Hello, welcome here again.

I will continue my journey with you.

As always, if you are enjoying it, kindly share with others and leave a gracious like.

Let ride in…..


There were sour experiences in the past where court cases came up and these experiences made my seniors extra careful with the process of managing patients. They went extra miles to make sure everything was in place. There was always a crosscheck of every written word and supervision was followed strictly.

“Rose, make sure you write the name of the patient on the front and back of the sheet” my senior mentioned as I wrote her findings down on the sheet of paper (I was in a center that was yet to be computerized).


We had two clinics in a week and they were long.

It took a while to get used to them but after a while I did. The clinic was a unique part of my time in this unit. I had to do many things at the same time. I was designated with collection of data from patients, I also had to see new patients, old patients and still review with a senior.

After the clinics, we had ward rounds and those bit into chunks of the remaining day.


The ward rounds were excruciating.

We often spent long hours on a single patient and that meant standing for long hours and this was irrespective of the number of patients available. It was one of the moments I dreaded because there was no time frame for the among of time we were going to stand. However, it was not everyone that made us stand that long and we had a favourite who will looked forward to having lead the rounds especially as there was going to enough teaching and a lighter atmosphere.

I specially looked forward to having this very senior person come around

There is no way my story about this unit would be complete without mentioning about the ward rounds.

Interestingly, most of the patients we co-managed felt more loved as they knew we would come everyday and still spend a reasonable time explaining and taking them along with us in the management of their conditions.


Now, I had about three calls I was to respond to and they were the unit call, departmental calls which could either be a ward call or medical team on call, then the general casualty call (which could either be once or twice in a month).

All these were preferably best not to be but on the same day, however, it also meant that the days of the week were scarcely free.

There were unit weekend calls that often interrupted the weekend plans. This call was not meant to be a tasking but for my unit, it remained a demanding call.

I already told you about meticulous.

There was a patient that came in during one of these calls that became a core painful memory for me. I’ll share my experience without sharing details about the condition or anything patient sensitive.

That would be shared in the next part.

I hope to see you in next part.

Continue to stay safe and God bless.



It has been quite a while but here I am again.

In this part, I will be sharing the unique experience I had during my short break from all the intensity of my previous rotation.

Let’s ride in…


As usual, I was not sure if I wanted to travel or not. I was tired though and needed some free space to air out.

I finally made the decision to travel again for my short break.

Before then, I had a unique experience during my Paediatrics posting where I was opportune to volunteer in an outreach and also visit a natural tourist centre.

I did share more of this on my Instagram or YouTube but for the mean time I explained a little on a reel on my Instagram page.

Okay…..back to the real break.

I was able to jet myself and meet with two friends and I had extra plans too.

I planned to vist an art gallery, a beach and possibly a museum. I was only able to fulfill two out of this and the experience was worth it.

I will only share a little here and like before share the bulk of it on my YouTube or Instagram.

I visited the Nike Art gallery. A popular art gallery and it was a site to behold.

I did a reel of a glimpse of this experience.

Then I visited the beach where close to water, I gained deep memories and had release.

In these adventures with people I had come to care for and enjoy their company, I got some refreshing and release I believed was going to help me begin the next posting.

I prayed for a calm posting because honestly my previous posting drained me and using what I call the sunshine drop therapy, I was able to maintain a calm and smiling countenance.

Don’t worry, I may tell you about this therapy in a podcast

I completed my short holiday and headed back to base.

My next posting was medicine but what specific unit?

I will tell you if my fears were confirmed or if I managed to escape.

If you are enjoying this, give it a thumbs up and share.

I share a lot and if you check the menu button on this, you will see them easily displayed. However, a quicker link is here.

Okay, until the next post continue to stay safe and God bless.




I want to thank all the people that have been most consistent with my blog. You really don’t know how encouraging it is for me. I did an appreciation post last year, another will be written this year😊😊.

If it is your first time here, you are welcomed. Do check older posts to get a glimpse into what this blog page is about. It is totally still free to subscribe, your comments are welcomed. Kindly share the posts you like the most and don’t forget to like too.😇😇

I am still learning and it is adventurous how growth is happening…….

Let’s ride in🐓🐓

It has been more than a year, this post was conceived. I finally get to share it now.

Last year, I travelled to the place where I originate from. The last time I was there, I was still as young as ever. The memories I had created were tightly and fondly etched on my memories. I had always lost the opportunities to return like the rest of my family due to situations I could do nothing about.

My Father had informed me impromptu about the journey and I had taken about two weeks to finally give my response on my decision to travel.

I do not fancy the action of travelling but I love the mental picture and the sight seeing that goes with it. My reason: Motion sickness🤒😣

Let me give a hint of one : Mountain and clouds merging together😍. So beautiful. The lush green grass and the brown sand. These were some of the sights as we moved towards our destination

We used the road transport system. I loved the view. I got lost in the nature around me. Unfortunately, I could not take pictures of some breath-taking sites due to low battery and my proximity to the veiw.

There is something about home, about heritage that leaves you imprinted with marks of belonging. No matter how far apart you are from there, it echoes with words of your orgin and existence. The atmosphere is different.

As we got closer, I could see the tall trees and the vegetation. The wet ground, the people, the food, the noise, the chatter, the language.

You see, everyone has a sense of pride and respect for where they come from. We always have something to prove that our culture and people are very exciting. I am not different. I thought I did not care before but going back to this place made me realize how much I loved my origin.

The people are so beautiful. Like I wanted to talk about this part so bad😂😂😂😂. I looked around and all I could see were beautiful and handsome faces. They were everywhere. The skin, the range of colours, the statues, the figures and blah blah blah.

The people are hardworking. Like my goodness!! I could even smell it with eyes closed.

The language was music. As I heard it everywhere, I felt so belonged. I had not heard my language spoken by so many people in almost everywhere. I was hearing it everywhere now.

The food. There was food everywhere. Like everywhere was with food. The green healthy vegetables sprung freely in available spaces. It was so heart warming seeing the green vegatations.

I thought I was going to give an history update but oops! 😂😂

The things I did not apprciate were the surrounding and environment. Heavy rainfall destroyed the roads. There were piles of rubbish that made some roads unusable.

The electricity was fickle.

The houses were jam packed.

The place was like beauty mixed with dirt.

But…..that was not everywhere……

The market had so many commodities at prices that were very simple (should have used affordable😂😂). I saw some products I had not seen in a while.

I love to read Chinua Achebe’s books because it draws me home. To the place I orginate and other people that have a similar origin come from (hope it is not confusing).

The Igbo people remain very industurious and hardworking. They believe that they have to do something. They are always working. And even though alot has not been in their favour, you will always see them thrive in any environment.

Our attires are very distinct, and you did recognize it once you see it. The food too.

Igbos believe in very good food. Extremely rich food. We don’t joke with it😂😂. It consist mainly of cassava meal, soup, yam, fruits. The soups are the main dish. It usually has to contain different forms of proteins like: meat, fish (fresh, dry), sea food, etc. Soups are named after the leaves which are used to cook it. An average Igbo person will rarely cook soups without leaves or the ingredients I mentioned. If there is no meat, there should be some fish. It is part if the cooking process. You need to taste one to understand 😁😀.

Most Igbo people are very cultural too and no matter the religion they profess, most still hold tightly to their cultural practices. There is a strong influence from culture on decisions they make.

Marriage and any other form of celebration and gathering is very important to the Igbos. These are taken very seriously and celebrated well with alot of expenditures goimg into it. The attitires are always colourful.

The family unit is very important too, and even though with modernization and formation of nuclear families, there are strong links and influence of extended families in any family settings. Most Igbos love to stay close to home or have a relative close by.

When it comes to music, the rhythmic and high intense beats are very prominent. The use of ogene (a gong), drums, whitsle, and jingles help make the sounds. We love to shake our waist (I am so amatured in that😂😂). You need to hear it, to understand.

I finally shared it, there should have been more. I will share some pictures I took and will some that I did not take. The quality of the pictures would be different.


This particular cap and material is specific to the Igbo people. Also the beads are worn by both females and males.
The typical look of an Igbo lady on an occasion. Expensive materials such as lace are often sewn as blouses and and doubled wrapper.
This material is specific to the Igbo people. I dont know the origin but it is a material that signifies Igbo dressing and culture
I dont know the name of the fruit but it tasted like apple or pear. The red peel was bitter though
Avocado is quite common. In my aunt’s house
This was cooked. I think it is from melon family. It tasted like potatoes or a root food. It was just unique in taste with a little bitter tinge
The usual main dish😂😍. The cassava meal is the mosy original I have eaten in a long time. One morsel was as heavy as a normal cassava meal. Igbos make one of the best dried cassava flakes. It is their main dish. The soup as usual was stocked with dried fishes, meat, sea food (crayfish, periwrinkles) and other condiments.
Palm Tree and Sun. Palm trees are very common.
Palm oil is produced a lot. It is one of the important plants found in Igbo lands.
This was taken enroute back home. Another part of Nigeria.


The first three pictures are not mine, the remaining are mine. There are more that were taken but these are the ones I have decided to share.

I am sure you have something special about your culture too. Kindly share in the comments below with reference to where you are from😇.

I am grateful to be proud of my heritage regardless of what is happening or might have happened.

I still have the oldest post I need to make, and some that have been listed this year. Hopefully no post will be carried into next year😂😂.

Have a lovely day🐓🐓

If I did not feed your curiosity enough, please check google or history refrence😌

I had to add this part: Our popular chant:

Call: Ndi’igbo kwenu!

Response: Kwezeunu oh!

Repeated as much as possible😅😅

Okay. Thank you😁




The next part will contain pictures.

This post is more than a year old. It is one of the notorious ones on my list.

I am African. I am a Nigerian. I am an Igbo human. I love all these three with every inch of my being.

I am grateful for this opportunity because I have only come to accept my heritage with pride as I grow older. I was not very excited about it when I was growing up but it is different now.

Though proud of my heritage. I am not proud of the things done in my homeland. I am not proud of our mentality that keeps us down. I am not proud of some babaric acts we display. I am not proud of how we have failed to utilize what God blessed us with.

Africa is encrusted with precious resources. With precious blessings and I wonder how we refuse to see this. How greed, envy, foolishness, and hate has eaten us deep.

We look down on ourselves, hurt each other. Therefore even when we flee the lands we love, we are still treated badly outside😢😢.

Africa a land of gold, diamonds and every kind of precious stones. Every kind of precious metals. Every kind of precious food.

Africa, bursting with colours, culture, and everything bright.

If only we knew we are powerful when we together. If only we knew that we are the answers to the prayers. If only we knew that hate can never be the answer…..

I am an Igbo girl. I cherish it with all my heart. I still have lapses though in cultural knowledge but this I hold dear in my heart.

I had to say this before the next part which will contain more details. Right now, my heart is in pains. We inflict ourselves too much. If only we knew that our problems are within us.

Hate is a strong word

Love is stronger


Hate cannot be the answer.

To those who lost their lives for no reason.

Nigeria. Sudan. South Africa. Any other place I am not aware of. 🏳


LIFE: MORE THAN HALF OF 2019: ⏭2⃣0⃣1⃣9⃣

Wrting is therapy. I told you before.

This topic came now. I am sorry for always bugging you with how I still have older topics, I can only tell you. Anyother person will think I am crazy for talking about it too much.



It is sad. It is sad.

Every day one sad news or the other.

This year has been so historical.

Correct me.

So eventful (medically, that is not a very positive word)

2019, has been a very strange year with so many overwhelming happenings especially in the two places I have spent most of my time in.

Tears, tears overshed

Thoughts, thoughts. Over thought.

Only the living can live. Only the living can breathe.

Only the living can plan. Only the living can………

Some of the happenings are mainly rooted in issues that could be easily solved if not that humans as we are can be as (evil) as we can be.

Nobody is exempted. Power intoxicates, blinds you from seeing.

As they say, until you give a man power do not call him(her) humble.

Few rational people left and if you try to rationalize, you stand chances of bigger troubles.

Emotions seeping in, ration seeping out.

Humans have the highest developed minds but sometimes we behave as if we do not. As if it would have been better we were not humans.

Or maybe, we have become monsters……
“The heart of man is desperately wicked” my Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9
It goes further in verse 20 to say that God searches the heart.

We cannot see a person’s heart with our eyes.

Events reveal people’s heart, your heart.

Sometimes all we need to do is pause, pause in our steps, calm our emotions, calm our thoughts and think.


Think: what am I doing?

Where am I going?

What is the purpose of doing what I am doing?

What am I expecting as a result?

Is it it possible? Or am I chasing the wind?

Should I run away? Should I fight back?

Do I have what it takes?

Can I do it?

Am I sure?

After all this, what next?

What next?

This question is so important. Have you asked yourself?

If you got all you ever wanted, would you want something else? Will you be satisfied?

Life is selfish

Life is beautiful

Life is unexpected

Life is growing.

Life is straining.

Life is art.

Life is living.

Life can leave you with unanswered questions……

What is life to you?

Life continues after you……

Unless you exist when it exists……when it ends…….

2019, you remain as year I will tell about a lot.

You tried me emotionally……

Spiritually, Intellectually…….

I will not say I am tired of you but I will insist on my blessings.

I will remain grateful.

I will continue to hope.

I will continue to pray.

I will continue………

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Happy new month in advance…….


Life Issues

“Life has no specific color

It comes in the shade you follow

Times you grief, you wish the whole world grieves with you

Times you win, you wish the world sings with you

Times you lose, you wish no one did better than you

Times you felt lonely, you wish no one else was having such a very great time

Times you felt hurt and betrayed, you wish you never had to feel that way

Times you made mistakes, you wish you had a time machine

Times you wanted a little love amd got none, you wish that you became the Cinderella or the Charming Prince

They say if wishes were horses beggars would ride on them

I’ll say, I rather keep being a dreamer till I ride that horse

So life, I am still painting the colors

I’ve got hope and that’s what I hold on to

My faith,though a mustard seed is sprouting and growing

And one day it will move mountains for me. “

An excerpt from QUIET MEMOIRS Volume 1

Something light💡

Check my podcast : RoseCast

The Minimalistic Culture was shared.

There is a Podcast page on this blog where you can easily listen to the moat recent podcasts.

Kindly check the links out and do not forget to leave your thoughts…..

Today is the last of July, how has 2019 been for you so far?

N.B I used only one emoji today and today’s write-up is longer.
