
Welcome here.

In coming days, a bible study series on Samson will be taken.

The story of this unique character is taken from the book of Judges 13 to 16 and it explores a variety of themes, some of which will be shared in this study.




Hello and welcome to another series on this blog.

Some months ago, the first chapter of this book struck me and I thought on it.

Recently, I completed another reading of this book and it popped on my heart to share it as a series on this blog.

It would be taken in chapters with emphasis on certain verses.

This series will not be daily with moderate intervals between each chapters.

This series is a compilation of personal bible studies on this book and added understanding in the course of preparing this series.

In the course of this Bible series, more inspirations will be added.

It would be nice to have you around.

If you are new, you can subscribe via email if you do not have a blog page and if you have a blog page then subscribe away 🤗😂

Until next post..

Stay safe and God bless.


Welcoming you to the start of C. W series


Finally, the series that has been prepared for weeks has been concluded by God’s grace.

On 4th September 2020, the series will start.


7.00am GMT +02


There would be an interval of one day before the next part would be shared.


This series has 5 parts. You would have to start it to know what the components entails.

Something extra

For this series, the art used in it can be purchased at an affordable price.

The art used is unique and is present in a digital format.

To know the guidelines for purchasing arts, check the ART PAGE

I hope to do better with my platform, and I pray that God blesses you through the posts you read.

Have a great day!
