Release of The Deborah Series Devotional


It’s been a long time…

The Deborah series has been compiled and you can access the devotional by clicking the button below:

This will be fourth compiled devotional. Your feedbacks are welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless.


Announcement: Devotional 3


(This is the third announcement I mentioned in the previous announcement)

The Queen Esther series has now been compiled.

The Deborah Series will be started on 13/2/2022.

If you were unable to follow with the Queen Esther series, now you can simply download the pdf and read through it. It has been modified and is slightly different from the blog version.

You can access it:

Thank you.

Stay safe and God bless.


Announcement: Devotional 2


It’s been a bit quite a while I shared in this place.

Like I often mention, I am intentional about sharing and that brings me to say that 30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God has been compiled for easy download.

If you were unable to follow through with the series, you can now easily get it in one piece without having to scroll through the series using your data. You just have to download the compiled format and go through it at your leisure time.

I will redirect you to the review page to download.


Another announcement will be shared soon 😊😊.

Stay safe and God bless.


Announcement: Devotional


Welcome here again.

The Ruth Series was recently concluded and I am grateful for the opportunity.

It has been complied for easier access.

You will be redirected to the page to download it HERE

Hopefully 30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God will be complied as well.

Kindly share to others….

I hope to share with you soon.

Until then….

Stay safe and God bless…


Book Release


Welcome to another book release post 🤗.

If you are yet to check the recent update NOTE🌷, you may want to check it for the updates that were shared.

Another one

I super enjoyed the process of creating this book and I hope you enjoy it too.

December 2019 was the first time I shared a compiled book for free. It was my way of saying Happy New Year.

June is my birth month and on my specific day, I shared a post and promised to give a gift. It was on my heart, however I had not prepared it yet.

I was fortunate to create another free downloadable which has an extra attachment to it.

Hint: The second attachment is a printable you can give to your parents 😌

I checked up for International Parent’s day and saw that it was on June 1. However, I saw another date that gave July 26 as National Parent’s day.

This book celebrates that day and the attachment is for you to express it.

You can give out the printable ahead of July 26 🤗

Kindly click this link to be redirected to the review page to download.


Other books on this platform are found in the Book page through the Menu button.

Thank you ❤


Appreciation Post🌷2019


This year was epic for me. Personal growth was better than last year.

I was dragging my feet to post this….

I am yet to slice potatoes.

I did not add emojis to my previous sentences.

Today, I will write the second edition of Appreciation Post. This post is specific for certain people who have encouraged this blog consistently.

Do not forget to get your gift from this post. That is for you, just for you❤ (an emoji, finally)


My relationship with God grew. I experienced a deeper sense of peace and faith in God.

I wrote more.

I wrote more blog posts.

I got higher stats than previous years.

Followers on this blog are 4 times the number I started with😊😊.

Visitors doubled.

Likes and comments doubled.

I shared diverse ranges of topics.

Did a lot of series, spontaneous stories, quotes and poems.

Was more funny😂😂

I was more intentional this year and I will be consistent on that track.

I celebrated 100 posts this year and by now, it is about 145 and more…😁(159)

I learnt so much about creating, organizing, and sharing my blog page. I still have tons to learn.

I felt sad at some points because of how slow I was in learning certain internet ideas but I am happy that I am understanding, gradually.

I still have so much expectations and I really do hope to make this blog better that it is right now and spread the main message behind it.

So now……

Humans to appreciate🤗

First on my list is….

Drum roll. Video roll 📽📽. (no emoji😤)

From Blog and website

  • Williams: Thank you for supporting so much. You are well appreciated and your support is not ignored. Thank you for engaging on the posts and sharing your insights, that has also been helpful

N.B Please be like Williams

  • Miracle: You are well appreciated and your reviews are well appreciated
  • Japheth You have made it a habit to reblog my post. Thank you!!
  • Ebo thank you for your support. It is well appreciated
  • Isaac @pamilerin: I appreciate you!!
  • To my email followers especially Samson…thank you for your feedback and small chats. You are appreciated….
  • To all new followers….🤗🤗

From other sites

  • Bethel @garnetlady
  • Summanya @mssummaya
  • Simon
  • And others……

To homies😚

My siblings are😚 I appreciate their love and support. My sister that keeps telling me how amazing I am💝 and bro that always asks

My Father always tells me “I am proud you are child. I am proud of my children”. Enough to make me giggle for long. My mom always asks me how my writing is going, her soothing words are enough to calm me down.

They inspire me to be better than myself, to be the best version

These two are my special gifts…..❤❤

Something else🤖

This year, I embraced the alien conversation and made it mine. I am proud of the definition I gave to that word.

I made new words too.

This week, I have been so productive it makes me happy.

I have discovered myself better.

I appreciate my phone, you proved your worth. Thank you for being useful.

To my diaries, stationaries and blog post papers, you were too useful😘

To myself, to all the posts I lost and had to rewrite. To all the times, I kept on writing. I love you❤

My gift to you🎁

I made something for you. All you have to do is take it and share with others. Simple!

So… it is….


😍😍. Click the link below to download..


To everyone else✌

To everyother person I should have mentioned, you are appreciated.

To the visitors, you are appreciated too.

To every human, friend, alien and stranger that inspired posts, you are appreciated.

To you for ignoring mistakes😅😂😂😂

A nice post has already been created for 2020….😁😁

Kindly follow, engage and share posts you enjoyed (including this one)….

From Deeperlook to you….

See you in 2020!!😌💃

For now: #fromamedicalstudentfaraway