BLOGMAS 5: Day 1



I am back ……

Blogmas may be for only 5 days..


There are stories to share and thoughts to communicate and I will start from somewhere.

Let’s ride in…


As the years go by, the hype around Christmas has toned down for me.

It is gradually becoming a period where I reflect rather than celebrate. This I will say has been because for the last 8 years, Christmas has been solemn and more reflective than celebratory.

However, aside from the cherry tone of Christmas, it is a season when the year is coming to an end and therefore provides the opportunity to take stock of how far one has gone and put into perspective decisions made.

In terms of interest, I would say this is a period of maximizing the light atmosphere to prepare for the next year.


Aside celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the saviour of mankind, this is also a season to celebrate God’s love which we can show to loved ones and people we encounter. We should show love regardless of time but a reminder is not bad at all.

We may not have the same backgrounds and some are more cheerful than others, however, the older we get the more responsible we are for our outlook on life.

I started this some days ago, and everyday I write something I am grateful for.

You may click image to participate as well.


What’s your attitude for this season?

I hope gratitude is in the package.

Stay safe and God bless.


All The Things I did Not Do in 2021

There is no preamble today…

This is an impromptu post.

I did not do everything I wanted to do in 2021.

I did not complete the dresses I was supposed to sew. They have been in my closet for about five months.

I did not complete a creative project I started seriously this year because I encountered an itch.

I did not go the bank to update my details for an account that handles some of my digital products.

I did not save any money in the last six months.

I did not go the art shop to look for a canvas despite desiring to paint for a long time. I did passive searches but not active ones.

I did not learn how to drive.

I did not buy some hardwares I needed to buy.

I did not……….

I did not get a paid plan despite hoping to start it this year.

I did not complete some book editing I hoped to complete before the year ran out.

I did not visit my old school as I had planned.

Photo by Ricardo Esquivel on

Okay…before I appear ungrateful. I did more things than I did not.

I learnt new things and discovered myself better.

My hair grew longer and fuller.

I did a lot of book edits and created tons of creative covers and quotes.

I shared a free fiction on my birthday. You can check it HERE.

I spent my first Christmas at home after seven years of not being at home during the celebrations.

I did a good number of podcasts especially in December.

I did not get all of my expectations met but I got some.

I am still optimistic that before 31st, I will catch up with some goals and expectations.

There is one more post left to share before 2021 ends and I will share more details in it.

I created a podcast today and will share it with you.

What have you not done in 2021 that you hoped you would do?

I am off to create an email to share with those subscribed in my email list. Some interesting updates were made today.

Until the last post for 2021, stay safe and God bless.


BlogMas 3: Day 5




Today is the 5th day.

Let’s ride in..


At church, gratitude was emphasized.

Today was the first Sunday of the month and we shared in communion.

Gratitude is easy to overlook.

It is easy to be ungrateful.

Spouses can be ungrateful. Parents can be ungrateful. Children can be ungrateful. Siblings can be ungrateful. Friends can be ungrateful. Strangers can be ungrateful. Anyone can be ungrateful

This is what ingratutude does: It always looks for a reason to find what is wrong, complain about it and sulk about it.

It does not matter if the reason for complain is minor to the reason to be grateful, ingratitude always have a way of magnifying uncomfortable situations.

Ingratutude causes us to be chronic critics.

Whatever you spend your time criticizing cannot function properly especially if criticism is all you do


Ingratutude breeds depreciation. When we are ungrateful, appreciating good things become an old tale.

Everyother thing may be good yet we focus on what is bad

When it comes to inter-relationships, it is easy to be ungrateful to those we are familiar with because we have become familiar with them.

Like the old adage: Familiarity breeds contempt

This is the reason, strangers often appear to be more appreciative than family members or close friends.

Should not be the case though.

Gratitude and Ingratitude are both intentional.

Psalms 9:1-2  I will praise thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works.
I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.(KJV)


I caught a glimpse of it in the mild shining sun and the cool breeze. I caught a glimpse of it as the wind blew particles of flowers my way.

It was as if time had stopped still for me to reflect.

I felt in tune with the moment, it meant many things.

I was indeed thanful for that moment and it was as if every good thing that had happened in my life flashed before my eyes.

God, I am so grateful

I felt in tune with God’s love for me. It felt as though God paused time for my heart to appreciate good memories.

My flesh is dust and will become dust after I die. Everything I ever longed for, the memories good or bad will either go with it or hang around depending on who decides to hold unto them.

My flesh is not immortal, my spirit is and that is why real self matters more to God and should matter more to me.

Everything we struggle for, will one day become history and depending on the effects they cause, may be remembered or forgotten.

Psalms 90:12  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. (KJV)

I intentionally give some of my time on the topic of death. The same way life is real, so is death.

How will death come?

Some people take their lives for different reasons: Because they are exhausted and tired of their life. Because they are overwhelmed with the difficulties present in their lives. Because they are suffering mentally, physically or emotionally. Because they are….

You add the other reasons

An apparent healthy, happy, successful, beautiful, accomplished individual can commit suicide without a warning

Interesting someone in an opposite situation will not.

That brings me to this point….

Is suicide a choice borne out of ingratitude?


God is good

All the time.

All the time

God is good.

Because that is His nature

One of my daily prayers is: God may I not be ungrateful (I paraphrased) and when I cannot make elaborate prayers, I simply say “God thank you”.

Even when I want to complain about the things that are causing me discomfort

I wrote a blog post sometime last year and I believe it adds volume to this part.



I wrote a book centered on the theme of death.

You can find more HERE

Kindly check it out and drop your reviews.


What are you currently grateful for?

Who are you currently grateful for?

Do you find it hard to be grateful?

How should gratitude be expressed?


Today’s post was started early and I continued steadily without having a long pause but I took my time to write out the words.

I often have many things I want to write but I end up writing only a fraction.

I want to appreciate readers who keep up even though they are not subscribers.

I see you

I want to appreciate those who come up to me to say they enjoyed a post.

I see you.

I want to appreciate subscribers who keep up.

You guys are the real deal

If today is your first time of reading my post, glad to have you in this space. I hope you return. I hope you subscribe.

Click image to subscribe specifically to my mailing list. This is different from the subscription to my blog


If you notice typing errors, you can mention them in the comment section.

Typing errors are often corrected as I scan my posts more.

Forgive them if you are that sensitive

My blog is still a free site, so adverts are not placed by me. The current way I can earn from my blog are through my books I sell.

However, if you are interested in the content I share and you want to be part of it, the CONTACT button is a great way to start plus you can buy my books as well.

I really took my time writing today’s post even though it does not have many words.

Okay, until Day 6, stay safe and God bless.


30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 17


Welcome again.

Let me confess: I thought I would not post today.

I had prepared my mind not to post because I was posting an announcement.

Check previous post

Or simply check HERE

However, as I was preparing the announcement I asked God if I should skip today’s post.

Mind you, I did not even ask before. I just made up my mind 🙈

I was like “God, should I post? I did not meditate on something specific. I only ruminated on previous topics. Should I skip today? Since I already decided to post the announcement instead. I don’t want to post for posting sake or post what I did not meditate on”

I checked a previous topic GOD IN THE SUNSHINE AND RAIN looking for a particular theme.

I continued my conversation “God, if you want me to post please give me an inspiration. I only ruminated on older topics”

As I was still talking, the words dropped and then the bible verse as well.

“Okay God, you want me to post. I won’t skip today”

Some parts of this experience were cut for the sake of privacy. Oops! There was no need to tell you that. Forgive me

Today’s preamble was longer than usual.

Let’s ride in

Don’t Forget

We do not forget certain memories that we hold dear. We do not forget certain people because of how they affected our lives.

Now, I remember that I had meditated on this theme today. God reminded me what I forgot. I still meditated.

We sometimes forget either because our mind did not attach importance or we were not attentive enough or because we could not attach a meaningful emotion to the experience.

We often forget what we are not affected by

There are things we should not forget in order to keep moving forward as children of God.

There are experiences we should not forget because they mark a great standpoint of our journey with God.

There things we should not forget because forgetting them can either make us closer to God or break us away from God.

Do not forget


This is life:

There will come a time when you will forget good times and instead all you can see are the bad things happening.

There will come a time when you cannot focus on testimonies rather you are overwhlemed by present troubles.

God can you answer this one too?

There will come a time when you cannot remember positive times because your current situation is sapping you dry.

The truth is that certain events easily wipe off good moments beacause of their intensity.

I am constantly encouraged by the book of Psalms especially the ones King David wrote when he was faced with difficulties. He always choose to remind himself of God’s goodness.

God is good. That is His nature

As a person who has a unique memory, I often remember very specific details about certain experiences, people and places. Sometimes, if there is music, poetry, a fiction or food attached to that memory, it increases the chances of the details I can remember.

I often attach specific emotions to certain memories and when they come up to my mind, I seem to live in the moment again.

There are other details which I did not intentionally pay attention to but my mind seems to pick a selective interest and thus I remember vividly.

Other times, I cannot remember and even if I am cajoled or edged on, I would not remember that much.

Sometimes, I thought I had paid attention yet I forget.

I have wondered over the years why my brain works this way and I am accepting the uniqueness and try to use it in the best healthy way possible.

I am often faced with minor and major situations when remmebering what God has done for me is hard.

God thank you for the other ones but can you do this one too?

Sometimes, I find it hard to be grateful for the past and instead focus on how my present is exhausting.

Depending on what I am expecting

But I have intentionally practiced thanking God and it has worked for me.

For the times when I am overwhelmed by my current situation after praying many times, I switch to gratitude.

I have observed that it first changes my atmosphere and then I am affected by it. The warm feelings, joy and peace floods and my heart and once again I am at rest knowing that God who did it before will do it again.

God thank you for this, and that. I did not think I would make it but I did. I trust you for this too.

A relationship with God at each step is intentional and this intentionality is tested in good and bad times.

Choosing to count your blessings and past victories prepares your heart for more. You are creating a conducive atmosphere for more answered prayers, and blessings.

God has done it before. He will do it again

Count your blessings. Name them one by one

God has done many things for me. Things that when I prayed for them, I desired the answers and trusted God miracles. Therefore even at this moment as I trust God for other things, it is a choice to continually be grateful for what God did before, knowing that He hears my current requests.

What this act of remembrance does for you is that it makes you experience God more uniquely. You are able to see God as your God more than the One who will give you anything you want.

You are able to see God as One with whom you are in a relationship with and not One who is only there to meet your needs.

Contribution builds relationships

In intentionally seeking God, gratitude cannot be far from your atmosphere. You should be constantly cloaked with it.

I will encourage that you read the whole chapter of Psalm 103.

Music: Bless the Lord by Matt Redman


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for everything. Today, I pray that you cloak me in gratitude. Let me be grateful for victories won and victories to be won. Grant me a heart that seeks to be grateful. Help me to remember and in my remembrance find your solace and comfort. In Jesus name. Amen.


I am grateful for this post. It is a huge one in my life and walk with God. I wish I could write more but the words shared are the ones to be shared.

Sometimes, I wonder if I am repeating themes. I do not do it intentionally, however if I repeat a theme it is because it came freshly to my heart in a unique way.

Another thing I have learnt with themes in the word of God is that you cannot exhaust it. There is always something new.

Therefore if it seems this theme is repated, read related posts to enjoy all of them😊

Kindly share to others.

Stay safe and God bless.


30 Days of Intentionally Seeking God: Day 2



Welcome here again.

Please do not forget to share to others after reading.

Let’s ride on….


This is the art of giving thanks.

Thanks= appreciation or gratitude

Thanksgiving or Giving thanks is the art of expressing gratitude.

It is first an expression before it materializes into something tangible. Therefore, in order to show the extent of gratitude, physical gifts may be given.

God, to whom we give thanks

In the context of this post, it is God to whom we give thanks to all the time.

From the moment we open our eyes until we close them, it is God to whom we give thanks continually.

Psalms 136:1  O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. (KJV)

For life, provision, protection, strength, opportunities, for the good, for the bad, for highs, for the lows…….

When Thanksgiving does not match good events

Moments of thanksgiving are known to be filled with joy as that matches the sense of gratitude.

To give thanks often means something good has happened.

However, there are times when giving thanks does not mean we are experiencing good things at the moment.

However, thanksgiving is a habit and is unconditional. Therefore even when there are no apparent good events happening, it flows out naturally.

If there are set conditions on which we need to give thanks for, the power in our thanksgiving will be limited because it is tied to something.

Why we give God thanks in everything

The reason we always give thanks to God in good and in bad is because the word of God clearly states that all things works for good for those that love God (Romans 8:28).

With this understanding, we clearly know that even in bad situations, God is working behind the scenes. Our complete trust is in God who is with us in the bad and good.

Therefore we give thanks to God because He is and He is working.

We give thanks to God in all things because His plans for us are for good, including the bad things that happen. (Jeremiah 29:11)

What the devil thought for evil, God uses for our good as we remain in Him.

O. R. A

This was practical in life of Joseph the son of Jacob. What his brothers thought for evil, God used it for good and this became reality because Joseph trusted and remained in God in the bad and and good. (Genesis 45:5-8)

The death of Jesus on the cross was supposed to be the end of God’s plan according to the devil but unknowingly to him, that was the beginning because unlesss the corn of wheat falls to the ground there would be no sprouting and no harvest. ( John 12:24)

John 12:24  Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. (KJV)

Therefore, even some events that do not seem pleasant are the spring boards for God’s ultimate plans for our lives.

When we understand these truths, we will keep our hearts in a posture of thanks because we know that God is involved.

The power of thanksgiving

Thanksgiving evokes the power of God to be displayed because it is based on faith which trusts God in the bad and good.

It declares God’s goodness, faithfulness and sovereignty over everything and everyone.

The power of thanksgiving lies in our ability to recognise God’s presence and this is faith with which we cannot please God if we do not have it.

Hebrews 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.(KJV)

To come before God in faith is to believe that He is able to DO.

And in believing that He is able to DO, we praise Him for what He has DONE and what He will DO.

Jesus before ever praying would always give thanks. Sometimes, He only gave thanks and did not ask for more.

In 2Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat faced with a mighty battle understood the power of giving God mighty thanks. It was through these that God wrought great victory for Israel.

Thanksgiving also has the power to transform us for as we come before the LORD in faith and thanks, we are encouraged knowing that God hears us and will DO.

Thanksgiving has the power to change those around us, for when the LORD DOES for us, others would be encouraged to give thanks.

How to give thanks

Giving thanks first deals with the posture of the heart.

I love to give thanks to God verbally then aided by songs.

I play very specific songs that amplifies the themes of thanksgving until my spirit is boosted and my atmosphere is changed.

Giving thanks has to be sincere.

We do not give thanks in pretentiousness, moreover will gain nothing from the LORD if we do so.

The Result of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving suppresses the spirit of complaining.

I have observed recently as I focused my heart on being thankful, I complained less.

Instead of filling my heart with fear, anger, or doubt, thanksgiving caused me to be hopeful in God’s plans for me.

It made me reflect and count God’s goodness in present and past. I could look back and be grateful for the victories God won and be hopeful that I would experience more victories.

Thanksgiving strengthens us against the devil’s lies because we have built our confidence in God and not in our situations.

Thanksgiving moves the heart of God and what a pleasant state to be in, knowing that God is pleased with us.

Thanksgiving makes us joyful people because we keep seeing God’s goodness. We will not get eaten up by bitterness and frustration, instead we continue to glow in the joy of the LORD.

Thanksgiving is an ornament and also a weapon.


LORD, thank you for today. Thank you for life, provision, health and strength. Thank you for past testimonies, thank you for future testimonies. Thank you for past victories, thank you for future victories. LORD, thank you for my past, present and future. Thank you for having an interest in my life. Thank you for your plans for my life. Thank you for the situations I do not understand, thank you for clarity. LORD, thank you for opportunities I have now and the ones I am hoping for. Thank you for the grace to be where I am. I thank you for all you have in store for me. Even as I continue to trust you, help me to live a life of thanksgiving and may others be blessed because of it. May I be your instrument of hope in a world with little hope. May your joy flow from my life to others. May I not be frustrated and get disoriented with anger and bitterness but may your joy continue to be my strength.  May I continue to see your hand in my life and even as I trust that all things work for my good, help me to love you and remain in your will. In Jesus name I pray. Amen


Thank you for being here.

In preparing today’s post, the theme of thanksgiving was more real to me. I trust God to keep helping me to be thankful even when I am tempted not to.

The word of God is effective in our lives, only if we practice it.

I trust God for His continuous help.

Do not forget to share to others.

Your comments are welcomed.

Stay safe and God bless.




Hello and welcome after a long time.

I have about 4 topics to share before the month ends.

2 are quite old.

1 is less older.

1 is about 2 to 3 weeks old.

Today’s topic is some days old.

TIP: One of the topic is a special post. I hope you will be around for it plus I would love you to invite others to be available as well.


The meaning of ‘Life no Balance’ = Life is not equal or Life is not moving according to expectations or Life is not fair.

This has become a common slang especially in Nigeria as the hard times in economy is hitting very hard.

Most people do not feel favoured by current happenings and often times the complain that rocks social media is enormous.

All fingers are not equal

There are few people who have equal index and middle fingers. It is actually rare to find someone who has such digits in their hands.

Life events do not present everyone with equal opportunities.

Some people are born into affluence and extravagance and others are born into abject poverty. While some try to make it out of the slums, some do not.

Sometimes, it simply feels like the survival of the fittest.

It actually presents that way

The environment and events surrounding the upbringing of any individual has one of the strongest effect on their perception on life to the extent that even if they do occupy relevant positions, they may not necesarily upgrade in their mentality.

All fingers are not equal so are the spoons as well

Everybody has a challenge

Everyone has a challenge that bothers them.

You must have heard this multiple times

And just as our fingers and toes are not equal, so are our problems.

However, most people find it easier to compare their problems to another person’s problem.

Is that the only problem you have?

Sometimes, it is better to keep certain concerns to yourself and God than share it with certain people because if you are not discreet, you would feel much worse afterwards.

You are complaining, do you know what I am facing?

No matter how comfortable or affluent a person is, they have personal challenges that bothers them. It is either they have learnt how to deal with it or have only learnt to camouflage it well.

You don’t knoW

So take it easy

You see that beautiful photo on social media and immediately you have concluded that the person in question is living their best life.

You see a person driving an exotic car, and you immediately think that all their troubles have been driven away.

We were walking to the bus stop after window shopping for an item.

She was holding a very recent device that was quite expensive. It was easy for me to assume that she was well placed to get such a device. However as we conversed, I learnt that it was a gift from a close family member and not necessarily that she got it herself. Personally, she did not even care for the item in the manner I would have quietly assumed. She related her personal concerns and they were worth being concerned about.

I had just come out of the mall with my bag of items. The little girl trailed me with her poetic words of begging. She must have completely concluded that I had all the money since I had just come out of the mall. However, she did not realize that I was short of a meaningful change and wanted to save money by using the public transport. At the end of the day, I had to find some change to give her (she refused to give up)

It is easy for people to conclude you have the best of life because you have certain things they wish to have.

If I can just have what you have, I would be so happy

Or maybe, you may think I make money from my books or items I put up for sale on this blog or that I make any reasonable amount to put up content but the answer is no.

It is easy to assume all is well for another person more than you because you think you have it the hardest.

What are you complaining of?

The truth remains: Not all problems are the same.

I would not even argue that.

Hunger and not having a car are not in the same category. One has to do with survival, the other is an accessory that can assist your movement.

But it does not replace the fact that your concerns may eat you up even though it may not be a bother to another person.

Another irony is that some people may have the wealth and affluence yet lack good health either physically or mentally while another may be well and sound yet is struggling to make ends meet.

Different troubles and sizes.

Yet in all of these, whatever you are facing as a challenge is not irrelevant regardless of what another peson may try to say or make you feel about it.

What the Bible says

First, I will start with this verse

2 Corinthians 10:12  For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.(KJV)

Comparing your challenge with another person’s own is not wise. Your challenge is perculiar to you and you may not have the capacity to face the challenge of another person.

1 Peter 1:7  That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: (KJV)

In the life of every believer, challenges develop faith and other strong qualities in us. It is hard to accept or even experience them but it does not change the fact that strength in character is built through overcoming challenges.

1 Peter 5:7  Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.(KJV)

Trusting God is a daily affair. It is not a one time event. It is a habit.

Consistently returning back to the place of surrender will give us strength and hope. It is important to note that as a child of God, your life is very intentional and packed with purpose in the sight of God.

Nothing happens as a coincidence when you walk with God

Returning to the place of surrendering our burdens to God should be a first point of contact, then from that position, God will grant us the ability to overcome.

A heart posture of gratitude is a strong weapon and I am learning to use it more often.

Without battles, there are no testimonies.

Overcomers overcome.

Winners win.



To answer the question of this post, I will say that life no balance because of many things already mentioned in the Bible.

And for life to balance, one has to know God.

Balance can be interpreted as different things to different individuals but for the sake of this post, balance is focused on purpose.

In order to remain purposeful regardless, the anchor has to be Christ.

Salvation is for all and is not attached to race, affluence, poverty or experience. It is simply a gift to everyone who believes in Jesus.

Therefore even in storms, having Jesus is an assurance of hope and peace.

Jesus is my assurance of hope and peace. Amen

If you have not read this post titled Finding God, click HERE to.

Thank you for reading until here.

The theme of this post is not new, however it is still different.

This topic popped up recently in my heart and it kept recurring in my personal life and environment. I thought to post it after two posts I was planning to create but it really insisted on coming out first.

If this post blessed you, kindly share to others.

Your comments are welcomed.

All posters were created specifically for this post.

N.B The cover art for this post was made by me.

The menu button will lead you to other interesting parts of this blog, your interaction is well appreciated.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.


Appreciation Post🌷2019


This year was epic for me. Personal growth was better than last year.

I was dragging my feet to post this….

I am yet to slice potatoes.

I did not add emojis to my previous sentences.

Today, I will write the second edition of Appreciation Post. This post is specific for certain people who have encouraged this blog consistently.

Do not forget to get your gift from this post. That is for you, just for you❤ (an emoji, finally)


My relationship with God grew. I experienced a deeper sense of peace and faith in God.

I wrote more.

I wrote more blog posts.

I got higher stats than previous years.

Followers on this blog are 4 times the number I started with😊😊.

Visitors doubled.

Likes and comments doubled.

I shared diverse ranges of topics.

Did a lot of series, spontaneous stories, quotes and poems.

Was more funny😂😂

I was more intentional this year and I will be consistent on that track.

I celebrated 100 posts this year and by now, it is about 145 and more…😁(159)

I learnt so much about creating, organizing, and sharing my blog page. I still have tons to learn.

I felt sad at some points because of how slow I was in learning certain internet ideas but I am happy that I am understanding, gradually.

I still have so much expectations and I really do hope to make this blog better that it is right now and spread the main message behind it.

So now……

Humans to appreciate🤗

First on my list is….

Drum roll. Video roll 📽📽. (no emoji😤)

From Blog and website

  • Williams: Thank you for supporting so much. You are well appreciated and your support is not ignored. Thank you for engaging on the posts and sharing your insights, that has also been helpful

N.B Please be like Williams

  • Miracle: You are well appreciated and your reviews are well appreciated
  • Japheth You have made it a habit to reblog my post. Thank you!!
  • Ebo thank you for your support. It is well appreciated
  • Isaac @pamilerin: I appreciate you!!
  • To my email followers especially Samson…thank you for your feedback and small chats. You are appreciated….
  • To all new followers….🤗🤗

From other sites

  • Bethel @garnetlady
  • Summanya @mssummaya
  • Simon
  • And others……

To homies😚

My siblings are😚 I appreciate their love and support. My sister that keeps telling me how amazing I am💝 and bro that always asks

My Father always tells me “I am proud you are child. I am proud of my children”. Enough to make me giggle for long. My mom always asks me how my writing is going, her soothing words are enough to calm me down.

They inspire me to be better than myself, to be the best version

These two are my special gifts…..❤❤

Something else🤖

This year, I embraced the alien conversation and made it mine. I am proud of the definition I gave to that word.

I made new words too.

This week, I have been so productive it makes me happy.

I have discovered myself better.

I appreciate my phone, you proved your worth. Thank you for being useful.

To my diaries, stationaries and blog post papers, you were too useful😘

To myself, to all the posts I lost and had to rewrite. To all the times, I kept on writing. I love you❤

My gift to you🎁

I made something for you. All you have to do is take it and share with others. Simple!

So… it is….


😍😍. Click the link below to download..


To everyone else✌

To everyother person I should have mentioned, you are appreciated.

To the visitors, you are appreciated too.

To every human, friend, alien and stranger that inspired posts, you are appreciated.

To you for ignoring mistakes😅😂😂😂

A nice post has already been created for 2020….😁😁

Kindly follow, engage and share posts you enjoyed (including this one)….

From Deeperlook to you….

See you in 2020!!😌💃

For now: #fromamedicalstudentfaraway

BlogMas Series: 1


I thought I was going to title this series according to part but I changed my mind.

There is something called Vlogmas, so I decided to do Blogmas.

Hopefully, I would leave titles for next year, hopefully if my spontaneous self does not put out a topic spontaneously.

A Journey to Gratitude🍉

This year has been a rollercoaster. Not just for me but for the world, small and big world.

As a Christian, I keep learning to be grateful even when it is hard to feel grateful.

Some months ago, I checked one of my filled up diaries and saw that I had written a list of things I was grateful for. I had completely forgotten that I had done that before and seeing it made me smile. It touched me and I decided to repeat it, maybe I will convert it into a tradition.

So in today’s part of this series, I will express gratitude for a few things about myself.


If you follow my blog, you will accept by now that I create a lot of words and I always let you know that you would not find them in an English Dictionary. Example is the heading of this part, so if you are so freaked out about it, forgive me, it is part of everything that comes with me.

So……. I am grateful that I exist

I am grateful for my smile, seeing it makes me smile😁

I am grateful for where I come from and my family💝❤

I am grateful to have food and shelter

I am grateful to be in school

I am grateful to be a Christian

I am grateful for the relationship I have with God

I am grateful for my friends

I am grateful for creativity

I grateful for all the things I can do

I am grateful for my colorful clothes, they are my babies😂😂😂😂

I am grateful for my future cats, for now I do not have one….🐱

I am grateful for the humans and aliens I met

I am grateful for growth

I am grateful for sweaters and socks

I am grateful for Bananas

I grateful for self discovery

I am grateful that I love myself

I am grateful for diaries, my Winnie Lappie, my spectacles and all the books that sleep with me

I am grateful for being able to be grateful..

You get?

Psalms 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.


Now your turn🍁

What are you grateful for, especially right now?

