
I wanted to write this post at the right time. After I wrote the previous post, the post clicked as the right post to come next.

This topic is a very common topic. I would not write chapters on it😂😂. I would write what I think is very important about about it. The conversation would be as simple as possible.

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Hypo or Hippo as in…hippoPotamus?


No emoji for the above animal.

It is an animal that lives in water and on land. They are one of the most aggresive animals on land. They are similar to elephants and cows. They are naturally herbivores but can resort to cannibalism when under stress making them to be generally refered to as Omnivores.

The adult male is called a Bull. The adult female is called a Cow. The young one is called a Calf

They have a lot of strenght in their jaws and has one of the strongest bite force among mammals.

They are hunted for their ivory cannine teeth, meat, and hide making them a at risk of extinction (just like the Rhinos).

I watched a video where the calf was eating apple. So cute but do not try a Hippo, they are tempremental. Live them where they belong😊

A Hypo is not a Hippo..

Why you do iT?

A hypocrite is a person who pretends. They have an agenda, and so create alternate versions of themsleves in order to achieve their goals.

Hypocrites know what is right, they are knowledgeable. They stick it to other people’s face but find it hard to keep to it themselves.

They create rules they cannot abide by

Does that sound familiar?

Like the government of most countries?

The same rule does not apply to all?

Hypocrites are passionate critics and at the same time, professional flatters. They easily blend into any crowd.

Today they say yes. Tommorrow they say no to the same thing they said yes to, because there is something to gain.

Not hard to find

Most of us, sometimes are hypocrites. We do not notice it because it us. We notice it when it is someone else.

For example: You find someone’s eating habit annoying while your eating habit is not any different.

Hypocrisy is displayed when we cannot tolerate the same things we do.

Let others be inconvinienced, not you

Remove the log

Jesus said to remove the log (a heavy piece of wood) from your eye before trying to remove a stick (the toothpick) from another person’s eye (Mathew 7:3-5)

I wonder how you can see with a log in your eye

Wipe your mirror first, check your reflection before jumping to clean another person’s reflection

Be tRue to yourself

If you preach it, live it.

If you give advice, use it

Use what you give.

Be true to yourself.

When you live by it, you will understand it’s difficulty and be more compassionate.

If you live it, you will be bolder to tell it.

No need to hide when you are being true

No need to hide like Adam and Eve

If you are not one

Then you will not be ashamed

No need to be shady

No need to flatter carelessly

You will not talk carelessly

You will not be quick to call another person a hippo…

There is always a result

What you sow you shall reap says the Bible (Galatians 6:7-9). You cannot meander for too long, a result awaits.

A series is starting on 27th. Specially made for Newbies on wordpress. If you are interested in starting a wordpress account or you just started one, the next post will be useful for you.

If you are yet to follow this blog, you can follow via email or as a blogger. You will get notifications when I post.

Have a great day….

N.B Did you notice I used emojis less compared to last year? I don’t know why too😂😂

