Hello and welcome here.

This year’s blogmas should be the most unique done so far. You will understand if you have followed closely.

Regardless, let’s ride in as usual.


Yes, you will.

You will figure it out.

You will go through that situation.

You will survive.

You will be fine.

You will pull through

You will be okay.

The truth is that the feeling of giving up will linger at certain times of our lives and in these moments, giving up appears to be the best option and the thought of giving up is most often not voluntary, it is out of frustration.

However, most often than not, giving up is not the solution and when we give up out of frustration, we only end up more frustrated.



Even if you want to give up, come to terms with it and give up peacefully.

At least you can console yourself with the thought that you tried your best.

Isaiah 40: 31 But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]
Will gain new strength and renew their power;
They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun];
They will run and not become weary,
They will walk and not grow tired.(AMP)

While we don’t give up we look up to God for strength not to.

This year has been unique for me and I have felt like giving up many times with reason I could defend sometimes as being valid but am grateful for God’s kindness and everyone who has remained a source of encouragement not to.

The truth is that sometimes giving up feels like the best option but at the end of the day, when we give up out of frustration we will sow seeds of regrets in our lives.

Therefore, when you want to give up, make sure you do it after you are ready to not because you are frustrated.

If you are not ready to give up then don’t

Don’t hesitate to share your feedback.

You can also share this others.

Until next part, stay safe and God bless.


Blogmas 2: Day 6


Good day (anytime you are reading this).

First, I think that the funny sounds my stomach is making means hunger.

I need to eat!

I already ate some bananas, yesterday’s left over homemade baked bread, and some unnecessary things.

Summary, my body wants me to cook!

How are you?

Have you eaten?

Hungry like me?

What was the highlight of your day?

Did you enjoy today?

How was the sunshine on your face today?

Let’s dive in…



I have been trying to keep afloat.

What I mean is: I am not always motivated.

Sometimes, I am like beh

Sometimes, I do not feel as motivated as I want.

Sometimes, I am tired.

Like I want to give up

The world keeps going downhill with it’s further deviation from good, life and God.

A new thing?

It is new because I am living in this moment.

Not new

I know it is not a new pattern but because I did not live in the old, I am observing events more closely as I grow older.

I won’t lie, sometimes events almost suck out every once of motivation you have for life.

Like what is the use of all the struggle when we live in a world like ours?

Morning wake. Night sleep.

Repeat the cycle

What is the use of fighting hard if your efforts will not yield meaningful results.

As I reflect on situations that have happened and how there is a regress in progress and how progress that was made is now becoming a regression.

We are supposed to move forward! Why are we recycling the same old issues and creating more tension with them?

The answer?

Human personalities do not necessarily change, just the faces. The same old problem with man’s heart is still the same problem of man’s heart.

So at some points, I ask myself what is the use of all the hardwork?

When the future we long for is not as bright as it seems

I know I am not the only one asking these questions.

After gaining one step, the next question is: What next?

Sometimes, you plan ahead but that does not mean your plan will follow through.

Take 2020 for example. I know you understand. I understand too. Like I do.

So you see, sometimes I am low on energy and because caffeine does not do any of the acrobatics that it does for others for me, I need to find a source to boost myself up.

And if I don’t find it then I may not use my day as well as I should.

Sometimes, I am just stressed and need sleep and good food.

Sleep is good.


Let me confess:

When I wear a dress I feel elegant in and I am on my earpiece listening to a favourite song or podcast or message, and I am walking confidently, I feel so confident.

That was a bit off

Summary: There are times I feel extra confident because I ticked off some boxes that encourage my external sense of confidence.

As I reflected on today’s topic, certain passages came to mind, most of which I reflect on very regularly because I need them.

Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.(KJV)

This verse reminds me that despite my position, I can do all I need to do. It simply tells me to derive my motivation from Christ, not myself nor my environment but from strength which Christ provides everyday. If my reflection is from the right source, I will experience strenght.

Romans 9:16  So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy. (KJV) 

This verse reminds me that hardwork is not always enough. I need God’s mercies.

We need God’s mercies despite our hardwork or personal motivation

Psalms 37:5  Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass. (KJV) 

This verse encourages me to plan with God. I need God in the mapping of my life.

Put God in the equation

As I take my steps in my daily plans, God has to be involved.

Philippians 1:6  Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:(KJV) 

This verse encourages me that God wil complete His work in my life and it is not dependent on situation or environment.

It is simply dependent on God who is constant regardless of time and seasons.

This is my confidence

So even though the thoughts tug at my mind and questions arise and sometimes my energy fail me, I am grateful for the source of God’s strength that is constant.


Psalms 73:24-26  Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
 My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. (KJV) 


The book of Psalms is filled (like filled) with so many words of encouragements.

It a rich book in the Bible

I am tempted to share many passages but I’ll let you check out the book of Psalms (If you haven’t)

It is a book that is raw in its expression of sadness, pain, frustration, fear, depression and worries but it always ends with an acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty and love. A kind reminder that God is constant.

Now to you

Do you always feel motivated?

What gets you motivated?

Do you sometimes feel your future is bleak?

Do you have plans for your life?

Is God a constant or variable in the equation of your life?

What is the colour of the Sun?

You comments are welcomed.

Thank you for being here.

If it is your first time, kindly check Day 1 to understand the flow. You can easily do that by searching for Blogmas 2 and the list of post will come out.

Kindly subscribe to keep up, if you haven’t.

Share and like if you enjoyed this post.

See you tommorrow by God’s grace. Stay well and blessed.


Believe in Yourself?


The reason I am recently mentioning when my posts were initially written is because:

As at the time you are reading the post, it is not my current deposition. Therefore, the tone of the post is specific for the time I wrote and not a current tone.

I hope I made sense.

Common Phrase

Believe in yourself

But what does it mean?

There are days I am full of energy and content with myself and the things I am doing.

There are also days, when I do not feel confident of my abilities. I feel like I am not doing enough or I am not doing anything well.

More like not proud of myself in anyway

In these moments, I am either content and happy or discontent and unhappy.


I know I am not the only one who feels this way sometimes.


As much motivational words have become a norm and to an extent trivalised or even ridiculed, I still find them important.

There are times the words you thougjt you never needed will become an important push to help you continue your life journey.

You understand what I am saying

Pride or Affirmation

What is affirmation?

I have heard people say that you should stare at the mirror and say words of affirmation.

One of the ways I often interprete it is looking into the mirror and somewhat chanting words to yourself..


Another way is that it an intentional action to remind yourself of the beautiful things you can do and not focusing on weakeness.

But weakness is true strength

Don't hate weakness

There are times, I perceive these affirmations as words of pride.

Like why are we sometimes obsessed with ourselves

Are we doing it because we need to encourage ourselves or because we just want to feel good or because we want to feel better than others?


Weakness is not bad because it reminds you that you need help from others.

That you need help from GOD

Do you still hate weakness?


N. B

Weaknesses are relative. Some are simply destructive to us and others. Some are unintentionally part of our lives. Some are things we cannot do much about.

What to Believe in?

What do you believe in?

Where is your hope placed in?

Do you know?

Or is your answer a cliché that you have said multiple times until it lost it’s meaning?

Have you taken your time to know?

I believe in the word of God. I believe in Jesus. I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe in God.

Simply call me a Christian 😊

And my belief is the main source of my reflections. It is the place I turn to to navigate my high and lows.

It is my reflector

In the times when I feel excited about the things I have been able to accomplish, my first reflector is my belief.

Is God pleased with what I have done?

When I am downcast and do not think I am doing good enough, my first reflection is my belief.

What does God think of me?

These thoughts have helped me and they would keep helping me.


Hebrews 11:6  But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (King James Version)

Understand that I do not need to only believe in myself but rather I need to believe in God first and through His strenght, I do all things as I should do.

Therefore, my victory would not be solely for my glory but they would be to the glory of God who is exalted in every part of my life; high or low.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (King James Version) 



If you have not seen this note in a previous post, I share it for you.

I started an art series on Instagram recently. All of the art works are handmade and not digital like most of the ones I have shared on this blog.

If you would like to check it out, simply click onyirose12 to view my profile.

Somewhere down on this page, my Instagram and Twitter icons are placed and by clicking them you can easily check out my page.

I trust God to complete the things I need to do.

I should have put this under MOTIVATION but I did not want to distract you 😊. If you are yet to download the collection of inspirations that is free on this blog. You can simply download it here.

Until next post….





You should be used to this by now. I mean the preambles.

As usual, the purpose of this part is to ramble properly before I write what the topic is about. This topic was supposed to come afterwards, it pushed the original that was supposed to occupy this space but it would not leave my mind, it persisted more than the original topic, and maybe just maybe it was meant to be first.

You will know the topic that was supposed to occupy this space in the next post🙂


There are moments when nobody acknowledges your super powers

There are moments when your shouts are whispers

There are moments when you feel smaller than a dot

There are moments when doubt is stronger than faith

There are moments when you are not a believer in yourself, when you dismiss your existence

There are moments when you wonder what you are doing….

There are moments when everyone you know is doing better than you

There are moments you wonder if you will ever win

There are moments you wonder if you will ever wake up from your dreams……

In those moments, your illusions are stronger than reality and I will tell you: Those illusions may become reality…..👻


Those illusions can defeat reality.

The reality that you can overcome.

Those illusions may sink you in the mire of never-land.

The illusions may become your life drive and soon reailty becomes an untold story…


Truth is: you are a step ahead of yourself.

You are where you are supposed to be, even it seems backwards….

Let me rewrite that…..

Where you are may be where you should be and if you decide to remain in that spot then maybe you are meant to be in that spot……😶

Reality is: You are better if you want to accept

Truth is that you have hope since breathe exists in your nostrils, in your trachea, in your lungs, in your red blood cells 💅

Truth is: You have blessings that no one can take away from you except you….

Truth is: The world is waiting for you

Truth is: You have time if you are alive

Truth is: You can do what you can

Truth is: Everyone may never hear but some will be interested

Truth is: You are original and if you want to do it, it can be different. The driver I talked about in the previous told me “If you wan do am, even if many people dey do am, your own go different”😊

Truth is: Somebody likes you

Truth is: It is not only you


In the moments that I feel less of me, I will remind myself of my achievements. The ones that many people dont know.

In the moments I realize I have gotten older and some of my childhood dreams are still there, I remind myself that I have taken steps that was part of the dreams

In the moments I feel I am a dot, I remind myself of how much I am grateful to be me.

In the moments that the doubts reappear, I remind myself, I tell myself: I AM PROUD OF YOU

I am proud that you have not given up even when you dared to

I am proud that you remember that you have super powers

I am proud you are still existing

I proud of the kind of soul you are..


Expect these precious moments, for they will come.

And when they do, remember I told you

Reality is what you accept it to be…..

Are you proud of you?

If your answer is no…..don’t worry you will get there🔜

Your comments are welcomed😁



As parents

As children

As people in relationships

As students

As workers

As teachers

As business people

I have never been a fan of failure. I loathe with so much passion and detest it with great irritation.


Is failure that disgusting?

The funny thing is that no matter how I claim to hate it, I have had to experience it.


Because failure is important for growth. We are all imperfect and need mistakes to know where to improve. We need to fail to appreciate more.

We all fail at one thing or the other and should certainly be making efforts to progress that stage.

In relationships, we sometimes want to get it right all the time or for our partner or partners to get it right all the time but ‘we fail’ and it makes us more tolerant and accomodating to their weakness.

At the end, what does failure do to you? What does it develop?

And finally, I hope not to fail and even if I do, not multiple times. For those who have the courage, I pray for strenght for you…….

In Korean…’fighting!!’ or ‘wything!!’
