CopyCat🐱 (The World of Influence)


I love cats.

I say that a lot.

I am a cat person.

Watching cat videos makes me happy. It helps relieve stress.

I have connection with cat behaviours.

Cats are special.

I love cats.


Why it is copycat

Studies show that cats mimic their owners. I believe that is where the word was derived from.

Copy copy

This is a commonly used Nigerian tautology in place of copycat.

That is; copying twice.

Anything wrong with imitating?

I find nothing wrong if it is a good habit, pattern or behaviour.

We learn by copying something

I have had so many funny incidences but I will share none

Scratch that

I imitate unknowningly. I do that when I like a particular pattern and have observed it for long. I start doing it without much thought.

For example ‘Scratch that’, a recent phrase is copied from a friend. I recently thought it fun to use and I am enjoying it.

One type of my laughter is a result of watching one of my classmate in secondary school laugh in that manner repeatedly, I found it so cute that I only realized I had started laughing that way months after we parted from secondary school.

There are incidences that what I imitated unknowingly were not healthy and that brings me to healthy and unhealthy imitation.

Unhealthy imitation

Imitation could be unhealthy. The imitator usually starts mildly before converting into a real case of trouble.

I remember an incident that happened when I was younger.

I discovered I was having severe pains in my hip joints and leg. My mother sorted that out for me when she called me out for imitating my cousin’s walking steps. She went ahead to teach me how to walk uprightly, and I have continued walking that way💝

Some traits are unhealthy, and most times we are not aware that we have already picked them up.

When you notice that you are doing things which you would have never agreed to do few weeks ago, that are against your principles and morales, it is important to do a re-check. You may have picked that up from a close person.

Naming all those traits is long work..

E.g Being extremely critical. Unforgiving. Insulting. Angry. Blasphemous. Risky. And the rest.

Proverbs 22:24 Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go:

King James version

Healthy imitation

I said previously that we learn by imitation.

Good habits are learnt by imitating good habits.

I have learnt a lot of good habits by imitating others.

I will share a personal incidence again😂😂

I used to eat so dirty as a child. Imagine someone eating with her mouth wide open because she claims that closing her mouth would not allow her chew properly.

I really irritated my brother a lot with that attitude 😅😅

After many years of noisy eating, my cousin changed that in few weeks when she came visiting. She ate so decently and clean that I watched her in awe. After that experience, I immediately picked it up and have become an advocate on eating properly✌😂😂😆

I have learnt to be more tolerant by imitating the Word of God, and some humans.

I learnt to be honest, confident and stand for the right thing from my parents.

I have learnt about hair, beauty, D.I.Y’s from other human girls.

I learnt to be passionate from watching my Father for years, my mother for years and some classmates.

I learnt about loyalty by observing my siblings.

I learnt to be more creative from some aliens.

I am still learning giving, kindness by watching some humans.

There has been so much learnt by imitating the right attitudes and approach to life and my life is getting more interesting.

N.B I only mentioned some of those things✌

Are you offended?

When someone copies you?

Do you feel threatened that they will steal your shine?

Do you feel uncomfortable about it?

Just to tell you: Don’t feel those negative feelings.

You are being an influencer.

An influencer changes the world by their actions, and you are doing just that.

We change our world when we start from ourselves. Others watch, imitate and pass the change to others.

Change is progressive and starts from an individul who refuses to stop.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good

King James Version

A story about flowers🌻🌼

A friend had been getting flowers some months ago. It was interesting to watch her do that, and I admired the flowers.

I have always loved flowers especially as I am one.


You get?

But I had never thought of getting one soon. I was planning when I had a static home of my own. I always talked about getting a cat, cats had more plans on my mind.

Some days ago, I saw one of her flowers, she had described them beautifully and when I saw them, I wanted them too.

We went and bought flowers, and I bought an extra one😁

It felt nice to buy a living thing, and since I do not have a cat yet, I could pour that affection to the flowers.

N.B I am a lover of nature😊🍁. Nature is therapy❤

Not a fan of naming my personal items, only a few have names but names came to my mind for the flowers, and they fit perfectly.


Ada and Oma



They are both in plastic bottles, recycled them for them✌. Flowers help the climate✌

To make it clear, the Orange-yellow flower is Ada. The Red is Oma.

Ada means First girl in Igbo. Oma is beautiful.

They still describe me✌🙈

When I get a Rose, I will name her Rose or Twinnie❤

I am only aware of the Orange-yellow’s specie: Marigold (as told by my friend)

I forgot to ask the florist for the Red, if you know the name, kindly let me know in the comment section below.

What habits did you imitate?

Are you aware of them?

Good or bad?

It’s a world of influence, and we influence ourselves✌


I influence, and I do it right✌

I influence, and I love it when they imitate.

Keep the boat afloat✌

3 John 11 Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God

New International Version (NIV)

Listen to this podcast about Engaging Culture

N.B I do not have a cat because of location. That is on my list🐱

N.B Please give credits to people’s work. Do not steal the hardwork of another creative.



I wish I can ride a bike. I can still learn, the memories I have of the few times I cycled had bruises. I fell and fell.

I am team keep the environment clean, I learnt that first hand from my father: “Don’t throw refuse from the car window!”. My mother with her ‘everything is useful’ behaviour.

In Africa or let me say Nigeria were I come from, recycling is not very organised. It does not have an organised setting. People litter the streets like it is dust bin, throwing nylons, plastic bags, sweetwraps, papers by the roadside, drainage system, street, bridges and so on😠

Then when we throw our refuse or home dirts, we do that haphazardly. Every refuse has it’s place and should not be put together.

Let me go back…..

At home, mother keeps all the plastic containers, cartons, tins, glass bottles, rubber bottles and what does she do with them? She recycles them.


This is not new to some of us. We either wash them and use them to store food or anyother dry or wet substance. Or take them to the junkyard where they are exchanged for money. The price for each item varies and you get to earn more depending on quantity and the type of material.

Then there are those who go house to house to pick these plastics, rubbers or tins and they pay you for it.

In developed and organised countries there are more systematic ways in which these materials are collected. I once read somewhere that consumers in a particular country (which I cannot remember) were paid for each bottle of drink they recycled. So I thought this very intelligent because it would encourage people to certainly give in their waste for money keeping the environment tidy.

Now, from my present observation in Africa, I noticed that we bag our our waste products together 🤒 and even resort to burning them causing more damage to the atmosphere 🤒🤒. Some don’t care about the little cash they may earn as it looks like stress to get few pennies for lot of scraps…

I checked for the best recycling countries and this is what I found:

  • Germany
  • Austria
  • South Korea
  • Wales
  • Switzerland

These are the top recycling countries and China being a major importer of some of these materials.. One big reason they make much more used products…

I did not define recycling. Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and products.

Recycling logo. It comes in green too 😊😁

We have bio-gradablewaste and non-biogradable.

Bio- are the food waste, natural waste whuch can be acted on by bacteria and become soil again. They can be used to form rich compost for planting. Some can be used to make clothes eg. Banna peels can be used to make jute which is in turn used for clothing materials. Others like coconut husk, egg shells, orange peels and fruit peels in general etc can be used to make food, additives, skincare products and so on….

Non Bio- these can not decompose so they need extra attention but the accumulation of these materials can cause pollution and occupy space. They include glass, metals, electronics, ceramics. They need to be handled carefully and processed in industrial areas where adequate machines are available.

So putting these two materials together is not ideal and healthy.

Let me go medical. Most medical waste are to be burnt because of the nature of contamination, recycling them is not advisable. Metallic instruments are usually sterilised are usage but certain materials that come in contact with patients and medical personnels’ fluids have to be disposed eg. Cotton wool, gloves, syringe, plasters….. Bed sheets can be washed and disinfected….. 🐼

Then you have your toilet waste, mixing your toilet waste and kitchen waste is not hygienic, they should be placed in different waste bins, different 🙃😶 especially if you are not doing the recycling…..

Products that are gotten from recycling include:

  • Clothings
  • Accessories
  • Bags
  • Shoes
  • Kitchen wares
  • Plastic containers
  • Trash bags
  • Insulators
  • Traffic cones
  • Machinery parts.

I love recycling, I believe waste still has place and even in my little space I try to make do of the usables especially glass, plastic bags and plastic containers. I put my fry and wet food stuffs or toiletries inside 😁😁

An old wine bottle can be used a rolling pin for smoothing dough when baking.

Old carton can be used to make books

Broken glasses can be used to create art

I will show a little of my recycled stuff (won’t show all 😂😛)

If you have keen eyes you will see them. 😊

I had to even buy empty containers when the ones I had was not enough and they were not that cheap…. The pink board was a gift box 🙈

Also… I keep my special cups 😂😂. Youghurt cups that are empty 😂😂. No need buying extra cups…..

Heheheheh 😏😏

There are more 😁😁

I hope this encourages you to be cleaner and more conscious of your waste. We make a change step by step, day by day till it comes to stay afyer becoming an habit and lifestyle.

And don’t throw refuse on the street!! 😠😠

Have a clean day and stay healthy 😊🤗
