Hello and welcome here.

We are gradually getting to the end of this series.

If you have ben following, thank you. If you recently joined, thank you for entering this bus.

Let’s ride in…..


Unlike, what I heard I was not going through the same stress I had gone through in the previous unit.

The units I had been placed in for the first 4 weeks of my stay in this department were bearable and I had enough time to rest, think and plan.

I was learning as well but nothing felt rushed or overwhelming, I was finding myself bearing the difficulties of the unit.

Some of my colleagues were like “You are lucky” and I would respond with “It is a reward for the difficulties I faced in Cardio”.

For the first time in a long time, I was able to go home at reasonable hours and sometimes have free time to mentally clear up.


My calls were different.

I did more labour ward calls and they were busy.

We were handling more than one life at the same time and that meant our attention were divided.

Because of limited hands, we had to attend to multiple needs and still make sure we did not lose track of what we were doing. Lives were on the line and they depended on the decisions that we made.

N.B: I use we because it is a team work.

Also, due to limited materials and supply we basically had to make use of what was available, or use our own stock especially for patients that came unprepared or referred from other health centres.

I could be handling an emergency in the labour room and get a complaint from the wards and then the decision to pick the more life threatening situation would have to be made instead.

One incident I remember vividly was one where I was attending to a patient around 1 am, listening to her complaint and write the specifics of her complain to come to a presumptive diagnosis when a woman was carried inside. She was heavy and could not walk on her own neither was she carried well. She was half dragged as gently as possible. Her companions had come in first “Doctor Doctor!” their voices were loud. I was sleepy and tired and I was not excited to see them. I raised my head slowly for my attention had been distracted from the patient I was attending to.

I saw her and I knew she was not a simple case. She looked drowsy and unwell. I immediately asked that she be taken to the examination room while I spoke with her companions who were her relatives- husband and friends. I saw the results they came with and from the history they gave, the diagnosis was sinister. I afterwards informed my seniors while I tried to write out the necessary materials to get and tests to do.

While her relatives were trying to get the necessary materials, I began trying to attend to the now new patient with my reserved medical supplies. The previous patient I had been attending to, I quickly completed our interaction, her complaint was a mild one and necessary prescription and assurance given.

The patient I was now attending to was hysteric, she was not merely drowsy, her orientation was poor. Her arms had been poked many times from the centre she had been referred from and I was struggling citing a good intravenous line. Her respiratory rate was high and oxygen was to be administered when she began violent and refused every form of handling. This was a risk for me as the sharp end of the cannular I was attempting to insert was exposed. I could not continue the procedure and had to stop. Though hysteric she insisted on refusing our intervention. Her family members were informed and we took a step back for we could not force our management on her.

Time passed and after much persuasion and finally intervention by my seniors, her intravenous line was cited and she was placed on oxygen.

Sadly, she was having sepsis and it had gotten to the sinister stage. Her temperature was beyond the grading on the thermometer and the decision to take here to the ICU was made as her respiratory rate as well had remained high and her assessment was poor. On the way to the I.C.U, she passed.

I did not sleep all of that night and this experience took a toll on me.

The painful cries of her husband and friend pierced deep


I did not take notice but on this day, I realized that being a doctor was a risk factor for PTSD. I had witnessed a lot of deaths by this time and it was in that moment I felt the numbness of everything.

There was a patient I had spent my night on as well, she was been managed for DIC (Disseminated intravascular coagulation). Still passed after all the combined efforts to keep her alive.

I remembered all the patients I managed that passed especially those I had developed cordial interaction with or had gotten fond of. The dark emotions came sweeping, the realization that I had just seen a person alive and also seen them dead within a short space of time was palpable to me.

It is a reason I believe some health personnel dissociate from patients because the pain eats deep with time and leaves you numb because you still have to face other patients.

The job still has to be done.

I will continue my journey in the next part.

If you are enjoying this, give it a like and kindly share.

If you also want to leave a comment, the comment section is open for you.

By the way, YOUTUBE and PODCAST pages have been busy as well. You may check them out too.

Stay safe and God bless.


Good Habits

That will help your life



The new series that would be started here is still on preparatory mode.

The habits I will share are very simple but they have helped me develop a better sense of judgement. I hope you find them helpful too.


All the time.

All the time

No matter how you are feeling, allow prayer be constant on your lips. It helps you reduce complains, worries and other unhelpful emotions.

Even when you are happy, pray


Lay your bed

Lay it. ……

I learnt this habit from the boarding school. I always loved to lay my bed from an early age but it was not a habit until after living in the boarding house where laying the bed was necessary.

This habit helps you recognise how small actions have a way of causing bigger effects. Before I leave my space I always lay my bed no matter how late I am. Whenever I return and I am tired, the well laid bed is comforting to meet.

I have two options

  • Either lay it fully
  • Or leave it bare and clean

No clutter 😒

Drink water

When you wake up and before you sleep.

Do not wait until you are thirsty, just drink water.

Water helps regulate your body temperature and metabolism. Your cells need to be hydrated properly.

Drink more water than carbonated drinks or energy drinks or coffee or tea.

More water……

proper hygiene

Please spraying perfume is not equivalent to taking your bath.

Bath in the morning and in the night.

Washing my clothes with antiseptic solvents also give them a refreshing clean smell.

I do not use perfume as such, however, I make sure to have a deodorant, and a use a good scented cream and vaseline.

My recent retrial at perfumes. A local perfume that is applied in small quantities

Keep quiet

You do not always have to say something.

Sometimes, allow others talk and give your opinion if asked.

You will save yourself a lot of unnecessary stress of making promises you cannot fulfill, harsh words you will regret, comments that will ruin your reputation or another’s.

It is not easy but it is possible.



Eat good food.

Have a healthy food habit.

My food page talked about that here

Compliment others

Make it a habit to compliment others well. It is easy to notice faults, however, sometimes overlook.

Even if you have corrections, focus on the good aspect first before moving to the faults you have observed.

Your words are strong

Do at least one active thing

Before your day ends, do at least one thing that was productive.

At least one……..

Mind your business

It is not easy but it is possible.

Minding your business is healthy. Poking your nose in other people’s business is stress especially when they do not involve you.


In case you want to pin it:

Closing Remark

The Bible encourges me to pursue that which is pure and true, and with these encouragement I am able to live a life that pleases God daily.

3John 3:11 Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but [imitate] what is good. The one who practices good [exhibiting godly character, moral courage and personal integrity] is of God; the one who practices [or permits or tolerates] evil has not seen God [he has no personal experience with Him and does not know Him at all]. (AMP) 

If I am to copycat anything, it should a good habit.

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.(NKJV) 

It is not easy but it is possible through the help and strengthening of the Holy Spirit. To imitate God is to read His word and to practice it and to obey every leading He gives with sincerity and without ulterior motive.

Psalms 24:3-4 Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?
He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. (KJV) 

What else?

If you have other good habits to share, mention in the comment section…




Sorry, what you will read is not something you have not read before…


What I meant to say is that, whatever you will read on this page is not a new read.

The topic needed to be written.

What you doing with the plenty time?

Ask yourself.

Are you lying around bored?

Are you miserable because you have not stepped out to play with your friends? (joking)

Are you missing your favourite resturants?

Are you tired of seeing the same faces in the house?

Are you missing your annoying classmate or co-worker?

Is the extra time you have eating you up or are you eating it up?

Enjoy it

While this time fades away, enjoy it.

Use it wisely.

Do not waste it.

(I have already told you)

Things to do indoors

  1. Firstly: Enjoy a good sleep. I am not a good sleeper, so this time has helped to rest without rushing anywhere in the morning. Even though my sleeping hours did not change, I can enjoy extra hours relaxing before being active for the day.

2. Secondly: What you eat at this time will determine how you will appear after the pandemic has died down. Because we are indoors all day, it easy to eat all the food(😅😅). The quantity of food you will eat this period should not be in the same proportion as when you were more active. If you cannot cook, use this time to learn or better still check for recipes .

The one you can afford🙂
Go with the flow😂😂
Dont worry, you will loose it after consistency😆

Or better still sing this anthem or read this poem to encourage yourself:

You can laugh😂😂😂😂

3. Thirdly: Move your body! In the previous post, I mentioned zumba💃. I am used to staying in a particular postion for hours because I type a lot. Maybe you are not like me but quarantine has limited your movement. Our activity can be maintained by trying simple workouts for 20minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour. Just try to move your body actively

4. Fourthly: Clean up! Brush your teeth! Put deodorant! Don’t be stinking and allow excess bacteria grow on your body. Take this time to refreshen your skin.

5. Fifthly: Read your Bible and pray. Set time to pray about the current situation. Do not forget those who are affected, medical teams, and the government. This is an important time to improve your prayer life.

While there is extra time

Do not feel too bored. There are many things you can do with this extra time.

And importantly do not feel bad for taking care of yourself because:


What have you been doing with your extra time?

What other self care tips do you know?

Kindly share in the comment section below😁


From Deeperlook


Welcome today.

I will try not to repeat things you have already heard but I felt it proper to use deeperlook to show some empathy and concern.

First of all

It is always wiser to be concious about safety, not just for yourself but for people you will come in contact with.

There are always safety signs in areas where there is a risk of harm, and it is meant to prevent harm.


Obey the guidelines stipulated in your locality.

Let me rephrase that

Please follow the guidelines in your locality.

In Nigerian English they will say “I dey kneel down dey beg you”

(I am on my knees begging you)

Please do not ignore it. Please do not disobey.

Some of them are very simple


  • Wash your hands: please if you have never been an avid fan of washing your hands, now is the time to practice it. On normal occassions, it is advisable to wash your hands after going out, going to the toilet or after a messy work. It is a proper hygiene etiquette.
  • Have a hand sanitizer in place of soap: if you are indoors, soap is enough and a better option (because of water). Alcohol based sanitizers are recommended because they are effective against microbes. In my locality, the small shops have hand sanitizers for the buyers
  • Wear face masks if you are unwell or very uncomfortable moving around. Wear face masks (I have not been wearing any because I do move far from my locality)
  • Social distancing: avoid crowded areas. Every locality has their stipulations, kindly obey.
About 1.5 meters


I believe in the sovereignty of God in every situation.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

KJV Translation

They are many scriptures to share.

Psalms 91:2 I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

KJV Translation

Psalms 91:3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

KJV Translation

And more……

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.

KJV Translation

There are alot more but these that have been shared are comforting. Kindly check scriptures for more.

When all is well and when all is not

To all the health care workers

You have touched the world once again with your passion and love. Many of you have sacrificed your lives selflessly.

You have worked as a team

You have stayed together

To other non medical workers

Thank you for considering humanity by using your profession to spread awareness of the current pandemic.

Thank you creating relaxing videos and funny videos to ease the tension.

After this saga ends

Let us care for the earth. Let us stop doing things that will hurt nature. Let us stick with healthier options. Let us continue to be clean, wash our hands and obey safety guidelines.

Before I forget

Please follow quarantine rules.


To end this post

I pray we get through this.

Prayers are sent to countries that are extremely affected by this pandemic.

Prayers are sent to every country.

Prayers are sent to everyone who reads this post.

Prayers are sent to every precious soul that is still alive.

This is a period to re-evaluate your life and return to God.

Hopefully, the next post would be a cheerful topic.

You can always reach me via email or my social media platforms….


QUIET MEMOIRS VOLUME 4 will soon be shared.

And I did not go home, so this post is still👇


BlogMas Series: 4


I have to keep up even though I did not want to today but if I miss one, it would ruin the whole agenda of this series.

Health for the season🍓

It is easy to get preoccupied with the business of the moment that it is easy to forget about important things like drinking water or eating fruits or eating protein.

The weather is so cool that peeing multiple time is common but that does not stop water intake.

Good food is good

I love good food

That is why I share new recipes on another blog page, you would find it down the page with the titles of the recipes.

The best time to care for your health is when you are healthy

Don’t wait for the doctor to tell you to stop eating a particular food. Prevention is better than cure


The weather is dry and more effort would have to be made to keep the skin looking radiant and healthy.

You do not have to be an overconscious person to care for your body, it is part of healthy hygiene.

She looked at my nose🍒

I have never been particular about my nose but on that day, after her commment, I became conscious of the black heads on my nose. They said it was accumulation of dirt.

She recommended gelatin. So I bought raw gelatin from the natural store (I want to call it herbal because most of the products there are in their pure forms. If you have a better name for it, correct me😊)

I tried it twice

Mixing it with lime the next time.

Healthcare is a continuous process. It involves dedication and interest.

As the days of this month are disappearing, do not allow stress take away your health.

Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

King james version

As you enjoy your meals and get your work done, I hope your heart is merry.

N.B I should have shared a picture of the merry cup of Creamed fruit shake I made but I drank it all…..🙃

I will share the ingredients and you can make it yourself.

Apples. Bananas. Baobab powder. Cream. Powdered milk. Water.

Fruits are God’s blessings to keep us healthy and relieve stress.

How are you coping with stress?

How is your health?

I hope you are doing fine?

On the 4th day of Christmas: 4 Calling Bird=Merry Birds=stomachfull birds=healthy birds

It is okay if ☝ was strange. 😂😂


Low Budget life 2: NAVY BLUE LENSES

Have you ever wanted to buy something you could not afford?

I sure think a lot of us have. ..

Okay….. I wear glasses. Like extra lenses help my eyes to enjoy beautiful nature.

Some months ago, I realized my former lens were not very helpful and I was having annoying headaches and eye flashes and blah blah. I thought it was stress, after a while I knew better to visit the hospital.

I needed new lenses

I also wanted to change my frame 🙄🙄 and look more fashionable. Some humans had said I looked boyish 😂😂😂😂

My taste is not of this world 😂😂😂😂. Mainly because I dont care, I love to be comfortable sometimes it actually is overboard 😂😂(defence mechanism)

I had wanted to get another, actually. Wanted to look different 🙈🙈


Camels …..

These past few periods, call it weeks, days or months have been really intriguing for me. Learning a lot, in a way, the hard way. Having to undo ceratin patterns and actually still struggling in some but am grateful for the process, it is inspiration



” Let go”. Sometimes you need to tell yourself that. Dont tie yourself down to what you can still get next time.

I tried some glasses and actually spent almost 2 to 3 hours and couldn’t get the one that touched my heart but most importantly they were expensive. The lenses were quite expensive and the frame were as usual more expensive.

My former frame was good and I could just change the lens if I wanted.

No one would notice 😂😂

Checked my budget and knew I rather spend it on food.

Finally changed only the lenses 😊😊

Sometimes, no one notices your feet, your dress or you. Sometimes they just know you are there but would not pay much attention to details except they really like you or hate you or are just observant beings. But in general, no one actually notices.

So why labour and bother yourself when you dont have the means.

You can live a happy life even when you dont have as much as you want

Happiness can be found in unusual moments and sometimes it is not about money, it is about those you are with and the emotions they bring… .

When I first got her two years ago 😊😊

Am wearing her now. She is a good one, the brand that made her is good.

Right now, I need to get my hair in shape.

A lot of things need to be in shape.

I did not forget, Happy Easter. I may make a special post

N. B if you care, you may stick to see the real colour and how it looks on me, if you have not seen it already 😂😂😂😂


YOU SMELL NICE 😏😏(LOW BUDGET LIFE 1: How to smell nice on budget📃)


It looks like this preamble is becoming a thing for me 😂😂, though this is the second time I am using it 😒


I want to tell you a secret 😶😶

I have not yet bought a purse 😂😂😂😂

If you dont understand, go check the post VINTAGE and VINTAGE 2. You would understand when you are done there 😂😂.

Am a low budget being and sometimes I dont even understand myself and why I like the things I do, why I do some things I do. I am learning to just accept my existence and its process of processing things and environment.

Another secret 😦😧..shhhh

Kopi 🍵

This is the newest post I have written down. I have a one year old topic that is still waiting in the queue. Am sure if they could beat me, they would 😒😒. Just that this topic was on my mind but then, something spurred it to come to life now.

This post still has some more secrets 😂😂




Twitter has become one of the most sarcastic platform for individuals who are so gifted with words. I find sarcasm funny, though there is a borderline I dont appreciate and cross but sometimes it just adds spice to conversations especially when the other party would not take offence.

Now, a lot of humans dont know where to share some personal experiences and fail to share what should have been private or within close relationships. They bare their information to the public, hoping to be sided or encouraged. Unfournately, social media is not friendly and Twitter is becoming more tough.

I dont use twitter that much, I actually dont participate. Used to but dont know how to use it like others. 13 followers, following 16 😂😂. So I get most of the gist from instagram 🙄🙄

Some weeks ago, a story about a certain interviewer who bashed the interviewed for commenting on her scent, went viral. She actually talked about it on social media and the response was not positive🤒🤒

I somehow tried to understand her but her approach was rude and telling it to public was not so necessary and a bit impolite to the interviewed.

To her defence, I would say: I may not have been comfortable too because it was an official meeting in which certain languages may have been held at bay. Also facial and body language may have not been well accepted.

In this case, it would have been better if she had stated politely she did not appreciate such comment at that moment without really having to run down the individual or maybe a simple thank you would have not been bad.

So many memes were made, adding more humour to the whole issue.

Nigerians were created to be funny 😂🇳🇬


Okay.. . Let me move down to telling you how to smell nice without necessarily buying perfume🙊💩


I laughed first because am laughing inside.

Before I continue, let me tell you another secret. Cooking is an emotional and thoughtful process for me. I take 30 minutes to an hour to make noodles and as usual, I make strange noodles 😂😂


I just distracted you, forgive me 😶😶

Lets continue

Now to smell nice, there are very simple habits and things you need to do. These regular habits will help you maintain a nice body smell even without using perfumes.

I have not had perfume for some time now and actually, I rarely get perfume. Mainly because I have not gotten what appeals me or they are expensive for me and I rather buy food 🙄🙄

So if you are like me and you need to know how I still dont smell, then good for you 😂😂


  • Bath twice a day or more if you can. Using soaps that have nice fragrance is a big plus. Antiseptic soaps usually have refreshing smell and is a good start. Use sponge too 🙃🙃
  • Use deodorants. Plese to keep your armpits at bay, having deodorant is not an option especially if you have not shaved the bush under your arm (try and do that). In tropucal West Africa, the heat is not very friendly and so you may not be able to avoid sweating. It is good to pick good deodorant and if most possible, the ones with nice fragrance
  • Use petroleum jelly that is scented. Discovered this a year or two years ago. These variation of petroleum jelly are interesting and I find them pleasing. The first I discovered was FRESSIA🌿
  • If you can, use creams that have nice smells. Cocoa butter is really very nice 😊😊.
  • And then, brush your teeth! !😂😂

I did not give any magic recipe. These are simple hygiene tips. Perfume is just an extra.

I find it really unpleasant that some people spray nice perfumes on their unkempt bodies, only using the sent as a cover up 😒😒. You cannot hide forever though, your secret would be revealed😶😶

Maintain a good hygiene then perfume follows after and if you suffer from body odor you may want to see a doctor for that. Dont be quick to use perfumes to cover up.

Resolve issues first, rather trying to cover it up. Some issues should never be covered up, they will only hinder growth 🌿🌿

All time favourite deodorant brand and this fragrance is very pleasant
Not fressia but this has a nice fragrance too 😁😁


Hopefully, THIS TH!NG CALLED CHEMISTRY will have its season finale next post 😂😂. If you have been following, thank you! ! If you haven’t read it all, you could check it. ..Comments and thoughts are appreciated😊😊

This, hopefully would not be a long series 😂😂


Fart! 💨

Now before you laugh or wonder what in the world I want to talk about, be patient to read through. Maybe I might finally be a funny person 😂😂

This is one of the carried over topics. I just want you to know 😏

Fart was derived from the old English word “feortan”. It is also known as flatus or flatulence and in Nigerian pidgin ‘mess’. It even has a special sound attached with it especially the added effect of a frowned face 😂😂

I remember when I was younger, one of my aunts told us she never farted and we believed her 😂😂 but now I know better. Everyone carries out this action no matter how prim and posh they may be, the difference? When and where…..

Flatus is a product of intestinal digestion. It contains methane, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon(iv)oxide, hydrosulphide, nitrogen. Now as I can remember clearly, hydrogen sulphide smells like rotten eggs and Nitrogen does not smell any better…. 🤒

It is part of a healthy cycle to pass flatus. It is very normal.

There are certain foods that make you pass more flatus. Protein being chief culprit. Indigestible fibers (essential for bowel movement and prevention of colon cancer).

There are certain conditions that also predisposes to passing more flatus and smelly flatus too.

  • Lactose intolerance: if after eating diary and you notice bowel discomfort and excess smelly flatus then it is best you see a doctor to confirm because it is most likely your intestines are not tolerant of lactose and then you may have to restrict intake of lactose containing food.
  • Irritable Bowel syndrome
  • Giardiasis: infection by Giardia Lamblia, a parasite that contaminates food especially in fecal dirty environment. Flatus is a cardinal sign, all you need do is see a doctor! When you are having sharp pain in the abdomen, exaggerated bowel sounds and excess passing of flatus.
  • Celiac disease: in this case intolerance to gluten containing grains.
  • Indigestion: this is quite familiar,happens when we overfeed and the bowel is not able to process our meals comfortably. Also can be a result of bacterial infection. Associated with nausea, dyspepsia, and a very uncomfortable feeling.

Before I continue any serious talk, let me be funny 😂😂. I remember when I was younger and any of my siblings farted or myself, what we did was a funny silly game. We would dare the culprit to touch someone and the person that got touched would be the next to fart 😂😂. So it became a sort of taboo to get touched by a fartee 😂😂. We know better now🙂.

Another important observation I noticed is that farting also shows how comfortable you are with a person. Because of how embarrassing it is, especially when associated with a horrible smell and most people shy away from farting in front of anyone. It shows a level of comfortability, knowing you won’t be judged based on your fart😶.

And sometimes, when the other person does not make a big fuss about it, it puts the culprit at ease.

Another funny side: in my culture a younger one cannot even try farting in the presence of a senior, it is disrespectful but if a senior person does it then the younger should show no sign of irritation 😂😂😂😂 or you quietly leave the place 🙃

Not allowed 😷

Also farting may indicate anxiety and tension especially in exam halls 😂😂

I will leave some tips that I have found helpful sometimes because sometimes we cannot handle idiopathic causes 😂😂. This is for smelly fart, your fart should not be smelly all the time and when they are extremely smelly, it may be an indication to see the doctor or check your meals 😂😂

  • Try to pass stool every morning. Drinking water after waking up is very helpful for the bowel. Water cannot be overstated. This one helps alot with smell.
  • Know your bowel and what does not agree with you. Don’t overfeed, it causes indigestion
  • Know when to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom
  • Sometimes don’t be too excited becomes those kind of fart come out unexpectedely when you laugh too much 😂😂

And then, I will tell you that farting will show a person’s true side and how easily embarrassed they are of you 😂😂

Anyways, stay healthy, watch your bowel and every part of your body. Be quick to pay attention to changes. Lactose intolerance sometimes shows up in adulthood, most times, does.

And see the Doctor for abnormal changes.

It is part of being human…

N. B please even though it is part of being human, don’t make others uncomfortable on purpose 🏃


Sometimes you got to let it go……..


I love food,  good food

Again,  this is not a food blog (I have one still under development 😊).  Since food is part of my life,  I decided to share part of it. 

I wrote a blog last year 🤔 on my  inspiration on food and mother’s influence…. I cannot even remember the title but it is after or before the blog “African child and opportunities”

Before I start talking astray…. 

Food means a lot to me. Good food. It goes along with my emotions 🤒🤒. Will explain a little later…. 

I have a history of gluttony 😂😂 and paid dearly for it. I had what mother called “Big Eye 👁”.

Let me explain Big Eye. It means greediness. Eating more than you can chew,than your stomach can contain. My mother let us fill our plates and I always poked my eye in my siblings’ meals,  always thinking their portion was larger 😂😂😂😂 forgetting they had larger appetite 😶. So I would fill my plate larger than my appetite 🙄🙄

I would eat till I was ‘fed up’😂😂 then I would struggle to finish the remaining because my aunt, mother and family members would insist I finish my food. Especially my large-food-eating brother who would have not minded eating the food except I had already played the heck of it. My mother would insist I did not waste her food 😂😂.

I would suffer with my largely distended abdomen and cry till I slept off only to repeat same cycle again😂😂😂😂🙄🙄

Mother’s therapy? Start measuring my food. Chai…. Even till date she gives me the least portion 😂😂. The amazing fact is I can barely eat large portions at once. I eat little and sometimes when I still eat beyond my stomach limit, it leaves me very uncomfortable. 

I love to experiment and when it comes to food,  it is not an exception. Cooking sometimes relieves my tension and can sometimes brighten my mood especially when I am making some new.  I have always been creative from childhood only I had a limit. Now that I have more freedom to make my meals,  I always experiment 

I love to taste new food, even the food I haven’t eaten before. I can say I have friendly taste buds 😁😁. Funny enough,  I get used to eating food I was initially not familiar with.

Although to add,  presentation matters most to me and taste too…. 

Sour, spicy, a little bitter meals are my choice. 

Most times when people say “All this things you are eating and you have not gotten fat”. Duh 🙄🙄 why would I? 😂😂. Food is about portion and quality. I aim for these whenever am eating. 

Let me give another peek 😉 -I dont know how to cook small portion and would have to put it in the freeze and I dont like repeated meals I cooked 😂😂😩😩😒😒. So I am left with dealing with leftovers and being creative again with them or leaving them for x weeks or months in the deep freezer 🤒🤒

Aside food. I cannot keep snacks 😂😂. I just cant. My longer throat is too much😂😂.


If I dont think it, I cant cook it

If I dont have appetite, I would not be able to eat

Sometimes I may repeat the same food over and over and sometimes will not for months and months

I binge when am feeling very high and when am feeling low

Ice cream is one of my biggest mood therapy 😁😁

I forget my food in the deep freezer. 


I spend largely on my food. I care less for clothes, bags, perfumes, shoes, make up 😂😂. I rather eat. 

Dont get me wrong oh… I still buy good wears 😂😂🙄🙄

What does food mean to you?? 

Food is a gift

Food is creativity


Seafood soup and Spaghetti and scrambled eggs as seen on my instagram handle onyirose12 😁😁