

Finally, this topic is off my drafts. This is one of the topics I have been making too much noise about.

I cannot pinpoint why I found it hard to share it but here I am, finally doing it.

Lets gooo!



You like to fight for the less privileged?


You want to be superman?


You want to be a hero?

Eh? Repeating lines

Do you love fighting for rights?


Do you love standing up for others?

Or are you standing up for yourself?


Why are you fighting?

What is the reason?

What is the catalyst?

Who offended you?

Why are you an activist?


What are you hoping to achieve after the fight?

That is if you win

Do you think you will win?

Or you know you will win

How will you continue?

As in, what next?

Should anyone learn from you?

Is what you are fighting for worth learning from?

Do you even know where you are going with this your fight?

Or you just want to make noise

If others decide to join you, are they on their own?

As per, watch out for yourself

The Bigger picture

Many of us want to be relevant and if that means joining any crowd, we do not mind.

We just want to be relevant.

Let it be you did not do anything with your life

And sometimes, some of us go as far as jumping into rickety vehicles without realizing that they can harm us in the long run.


We give our precious time and mind away to poisoning ideas that do not take us anywhere meaningful.

In the name of activism

There is a bigger picture to every smaller picture. There is a reason behind every movement. There is a purpose for the struggle and if you don’t know when will you?

Understanding the purpose of any cause will help you know when its end has come and when confusion has set in.

Many movements in our present day are full of confusion because those involved do not know what they are doing there.

When their supposed needs and demands are met, they look for a reason to create another.


Sometimes, we fight for things that we know the answers won’t satisfy us because the trouble is within us and not outside.

Know your struggle.

Know what you are fighting for and why.

Flesh and blood

The Bible with confidence says

Ephesians 6:12  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (KJV)

The fight we have as children of God is the one of the heart.

The devil is always seeking to steal our attention from God. Every slight opportunity is one to fill our minds with thoughts that displease God.

We fight against darkness

The real battle is the one of the mind. The place where the Holy Spirit guides us to make decision.

Everyday, choose God

Recently, I was in a conversation with a lovely sister and I shared with her how God had used certain people to teach me about my heart. I learnt to be conscious about my heart frequently and the amount of prayers I had to make in order to maintain a proper frequency with God was good enough to count.

All because of certain people

The devil always wants to poison our hearts with evil thoughts and suggestions. No space is too small for him.

1 Peter 5:8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:(KJV)

And in moments when you feel so close to God, you will realize that the devil tries so hard to strike you down.

This minute you are so in love with Jesus, the next minute you are fighting a hateful thought.

You thought it was coincidence?

This minute you are so full of love for others and even spent time praying for them and showing them care, the next minute you doubt God.

You thought it was ordinary?

Realizing that the Christian life is a constant battle will help us to be vigilant and observant of our thoughts and actions.

What are you thinking?

It would also help us to evaluate our actions through the lens of God’s eyes (His word)

Is God pleased with me today?

I believe this is one of the reasons the Bible encourages us to pray always because in the place of prayer, God exposes us to His light and we see ourselves for who we are.

Psalms 36:9  For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.(KJV)

When we come before God in humility, He let’s us know where we stand at that present moment before Him.

Nobody meets Jesus in sincerity and remains the same. If a man remains the same is because he was not sincere with Jesus.

2 Corinthians 3:18  But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.(KJV)

And if you are like me who knows the fragility of her heart, you won’t allow the devil to plant evil seeds.

Destroy them before they destroy you

As you come before God with a pure heart, He will give you strength to win everyday.

He is always available


When we fight something but don’t what we know what it is for, we lose vision and soon confusion will overwhelm us.

I thought this post would take a different route but it decided to take this route.

Your comments are welcomed.

If you desire to share this post, go ahead please

Until the oldest draft is written…… wait…. until next post

Stay safe and God bless.




I was planning to not write for a while because my determination bar was running down ⌛.

I was feeling very discouraged and was trying to keep my bar up.

I am sure I am not the only one feeling this way.

I made a Podcast recently on disappointment.

The Great Thing About Disappointment.

Let us ride into the topic. . ..

You should give it when I ask for it

I have a problem with people who cannot say ‘please’ or be polite. My body always shrinks in disgust when I am with such people. I get very irritated by rude people. I cannot hide it even if I try.

The thought pattern that makes people feel they can get whatever they want even when they do not have the right is very mean.

I wonder if they think the world was made only for them.

Take over the world 😅😅

I gave myself the job of correcting those who make it a habit to demand for things that are not theirs (when it applies to me)

You can’t do that baby. It ain’t yours

You should not demand for things when you should ask for them with politeness, unless you are a bully.

And not everyone is timid.

To remind you that

Nothing you’re saying makes sense. ..

More like blah blah blah

Like this🙄

Explain yourself a million times, yet you are saying nbghigfr. Simple nonsense!


Because you ain’t going their way.

I find that disrespectful.

It is normal to disagree with people you have chemistry with.

What signifies respect is when none of you try to push your perspective into the other’s throat.

You have your lane, they have theirs. If you think they are stupid, you cannot do much about it. They will understand when they wish to.


There were times I tried so hard to make the other person see my point of veiw and I found out it was not working, a simple let it go was my approach. It saved my little strength.

I also believe that pushing beliefs should have its boundaries.

You have a boundary, the other person has a boundary.

Respect that!


You can share your opinions without being forceful either in words or in the tone of your words.

Your gentleness and thoughtfulness will pass your message better.

Even when you think that your advice is helpful, disregarding the other person’s feeling is just wrong and will not help you pass any message. You will only push the person away.

Whenever you are trying to give an advice. Come from the other person’s point of veiw first. That helps you empathize with them and helps you understand where they are coming from. After this process, you can give advice in respect to individual personalities.

But I got to say the truth and the truth hurts. What I do?

Like this. … 🙄

What you know? (not a mistake)

Saying the truth does not mean you have to say it without common sense.

What is the use of your truth if it won’t do anything?

The truth you share should not be wasted and you achieve that by thinking of what and how you share.

Some people be spilling truth and ruining people because they think they sharing truth but the truth they share is truth they won't recieve....

A simple question: If you were in their shoes, how would you feel?

This question will help us to be more kind.

It is true it is hard to understand people at times.

Because humans be complex

But courtesy is knowing when to stop, and when to continue.

If you cannot understand, and the explanation is not tangible, and the matter is not life threatening, you would not gain anything by pushing it.

Except pushing the person away

I only care how I feel

Yes baby!

The rest of the world can sulk!


It is easier to know how we feel than what another person feels, and when we do not appreciate how another person feels, we tend to trample on their feelings because that is not how we feel.

O. R. A

You get?

And what I find very mean is when your feelings are disregarded and the other person feels they are right for disregarding your feelings.

They be like: Don’t complain

And if you are someone who always feels like it is always your fault, you will be consistently attacked with that (just be prepared because it is your fault!)

Expressing our feelings should not disregard another perosn’s feelings.

A disagreement should not evolve into a disconnection.

Therefore because you are not feeling that way should not mean another person cannot feel that way.

Who gave you the right over another person’s feelings?


It takes a lot to be kind but its ripple effect is always greater.

Being kind is art that is mastered by character practice.

Know your rights. Know what is not.

Your rights include:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Education
  • Choice of religion
  • Housing
  • Political choices
  • Life

Maybe they are not arranged well and there are a lot to probably add but I leave them here. Add the ones you know in the comment section below.

What is not your right:

  • Access to someone’s property
  • Access to someone’s art
  • Access to other people’s belongings
  • Access to what is not yours! ! !!!

It is not yours, it is not your right.

You need permission.

Permission has it’s process.

If you cannot follow the process, kindly back off and stop demanding.

It aint yours in the first place


I repeat: If you cannot follow the process to get it then back off!! !!

Do not come demanding like it is your right.

When it isn’t.

Don’t take me for granted

Stomping your feet on the ground can hurt

More like

Standing your ground needs confidence.

It can hurt because you try to appear tough when you be crumbling inside with tears. .

More like: why? ??😭😭😭😭

Why you making me be too tough?

But you have to.

You have to stand your ground when you have to.

It is easy to get disrespectful of those we are fond of because familiarity breeds contempt.

It happens.

And if you keep letting it slide, there will come a time when you will slide away with it….


Standing on your ground may make you appear proud but that is one hit you be prepared to take because it will come.

When you are being cajoled to go against your standards, make sure to stand your grounds.

If they don’t respect your standards now, they may never do.

O. R. A

Maybe it’s my mother’s influence but I cannot help but stand my ground.

Especially towards those who insist in trying to bend me to their will. They always get the wall response.

Don’t go there! !

In a culture that encourages bullying, it takes a lot of effort to make sure you don’t lose your originality trying to please as many people as you can.

Everyone you meet has principles on how they live their lives, it is either you emulate them or you don’t but that option should be a choice you willingly make not one that you are bullied into making.

Today’s post is made.

I thought I would write more 😅😅😅😅

I actually thought I would write none but I did write long notes 😅😅😅😅

A lot of pictures today, I guess I had to share this. .

Anyway, add more on this post in the comment section.

What you think I miss?
