BlogMas Series: 3


I wanted to write about something else but at the last minute, topic changed.

Today’s topic is a sensitive one for me because it bothers me everyday and almost all the time.

It is an important topic for this series and I hope you get it….


This is the season to prepare.

The season to bake!

The season to cook!

The season to work!

That is if you are the mom or if you are the one that cares to join in the kitchen.

This is a time to strategize so that after the celeberations there would be something for the next year.

Preparations come in different forms and different styles, everyone has their own format. You get?🐹

Preparations involves taking a stock of what you have and how it can contribute to what you want to do.

Preperations involve planning. If you do not plan while preparing then it is not neccessarily a preparation, it is a spill event (I do not know how that came into my mind but I meant to say; it as good as not calling it a preparation. You get?🐹)

So, when you prepare, you plan. When you plan, you are preparing.

Should I say it?

You get?🐹


When this word comes up, it signifies that something would become a product at the end of the process.

It signifies actions that are well purposed to give an expected outcome or expected outcomes

When you plan, prepare, your aim is to produce. Productivity is the process.

As we get to 25th, there is a alot to do.

I am not talking about presents or cakes and candies. I am talking about everyday life, I am not talking about only 25th, I am talking about the end of the year….

Everyday is very crucial in order that you may end the year better.

Everyday is a reminder that a new page called a new year is some days away.

Everyday you open your eyes, it is a reminder that you have to move more steps in the right direction, to get things done.

I will confess big time:

I have not been very productive. I have not been my normal self and if I would blame something then I would blame👇

do not judge me🙄

I will blame the weather…..🤒

Scratch that……

I have been extra lazy even though I have tons of books to read. Tons of school work to do and I will confess that I been so distracted.

Sleep is not the culprit, we are, I am

If you are not productive, then it is your fault not the weather or other conditions you may want to mention because I have realized that the human will is so strong. If and when we decide to do anything, we would.

Better steps🌼

I have been struggling for weeks now, and I am hoping and praying that before the end of this week I would tick my boxes better.

One of the steps that would help in being productity is to remember your goal.

Why did you start?

What is even your goal?

When you remember that, it should serve as a drive to pick up your boots and march..

What are you planning to complete before the year runs out?

Pick your boots and march!

There are tons of distractions, crazy distractions but you have to remind yourself that you got goals to accomplish…

There is a bible passage that has been taunting me for days, I will share it😂😂

Proverbs 6:4, 9 Give not sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.

How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out

Proverbs 6:10-11 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:

So shall thy poverty come as one that trave


It has been a reminder that girl you are becoming too distracted.

We personally know our distractions and yes we can stop being distracted. We have to make up our mind.

You may not tick off all the boxes but let it be that you tried, you made meaningful efforts…

I am keeping up with this series and that is one of the productive things I am managing to keep up, cheers to me☕

How are your preparations going?

Don’t forget to like, share and comment on this post…..
