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Is a month or two on my list…


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We have different measuring standards and they have a role to play for different situations.

Did that make sense?

We use measuring standard for different purposes.

I am repeating myself but you understand, right?

My favourite measurement standard is the automatic because it is accurate to the decimal.


How do we measure self-worth?

What measurement do we use?

What is self-worth?

Self-worth is understanding personal value.

It is the sum of qualities that makes a person worthy of being themselves.

Self-worth is a state of appreciating your uniqueness and your contribution to the world.

What other definition?

All definitions used were not from the dictionary, give yours in the comment section.

Does everyone have worth?


Because they were made by God.

God created everyone to have worth.

Can a person lose their worth?

It depends.

A person can lose their sense of worth.

It depends

A person can become worthless if they choose to.

It depends

A worthless person?

It depends

Quantifying self-worth

This topic has been on my heart for a while and maybe in older posts, I have mentioned it.

I am still on the journey on understanding the concept of the worth of my existence.

How worthy am I?

I have had to discard thoughts, patterns, words, comments and actions that have antagonized my worth.

From whence can I judge how worthy I am?

What makes me worthy?

Why am I worthy of any good thing?

For those of us who are still struggling with words, comments, those words were planted as seeds that grew to become gigantic trees.

And these trees cannot be uprooted with bare hands but need bigger equipments to cut and dig further into stubborn roots.

These evil trees grew because lies were constantly supplied to fuel them and because they were evil seeds, they grew fast.

The result or rather the consequence?

They robbed us of an identity we were suppose to cherish.

A being loved enough to be created

Just incase you needed to know what negative words are.

Back to the heading….

Self-worth is quantified according to the measure of relevance.

Worth depends on value.

And sometimes value is priceless.

How worthy are you?

Source of worth

If you are observant, you will realize that self-worth as used in this post is not narcissism neither is it obsession with self.

Because there is a thin line away from self-obsession

Honestly, I do not feel completely comfortable using the prefix self..

It sounds conceited. It sounds proud. It sounds off

Understanding your worth includes understanding the amount of value you add to your environment and how much that value is helping others.

But there is a need to know the source of worth.

From whence can we derive our worth?

Now, the source has to be one that is not compromised neither limited.

The source has to be more than we are. The source has to be unending and easy to access.

Let me return to what I was saying about my journey. For the last two years, I have been learning to see my worth through God’s eyes and because this is not a habit for me, I have ben failing.

I have been listening to words I should not

But God is kind (one of my favourite phrase) and He always reminds me of my source: HIM.

God is the source of worth.

And God is the best reminder.

Psalms 139:14-18  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
 If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee. (KJV)

Our worth is in God alone and through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, God’s love is stamped even more.

Our worth cannot come from ourselves because we are too flawed and cannot keep up with the measure and on the days when we need to be lifted, we can look up to Our Source who is ever constant.

Beauty. Talent. Wealth. Connections are still flawed. They cannot replace the space that God fills.

1 Peter 2:9-10  But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvellous light:
 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.(KJV)

There is a space only God fills

So for those of us still uprooting the seeds that God did not plant, it is important to replace the empty spaces with God’s word. Do not leave them empty because strange words will still try to fill them up.

It may be tough unlearning but it is worth it.

And when your worth is based on God, you neither place yourself above nor beneath, because there would be balance.

Because God is the balance for our world (paraphrased from Quiet Memoirs 4)


What is your price?

If I tell you that the answer is = Priceless, would you believe me?


If I tell you that you are priceless and that Jesus makes you beyond priceless, would you believe me?

If you have questions, first check this post FINDING GOD

There is something there for you, if you have not checked it before.


In a conversation with a human I like, we shared our opinions regarding dealing emotional trauma and learning to unlearn. We also shared some strict stances we had to take in other to protect the healthy seeds God had planted in our hearts. At the tail end of our conversation, we both agreed that in other to grow healthily in our mind, we had to constantly chose God’s word and focus on God.

If you do not battle with feeling confident, pass some of your light to others. Do not trample on their confidence with your words and actions.

Arts used in this post were made by me.

See you in next post by God’s grace.

Stay well and blessed💙
