop here.

I am super grateful to God my ABBA for so many things. I am super grateful and thankful I get to call God ABBA.

God is kind.

To subscribe to mail listing, click

Until day 24, stay safe and God bless.
