30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 21


Welcome to day 21.

9 days left.

Today’s post was inspired by conversations with three other believers: My mother, a senior friend and a brother.

As I asked God for what to share today, it dropped in my heart.

Lets ride in….

Spiritual burden

A burden is a load to bear.

A burden is a duty to observe.

A burden is a responsibility to fulfill.

A burden can be light or heavy depending on what it contains.

Spiritual burden is a responsibility of the spirit.

It is a calling to carry out a duty.

The Holy Spirit calls, you hear?

When God places a burden on your heart, it means He wants you to do something about it.

God never calls us for nothing.

Nehemiah, an Isrealite who was among those taken to Babylon worked in the king’s court as a cupbearer. He one day became burdened with the state of Jerusalem. It was in ruins for 70 years and had no meaningful structure around it. He became so burdened that his countenance fell. God granted him favour in the sight of the king and he was able to fulfill the burden. (The Book of Nehemiah in the Bible)

Prophets Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah had burdens, of which they were able to bring to fruition.

Revivals always occur as a result of burdens that were responded to.

For us to to do God’s work well, we need to yield to the burden He has placed on our hearts.

There is always a burden to bear. You can decide which.

There is a burden of sin which is guilt and a burden of the spirit which produces revival that transforms.

Which burden do you bear?


God will give you the burden you can do something about.

When God laid the burden on Nehemiah’s heart, he was in a position to receive favour from the king. He had an easy access to the king and this was an advantage in fullfilling the burden.

Therefore, if a burden of the Holy Spirit is laid on your heart, it means that God already gave you the capacity for it.

Maybe your job, location, affluence, personality is the key to fulfilling that burden but God has certainly given you the capacity.

You only need to ask: LORD, what do I have? How can I achieve this? Show me what to do?

As you understand and accept that you have the capacity, God in His good pleasure will provide more help in form of other people to speedy up the process.

Nehemiah had access but he needed favour from the king which he needed at different points of the process.

What are you doing about it?



Dismiss it?

Ignore it?

Pass it to someone else?

Respond to it?

Something always has to be done about burdens.

Burdens need action not talk alone

Jeremiah in:

Jeremiah 20:9  Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, nor speak any more in His name. But His word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.(KJV)

Understood what burdens felt like and he could not ignore.

When you choose to ignore a burden placed on your heart by the LORD, it means you have resisted for long, and when you resist for long, God will leave you alone.

When you yield to God and participate in what has been laid on your heart, you are contributing to the kingdom of heaven.

You are causing God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Make a choice

You cannot avoid bearing a burden but you can choose which you will bear.

The burden God gives to us leads us to produce bountiful harvest and be a blessing while the burden of sin and guilt leads to destruction.

Have you made a choice?

I link you to this post, if you haven’t seen it before: FINDING GOD


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for everything. Help me to yield to your will for my life. Help me to yield to your leading. I lay down my burdens to pick yours which leads to life. Help me to part of what you are doing. Let your will be done on earth though me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


The conversations I had that inspired this post came in different forms, however the words that were shared in the course of them were tools God used to inspire this post.

What burden has God laid on your heart? What are you doing about it?

Your comments are welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless.



And so I love listening to this song when am down. Am listening to it now. I talked about Andy Mineo in the last post and in this post the song is by Lecrae my favourite gospel hip hop artist.

I am not quick to label anyone or anything as a favourite but some things and people have a way to snuggle into my restrictive heart 😂😂

CAN’T STOP ME NOW  by Lecrae 

I love this song because it is direct, sincere, specific,encouraging,reflective,a fighting song. I love it because it is a song that helps my mind when it starts getting hazy. 

Another song is YOU ARE MY ONE thing by Hannah McClure of Bethel Music.

That song strikes my heart. The whole album WE WILL NOT BE SHAKEN strikes the strings that make up my heart.

I am an extreme music lover. I need it. I once told a friend it is like food to me. It is spiritual for me. And my specific likes are Gospel music. They help me reflect as a Christian and help me meditate on all I study and engage in as a believer. 

Am very picky about secular music and have few I appreciate……(lyrics are extremely important to me and the artistes come after) 

So before I deviate….. 

A young lady in her dust stained wardcoat, white coat. Her funny cap on her head. Her old bag, her funny socks and shoes and her scarf around her neck. 

You see her walking on the road looking like she is in  deep thoughts. Her strides majestically and her goggles reflecting Sun.. 

What would you think of her? 

Well she doesn’t think she may care 😂😂

I just love the way I walk(a story for another blog maybe) 

And so the thoughts that run and merry round her heart are the ones people may never understand why she is bothering herself about it.

And so I relapse often because I bother myself, I have tried to ignore but my mind, mind just wont let be

I bother myself with how this world (people) are so upside down, how everything is just outside away. How man cannot just be normal 😂😂

In summary how evil seems to be permeating and how people get away….

So after telling myself ‘Don’t bother yourself with what you cannot change’ . I relapse again 😥

Maybe am supposed to be a super hero 😂😂.

When I cannot fix it, when I seem not to have valid answers or patterns, I relapse and the world above my glasses, oops above my eyes seem to whirl and whorl…

In these moments I ask myself ‘What is the worth of life? Of existence? What is the worth of toil and suffering and sacrifice?

And the I dwell on this, I begin to continue agreeing with the Preacher Solomon as he ranted in Ecclesiastes. ……..

Well… God is watching over me and because I believe Him, His words make sense to me. Why I exist is a question I am living through and rather than regret, I walk in that path of knowing my existence has a meaning.

So even when I relapse, I feel great comfort, like a wrap around my being, my soul. I dont have to be the happiest at that moment but then my sad expressions have a deeper coat of peace…..

It is a feeling I can only share a little about because it is something so deep you have to experience to understand.

So with all my favourite songs which I cannot start mentioning because they are over a thousand….. With the words I read from my Bible. With the comfort I receive in my spirit through The Holy Ghost, I find myself taking more steps……

And then again, I feel fresh air. I am out of the dark clouds. My smiles are true expressions and my laughter from the heart. I seem to have come out from a deep revelation, a place deep within the earth.

My existence has a meaning and my toil will not be in vain….

So when relapse session comes again, I face with strength from the other time hoping again for a deeper lesson


When you have a greater burden expect a greater burden of emotions…

N. B This started a week ago and right now am listening to more danceable( this is not an English word) songs. And I crossed over since weeks ago…

If you are in a deep end and your emotions overcloud you.. Reach out to God… Reach out to humans and reach out to purpose.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

God has always been my therapy😊😇


Older picture taken months and months ago but I feel it connects with this post 😊