How To Fall In Love


If you are regular on my blog, you will know that this section is for initial ramblings before the main post.

I have written several posts with a similar theme to today’s post but this post is still unique.

As a content creator, I am sensitive about timings and creating contents that would pass the message I need to pass.

Therefore, in respect to the 14th of which I have seen many advertisements, this post is purposely direceted towards the theme of the 14th.

I am not a fan of the 14th but it is interesting to watch the usual reaction to it.

Lets slide in…..



This word is one of the most versatile word. It is used to describe preference for both living and non-living things.

It is appreciated in different ways and is not limited by a particular understanding of it.

They say love makes the world go round

Love can be described as emotions and it can be appreciated as actions.

Love is interpreted differently by different people

Love is a main theme in the Bible

Remember: God is love (1John 4:16)

Love can be defined to suite personal preference.

Repeating myself

What is love to you?

Falling in love

This term is very popular in the social culture.

It has been used in books, movies, animations and songs.


What does it mean to fall in love?

Is love a ditch?

If you fall in love will you break your head or limbs?

Just asking. What bone breaks?

Falling in love is a process of discovering and acknowledging special feelings for an individual. These feelings are often times romantic and are directed towards having a specific romantic relationship.

And if they are not reciporcated then you find your way🙂

Do you want to fall in love?

Or have you fallen?

How to do it

Here is where I give you the way you fall in love.

I be no romance expert but these are my observations.

When I be meditating on this topic, there were many things I thought I would say before giving you the tips but now I refrain

1. Fall in love without doing anything

It is not your fault. It just happened. This is what they call love at first sight or love at later sight. In this category, the person catches your attention and you dont care about anything else.

Including redlights🌋

The person caught your heart and you be running with it.

This is the type they say is blind

2. Fall in love with a physical characteristics

I did not want to use characteristics but I did anyway.

This one is about being in love with:

  • Physique
  • Smile or laughter
  • Voice
  • Mannerisms
  • Charisma
  • Charm
  • Attitude to life

That aspect of the person sparks something in you that you have no courage to spark on your own. They make you realize that there is something you wish you have but then they have it and you like it so you like them because they have it.

You get?

The thing be that if you remain in love with them for these things, when they lose it, you lose the love as well.

Conditional eh?

3. Fall in love for fun

Teenage kind of love that often ends at the school gate after graduation.

Nothing much to say.

It often happens because of boredom or pressure.

4. Fall in love with intentions

This be very intentional.

Either because of:

  • Business
  • Career goals
  • Ideal family type
  • Societal status

You find them who be common ground and fit your criteria for your personal goals and you fall in love.

Interest is the key word

5. Fall in love because it is God’s will for you

Now this is the crux.

And yes..this be real.

Falling in love with a person because you know that God wants you to be with them is another way to fall in love.

The only category that will not be here is 3. You can see elements of other categories here.

Falling in love this way means you do not share your heart anyhow but you intentionally share it with the perosn God has allowed you to.

Falling safe

How to know God’s will

Through prayers, peace and confirmations.

God confirms His words

Knowing God’s will is necessary for daily life and the way we know God’s will in mudane issue is the way we know God’s will in serious issues.

This is another topic for another day (I mentioned that in the last post)

However, if you haven’t checked the last post, I will recommend you to do so as I shared links that will help you answer this part.

Falling in love is not something we are completely unable to control. It is true that we may have a quick click with someone for little reasons but we have the ability to control how we respond to these emotions.

If the person we fall in love with is harmful to our lives or disregards core values we uphold then we can and should let go. We dont insist to remain because we are in ‘love’

Love is not foolish

Love is not blind.

Love can be given from a distance.

When we do not tie our emotional stability to a human being, we are able to make clear decisions even when it is tough. The problem is that some of us are emotionally dependent and this in turn affects our expression and response to love.

To be emotionally attached when it is not in the appropriate context only spirals to heartaches and if handled poorly, leads to heart scars.

As we trust God for other things, our emotional life should be entrusted to God as well.

Psalms 139:1-4  O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.
 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.
 For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. (KJV)

If God knows us perfectly, then He can handle our emotional life perfectly.


To The Heartbreaks That Never Happened is intentionally directed towards dealing with emotional attachments, disappointments and aches. It has been revised with new sections.

There is a Podcast which is an audio version of this post and it contains extras not contained in this post.

Your questions, comments and responses are welcomed in the comment section.

All arts were created by me for this post.

Stay well and blessed.
