God In The Sunshine ☀ and Rain🌧



I realized that when I do not post more than once in a week, I feel as though I have missed weeks and to be honest, I have drafts to fill up, so I am not out of topics, I just have not written them out. (so many commas in this sentence)

Recently, I have made multiple reference to this topic on one of my social media platform and it kept lingering in my heart.

The result of that lingering is this post.

If after reading this post, you are encouraged and blessed, be kind and share this post to other people.

God is good

“And all the time?”

“God is good”

Chanting these words are so pleasant when you are pleased with the current situation in your life.

Everything is going as planned, you are ticking off boxes, you are feeling great about yourself and progress.

“Ah God is so good”

This chant is used in church very often either before the start of a praise section, during ministration of the word or during a testimony.

Some of us add:

“And that is His nature”

Meaning that the nature of God is good and is always good.

All the time?

Yes, all the time.

Recently, these words have been so frequent under my sighs and tears.

And the sighs and tears are not of joy.

It has become a common word I use to ease my concerns.


Because all the time means all the time.

In joy, God is good. In sadness, God is good.

God is not conditioned by the state of our feelings, being good is His nature. We are the ones who often try to twist God into our own narrative but regardless of us God is Himself.

So to add to the phrase, you can say:

God is good to me

This makes it more personal.

You can feel that God is not good to you sometimes because you face a difficulty but that does not mean God is not good.

God is still good.

Intentionally choosing God

The truth is: None of us wants to experience difficult situations but another truth is: We cannot avoid them.

We live in an uncertain world and we cannot put our hope in it and those who live in it.

We need a consistent anchor

When we face difficulty, our hearts are clouded with feelings of sadness, disappointment, weariness, hoplessness and sometimes depression (they all are synonyms).

We are tired of hoping because it seems to be tougher as each day passes and if you do not have a healthy support group, you will most likely feel lonelier.

In all of this mash up, declaring God’s goodness is the last thing that will pop up.

They do not correlate

Declaring God’s goodness when you do not feel good takes courage.

How is God good?

It takes a deeper intentional level of relationship with God to praise Him through tears and sighs not because you want an instant relief but because your desire is to worship God despite yourself.

God in everything

Choosing God is intentional and should not be limited to a particular season of our lives. We should choose God in every season because God is God in every season.

When the rain comes

You see, the rain season is one I love so much. Aside being attached to my birth month, I love the weather it comes in, the smell of water on dry ground, the warmness in the house, the coolness of the floor on my bare feet, I love the wind that blows, I love the water drops on the trees….


Rain often causes disruption. It often ruins plans. It often brings discomfort.

Rain is not always helpful to activity.

When rain falls in our life, it may either represent the rain of good things or represent the hard times.

Rain needs covering.


If you not have a protective cover, it will make you wet and uncomfortable especially if you do not want to be in the rain and if you are sensitive, you may catch a cold.

God is the shelter from the rain in our lives

We need God in the rain season of our lives. We need to hang unto God even as death gnaws at us.

Some of you may have optismic personalities that you have been depending on almost all your life but there comes a time that optimism alone is not enough. You need God.

When the Sun shines

When the rays hit you prettily.

When the flowers smile and give their fragrance happily.

When you feel the best of yourself.

When it is easy to sing joyfully.

When you can thank God from the bottom of your heart.

In those moments when you can easily praise God, don’t stop.

Enjoy it. Enjoy every second of it. Don’t stop

In those moments when you feel that God is indeed good to you, keep declaring.

God is good

In Everything

Some kind of strengths are developed only in the rain. We learn to exercise faith and trust in God in certain tough moments of our life.

So the next time you declare God is good, let it be in the bad and the good because that is God’s nature.

Before I leave…..

There is a reason to be thankful even in the rain because after rain come growth.

After the rain, comes the green

Psalms 106:1  Praise ye the LORD. O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. KJV

Your comments are welcomed.
