
Hello, welcome here.

I hope you are doing well.

Today’s topic will be a rub off of a recent topic…

Let’s ride in 🚜

The Bus Rule

In Sudan, if you enter the bus with an acquaintance, there is a friendly tradition that the person in front pays for the bus fare. This is not a fixed rule, it is just a friendly culture I have noticed and I have experienced.

Most times friends insist on paying for each other regardless of their sitting position, its just that the one who sits in front has the opportunity to pay faster than the one behind.

It is sometimes hilarious seeing friends argue about paying for each other and this warms my heart that despite the situation of the country, people still practice kindness with each other.

One of the days I entered the bus with a friend, I sat in front and decided to pay for both of us. She called me and showed her hands with the fee for both of us and we laughed together about it.

“I heard that the one in front pays for the one behind” I said.

“That is true but see, I had the money” she replied.

“It’s okay”

The truth is: I do not always pay for others but when I am led to, I pay.

The truth: Others often pay for me and I wouldn’t lie, it was helpful that they did.

Personally this beautiful act of kindness has encouraged me to be more kind.

The things you learn in a public bus.


Using the story above, when the fee has been paid, there is no need to pay again.

The bus conductor would not collect the fee from you again because it has been paid. There were times when the conductor tried to get the fee from me again and all I had to do was to remind him that it has been paid for.

It meant that I was free to leave the bus without paying once the bus got to my location. It was no longer a concern for me to search for money to pay even if I had it. It also meant that if I did not have the fee to pay for the bus, I was free to go.


The symbol is Freedom


What freedom means

Freedom means you are free. It means the release from a burden that it was either your right to bear or that was forced on you.

Freedom is the opportunity to breathe with ease and experience rest unbothered and unshaken.

Freedom is the confidence in life that is eternal.

Jesus said in Mathew 11:28

“Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.


In many encounters with the outcasts of the land, one of the most frequent words Jesus used were “Go and sin no more”.

These words declared a new chapter for these individuals who did not know that they would experience freedom.

One of such is the story of the woman caught in adultery. Her complete background was not given but Jesus knew that beneath the woman who was called out to be stoned to death, was one reaching out for mercies to be saved.

In His famous response to the leaders who brought her before Him, Jesus asked a simple question:

“Whoever is without sin should cast their stone”

Without a response, the trails of stones were left behind.

The woman still waiting for Jesus’s verdict was shocked by His next words:

“Where are those that accused you? Do they still condemn you?”


“Neither do I. Go and sin no more”

She had gained freedom when she least expected it.

(Paraphrased from John 8:1-11)

Freedom is Relief. Freedom is to be forgiven. Freedom is to be released. Freedom is to have a second chance.

Romans 5:6-7 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.



Romans 5:8 But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


And that is why with boldness, Ephesians 2:8-9 boldly declares:

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Freedom from god is a gift. Freedom from God is by Grace. Freedom from god is recieved by faith.

Romans 10:9-10

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.


What Next?

Because freedom from God is by grace and rceived by faith, we can continously depend on God’s grace to carry us through. We did not buy it nor earn, we simply recieved. Therefore, when the journey gets tough and exhausting, we can simply call out to God to carry us through.

God who gave us this gift will strenghten us to cherish it.

We have now become God’s responsibility and we know that in the hollow of His hand we remain, no matter what comes our way.

This verse has recurred this year beyond my imagination. I have used it on more than 2 blog posts and it suites perfectly here again.

Maybe you already guessed it 😊

And here it is……

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


This verse as simple as it is to recite has strengthened me so much this year and that power in God’s word is there to carry us into eternity even as we believe on His name that we call.

Jesus ❤

Another view with this passage. I used one of my art works to express it in the other posts where it was used.

To pin it:


I may do a specific note before this month is over. Many things to notify you of.

If you are new to this page, subscribe to keep up.

complete view ❤
N. B

If you appreciate the above image and would like something similar, reach out via the Contact form.

If you are yet to get the recent download on this blog, simply check the previous post to get it.

God bless.


Finding God


Hello and welcome…..

Today’s post is special.

If it blesses you, kindly share.

How do we find God?

What will your answer be?

Do we have to find God?

What will your answer be?

Do we need to prove to God that we love Him?

Do we?

Does God hide?

Where? That is if you know where.

How many years will it take to find God?

Count…… The time is ticking…….

Your answers can be shared here

Kindly fill the form below to share your answers


La Crème

To cream this post, I will share this simple pdf with you. Kindly share with others who will need it.

Side note

I trust to keep sharing as God places in my heart. A note may have to be shared soon.

If you are new here, there are more than 200 posts to read. Free books to download. Fictions and Poetry to purchase. Podcasts to listen for free. All of this can be assessed from my homepage or the MENU button.

In the meanwhile stay safe and God bless.

#fromthemedicalstudent faraway

Ultimate SuperMan 🏋


I am here again….

Preamble is now part of my posts even when I do not have anything to write here.

Well…. Who loves superhero movies?

Let’s ride in 🚵


As a child, I loved watching superhero toons. It was interesting watching them save the citizens of the country they lived in from the bad guys.

Another one I watched a lot was X-men toons. I liked Maryjane and Storm and the guy that removed fire from his eyes and Wolverine!

I liked Superman because he was very strong and he could fly.

He had such enormous strenght and nothing could kill him except a kyptonite which was not present on planet earth.

He was from another planet

The interesting thing was that he was such a gentle man who never revealed his identity until a call for help was raised.


Then he would tear off his office clothes and throw away his glasses to reveal his super suite hidden underneath and his front hair would become super curly and then he would fly into the sky with his right hand folded into a fist.


He would save the victim and use his super laser eye beam to remove obstacles and use one arm to lift up heavy objects and the other arm would hold the victim.

Super strong ye?

The sound that I heard over again still plays in my head when I think of the cartoon.


If you understand 🙂

The others

I am not into action movies, I enjoy them when I watch with other people. However, there are certain ones I have enjoyed alone.

One of such is the Avengers 4: Infinity Stones (the last part even if it is not 4)

I enjoy action movies because they are straight to the point and decent to an extent except for a few where curse words were used heavily. But a bulk of super hero movies are quite clean (at least the last time I checked. Don’t know of now 😶)

Let me go back to Thanos and the avengers. That movie was emotional and it was epic. Thanos was such a villian, not watched a villain like him.

Summary: He lost and the superheroes won.


S.. U…. P.. E.

You will get why the heading is that way.

How many of us think that we are super heroes who can swoop down and save the whole world

We think we are invisible. Always available. Always ready to save someone.

We have that sense of always saving others.

They need my help!

The truth is that while some humans believe they need to be saved, others believe they need to save others.


The people who believe they need to save others tend to over work themselves and go off limit because they want to keep proving a point.

A super hero aint a super hero if there is no saving

Just like the movies, the super heroes do not feel comfortable unless they save a victim. Their sense of purpose is tied around being a hero and wearing their special costumes.

Some of us are like that

It is not wrong to attend to others and help them when needed, however, it should be a concern when your life is completely wrapped around that and nothing else.

There should balance

One of such occupation that is wrapped around this mentality is the medical profession.

The admiration, respect and sense of being a super hero is immensely high and despite the ill treatments that sometimes happen within the hospital walls, the medical personnel is highly respected because of the ability to intervene in life threatening issues (medical).

As A Christian

Years ago, in a conversation with my father, we both agreed that the protrayal of super heroes is copy cat of what Jesus came to do on earth.

What He has done

Jesus came to bring salvation to mankind and whoever calls on His name will be saved. (Romans 10:13)

Jesus is the Ultimate Superman

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. (KJV) 

End Note

Sometimes our desire to help others stems from our internal problems that pushes us to save others from what we have faced. In this process we are saving others from the point of our trauma.

This does not appear harmful until it becomes a patholigcal lifestyle where we derive a sense of importance from saving or helping others. When we do not do this we feel worthless and useless.

The truth is that only God that has the power to change a man and sometimes in our bid to save others, we may become a pathway to their ruin.

Do not over do it.

Sometimes take a break. You need it too.

Streching yourself over the limit will only make you ineffective rapidly.

As a Christian, I am made aware that my desire to help others should be as God leads me to.

I should not ignore an apparent need that needs my intervention, however in the process of doing such I should make sure I am doing as God leads me too.

Even in helping others, we need God’s guidance because He knows the heart of man and sometimes that help you may want to give may not be what is needed.

This reminds of Peter and John and the man at the beautiful gate. The man asked for alms, and instead of alms he was healed. This they did as God had led them to. (Acts 3)

When our desire to help others is built on the foundation of God’s leading, we are rest assured that our actions will please God and also do the work it should do.

A recurrent encouragement I have given this year is:

While you are alive, live.

O. R. A

And while you live, survive.


Ending verse
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (KJV) 

Do not forget that your source of strenght is God and not yourself.

Art works used are from my artpage. You can check it out on instagram @oraproduct

It is almost the end of the week, I hope your week has been productive.

Mine has been jampacked but I am grateful to survive the stress everyday.

Your comments are welcomed.

Until next post, stay safe and God bless.



When You Feel Used 🚮



Welcome to another post here.

In today’s post, I am featuring two persons.

This is the first post in the history of this blog to feature another person aside myself 😂😂.

I had my imaginations on how I wanted to present this post but I am still grateful for the opportunity to still create it.

I hope you are blessed and encouraged as you read.

I appreciate my two guests for agreeing to participate and even share their pictures 😌🤗.

Let’s dive in 🏄

First Guest

Our first feature is one I love dearly and one with whom some of the podcasts I have shared on RoseCast were discussed with.

Before, I say more, let me give space to she.


Me: Please can you introduce yourself?

Ezi: My name is Agwu Ezinwanne Mary aka ezilovely.

Me: Can you describe yourself in 4 words?

Ezi: I’m a jovial and friendly person, principled, lover of the church and Christ Jesus.

Me: Can you briefly explain what it means to feel used?

Ezi: It means to be taken for granted and taken advantaged of without any sincere interest in the person as an individual. It involves taking advntage of a person’s weakness, sincerity, good heart or friendship for the sake of a selfish goal. (paraphrased)

Me: I will share you questions which you will answer.

Ezi: Okay.

  1. Have you ever felt used before?
  2. How did you realize it?
  3. How did you respond at first?
  4. How did it affect you?
  5. Did you learn any lesson from the experience?
  6. What different thing will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation?
  7. Do you think God allows some of these situations or we are the ones responsible for them happening?
  8. Is it any way appropriate to use someone for personal interest even if the person does not protest?
  9. What advice will you give to anyone who feels used?
  10. What words will you share with those who use others?

1) Yes

2) After I’ve been used.

3) Shocked, sad.

4) Affected my self esteem.

5) Yes❗

6) Quickly address the issue and pull out.

7) Could be both ways. God allowed the people of Israel to have their way with Jesus, also in the case of Hosea. But being God who can turn around every situation at the end nothing spoils, just lessons learnt and God’s name glorified.

8) It is not appropriate. People are not meant to be used.

9) Learn form this experience, build yourself up, learn not to be too sentimental, learn to say NO, learn to walk way, know your worth. Read Psalms 142:4-7

Psalms 142:4-7 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.
I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.
Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me. (KJV)

10) You need help, you’re broken or simply wicked. Stop using people, learn to take humans seriously if you don’t have the energy to build genuine relationships never start one.

Me: Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate.

Ezi: Thank you too❤

Second Guest

Moving to the second person. My very supportive friend who shares Bible studies with me and tries to engage on as many posts as possible on this blog.

Without much words, I introduce you to he.


Me: Can you introduce yourself?

Williams: Williams Abiola Olusegun (full name)
HND Electrical Electronics Engineering (sokoto state Polytechnic)
I just like doing things differently (uniquely)..

Me: Can you describe yourself in four words?

Williams: Introvert with little traces on extrovert.

Me: Can you explain what it means to feel used?

Williams: Someone to feel used: This is can be in different situation but I will use the day to day human relationships. When someone decides to repeatedly do something good to another with the hope of getting something similar or more in return…But the desired results isn’t coming… that person will feel used… especially when the person at the receiving end keeps on accepting the good gesture. NB: that something/gesture can be gifts, money, love, care etc

  1. Have you ever felt used before?
  2. How did you realize it?
  3. How did you respond at first?
  4. How did it affect you?
  5. Did you learn any lesson from the experience?
  6. What different thing will you do if you find yourself in a similar situation?
  7. Do you think God allows some of these situations or we are the ones responsible for them happening?
  8. Is it any way appropriate to use someone for personal interest even if the person does not protest?
  9. What advice will you give to anyone who feels used?
  10. What words will you share with those who use others?











Me: Thank you. I really appreciate your responses.

Williams: You welcome.

My response

I appreciate their responses and without adding much to what they said, I do believe that as much as we should have a meaningful purpose behind our relationships, we should treat people as human as possible.

Do not toy with other people’s feelings. Do not trample on their integrity and sincerity.

If you have made it a habit, this post encourages and warns you to stop.

If you are not aware if you do such, read this post again to pick out points that may indicate that you do.

And if you have felt used before, this post is a reminder not to allow such experiences to define your worth or cause you to stop being that humane and lovely person that you are.

Ending verse
Phillipians 2: 1-4 (AMP) 

Therefore if there is any encouragement and comfort in Christ [as there certainly is in abundance], if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship [that we share] in the Spirit, if [there is] any [great depth of] affection and compassion,  make my joy complete by being of the same mind, having the same [a]love [toward one another], knit together in spirit, intent on one purpose [and living a life that reflects your faith and spreads the gospel—the good news regarding salvation through faith in Christ].  Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit [through factional motives, or strife], but with [an attitude of] humility [being neither arrogant nor self-righteous], regard others as more important than yourselves.  Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.

Your thoughts are welcomed below in the comment sections and if you wish to reply to any of the questions, you are welcomed.

Until next post. God bless.

Arts displayed from oraproducts on Instagram and Handmade on Arts Page.


Vain Name Calling 📣


I tell you the truth, this has been on my list for weeks just like some other topics.

Okay that last paragraph was not necessary but sincerely this post made me understand a message that was preached in the church.

Okay, let’s dive in 🏄


Sincerely, I don’t blame them. It is because this name is easy to say.

Four letter short form of the longer 10 letter form 🙄

They should try it with my first name. They did get exhausted before they repeat it.

Try saying it: Onyiyechi!!

Try saying it like 4 times and tell me if you don’t get exhausted 😏

For a while, I noticed certain people call my name in vain. They just sing my name for no apparent reason.

“Rose. Rose”

When I turn in response, there was no reason for calling my name 😂😂

I tell you, it started putting me off.

Why will you call my name for no reason?

I did not tell them to stop though. I would seem uneccesarily harsh.


But this few experiences has made me appreciate the 3rd Commandment.

The 3rd Commandment

“Thou shalt not use the name of the LORD in vain”

Exodus 20: 7

I listened attentively as the preacher preached.

“Do not use the name of God in vain. Sometimes we call Jesus anyhow……..”

Later on as I reflected on my personal interactions and the experience I was having with those who mentioned my name anyhow, I could relate with that verse.

The Purpose of God’s name

Why do you need to use the name of the LORD?

Of what importance is it to you?

Then after answering this question, ask yourself why you use it carelessly.

Why do you shout Jesus! When you see a cockroach? Or when you are excited?

Why do you shout the name of the LORD when you are joking?

Why do you exclaim Oh My God!? When you have no need for it.

God’s name is to save. It is to be praised. It is to be exalted not commonized.

Psalms 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.(KJV) 

We use the name of the LORD in the right context and not for jokes.

In this present day, people have trampled the name of Jesus and use it as a joke or as a curse word. Some of us use it carelessly without pondering on our actions.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. (KJV) 

We are supposed to run to safety in the name of the LORD.

Philippians 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (KJV) 

The name of the LORD is for battle. It is for protection. It is a defence.

It is not for jokes.

It is not for careless conversations

Honest response

I often shout my mother’s name when something scares me.


It has become a reflex and I cannot give a honest reason why. I only happen to notice it recently.

And sometimes if I am super frightened, I may add


In reality, that should be when I say


However, sometimes I catch myself shouting Jesus when I am excited or hear a surprising news.

Deep in my heart, I know my responses are not as they should be so I am learning to redirect my expression.

There is always room for change.

We can change our usage.


God’s name is holy and we should give it the respect it deserves.

It is not for jokes neither it is for curses.

When we use the name of the LORD, there should be a meaningful purpose behind it.

Has your name been disrespected before? How did you respond?

Share in the comment section below.

Ending verse

For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. Romans 10:13
N. B

All images used can be found on my Art page in the Handmade section and on Instagram on oraproduct.

I am trusting God that the plans for October on this blog will be a reality.

Hoping to have you join for the upcoming episodes specially for this month.



The Danger of Being Bullied



Today’s topic has brewed on my list for weeks if not months on my list.

I know it is time to share it because it is its time.

Its time….

The artwork that is the main image for this post can be purchased at an affordable amount via my art page. I will share the direct link to the page at the end of this post.

Let’s dive in 🏊

Who is a bully?

A bully is one who treats other people badly.

A bully is a badly behaved person who treats others badly.

A bully is one who oppresses others.

A bully is an annoying person who thinks they have an upperhand over other people and uses that so-called advantage against others.

A bully is annoying 😒

Types of Bullies

I can classify these group of people based on different criteria, however I will only categorize them based on presentation.

On that note, I will divide them into two:

  • Passive
  • Aggressive

Passive bullying is an act bullying that is coated in mild tones. The bully may not shout or even use abusive words but will instead pressure the assaulted to do what they don’t want to do. They may also disregard comments, ideas or suggestions of the assualted and always use any opportunity to cause embarrassment. It may not be easy to decipher this kind of bullying because the person may even do it with a smile. As long as their ideas are accepted, it is great. When another person brings a similar idea, then it is trash and should be discarded. These kind of people easily escape being corrected because it is easy to not notice what they are doing.

Active bullying is an act of bullying that can get physical. It may also involve passive bullying. The bully is outrightly rude and mean. They do not hide their intentions and will make sure that whoever they are assaulting is assaulted in full. This type of bullying is popularly protrayed in movies.

The Assaulted

There are reasons why some people are bullied and others are not.

I may have experienced passive bullying but I do not allow it last for long.

The reasons why some people experience bullying more than others may lie on their physical apperance and response to the tactics of the bully.

When I say physical appearance, I mean how they carry themselves. Some individuals carry themselves in a sorry manner. Their inferiority complex exudes from their walking steps, to how they talk and how they socially interact. They are often people who forcefully try to fit into an environment they don’t and thereby do funny things to be part of that environment. They simply find it hard to be themselves and these attitudes attract bullies.

They are lenient to being treated badly because they want to be accepted. Their basis for being nice is so that they can be accepted. When treated badly on purpose, they do not confront the assailant but rather will cower in shame and fear.


The Danger

The greatest danger I have observed is that the bullied can become a bully if they do not address their situation properly.

In a bid to counteract what they have faced, they may end up bullying others. The irony is that the ones they end up bullying are those who are innocent in the situation.

I see this evident in many scenarios. A minority group bullies the restof the population when they get the opportunity, doing the same thing they complained about.

I begin to wonder,

How can you treat others badly when you know how it feels to be bullied? 🤔

The aggression to the trauma faced is directed wrongly and instead of preventing a negative cycle, this same cycle is propagated more aggressively.

We do not address situations by repeating what caused them

O. R. A

There is a fine thin line between being a bully and being bullied. The main difference is that one group feels unnecessarily superior and the other feels uneccesarily inferior.

Bully sensor

I can detect detect bullies 🙄. There is a way they talk, I can smell them 😒.

I am super sensitive to those are unnecessarily mean to others just to prove to themselves that they are important and I won’t lie, I can become a ninja because of them 😂😂


Responding to bully

Bully has to be responded to immediately. Bullies do not appreciate those who confront them because they believe no-one will.

Therefore, at the moment bullying is taking place, the assaulted has to respond immediately and prevent the assault from going on.

What do I mean?

I mean do not encourage the bullying.

Now, I know that there are extreme cases where intervening may cause more harm but that is in minority of the cases and especially if they are males (males are more physical 🙂 in their bullying)

But still.. Do not encourage the bullying.

Then it is important to work on confidence and learning to respond appropriately. Of the assaulted can learn to be more confident, the bully may have get bored (or may not)

Involving appropriate authorities. This point is hard especially if the said authorities favour the bully 🙄.

As a Christian, we are taught not to revenge and be gracious when being persecuted for our faith and I do believe in this and I do know that when that happens, God will strenghten us in whatever form it comes.

Aside from this, the Bible does not encourage to welcome bullying of our personality or that we should lack confidence.

Rather, it reminds us that God has given us the Spirit of boldness to address issues and set them right.

2Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the Spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (KJV) 

God wants us to address injustice and that we do it right.

Avoiding cycles

We should prevent negative cycles.

The bullied should not become a bully

This is important because it prevents this negative cycle from causing more damage.

If you were treated badly, treat another person right. Do not treat them badly.

Some bullied people are only waiting for the opportunity when they can strike back. They are not innocent but are the weaklings in the game. When they become the stronger person, they will become the bully 😒

If you do that, you are not better than your assailant


In Mathew 7:12, the basis of the golden rule is shared

So then, in everything treat others the same way you want them to treat you, for this is [the essence of] the Law and the [writings of the] Prophets. (AMP) 

Treat others right, as much as you would love to be treated right.

Most imortantly, if you are faced with a bullying scenario ask God for boldness, wisdom and strenght to address the situation. Ask God to intervene and show you a way out of it.

If you have been bullied, ask God for grace to overcome the trauma and forgive. Ask God to help you to avoid repeating the cycle.

If you are a bully, repent!

You want to add more to this post? Share in the comment section below.

The link I mentioned in the preamble


Click the highlighted text to be redirected.

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Moody Doody


This topic was inspired by a strange experience. I had it on my list before the smile challenge buhaha started.

It was also supposed to come because it is a theme I have been faced with for a while.

Let’s dive in 🏇


If you are regular on this blog, you will be too familiar with the theme of today’s post 😂😂

She’s back again with the melancholic vibe 😂😂

I tell you, I am tired too. The motions are alot and the tiring part is that the triggering factors show up without warning.

I have been learning for a year to observe when triggering factors strike and this has only helped a little, however, I still have to weather through the motions.

Sometimes, I get warning signs and other times I do not. It just comes subtly until it crashes down.

Wa.. Voom! 🌪


I have been told for so much part of my life that I do not smile a lot.

I do not disagree 😂😂

There have been times, I smiled more than usual but averagely I do not smile a lot.

I smile but not a lot. You get?

Weeks ago, as I was walking home from the bustop, I met two human creatures who asked me to smile. I looked at them puzzled and later smiled to myself.

How where they expecting me to smile when the weather was super hot and I was stressed and overwhelmed? Like weh? Why?

The other day, another creature told me I should always smile because she liked it.

Rose keep smiling, it is nice

Should I smile all the time? 🤔

Is that realistic?

Is that not pretending?

I love to be private but pretending is not my thing

I smile. I smile. I smile at people I like, random cute people, fond memories, when I am happy, when I am in the mood, when it is time to smile 🙂

And so.. I smile at myself 😆😂

A Christian and emotions

As a Christian, I am well aware that my life should be a reflection of God’s word, of my relationship with Him and this is the aspect I am most concerned about when I reflect on my fluctuations.

Am I allowing my emotions take God’s place?

Am I representing God well?

And to add to them, I reflect on the possible causating factors

Why am I moody?

Am I disappointed at something or someone or God?

Am I tired of waiting and hoping?

Am I being ungrateful?

Why am I moody?

Truth be told; regardless of my answer I am confidently aware of God’s never ending love and that has been my strength.

God is my strength. Amen

I am learning that God is weeding out things that have been in my life for so long and this weeding process cannot be full of pleasure. This displeasure and discomfort I am experiencing is because I am growing and I know it.

Surrendering my moodiness and trusting God for His joy to fill my heart has to be a consistent willful prayer.

God has given me joy but I have to make a delibrate decision to accept His gift regardless of how I feel.

I am not pealsed with those who try to undermine other people’s down times and tell them to get over it.

You are bigger than this, get over it! You are a child of God get over it!

And the one I am taunted with in my mind

You just shared in church the other day, get over it! You are….. Get over it!

But I know that I need to get over it with God and that process may need more time.

Get over it with God

O. R. A

Looking at scriptures, I am reminded that God is my strength.

God is my strength

He is aware of my innate conflicts. He is aware of my prayers. He is aware of my concerns and He is with me.


Lamentations 3:24  The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. (KJV) 

God knows how to help us get over it. He is not in a haste, so we too need to be patient with what He is doing in our lives.

I need to be patient with myself

Isaiah 40:31

Recently tiny notes of inspiration were shared within the school environment and the one I picked was super encouraging 🤗. I picked it without enthusiasm but was suprised at how it made me feel afterwards.

N. B It is in Arabic 😊

As translated, it encouraged me to keep on, that my efforts in my personal life and family will not be in vain.

As I reflected on the words, it was a subtle reminder of what God had been encouraging in my heart.


There are two things I love to eat when I am moody and when I am not not 😂😂

One is Banana 😊 and the other is Milk 😂😂

This brand is a favourite

They are temporary stabilising factors 😂😂

Encouraging words

These words will never get out of fashion. They will never become useless. At one point or the other, they would be needed.

Even though some people exploit this good avenue of helping others, encouraging words are a blessing.

The word of God is filled with encouraging words and that is why like David and Job, I can agree that the word of God is better than food.

Isaiah 12:2
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation (KJV)

I shared more handmade arts on my Handmade page. If you have requests to make, regarding art commissions, collaborations, specific or a general questions, do not hesitate to send a message via the Contact page.

I promise you, there were more words I wanted to share but the ones written here are the only ones that agreed to come out.

N. B September is Suicide awareness month. It will be kind of you to check on that person that God has continued to remind you about. If there is no specific person, still check on your friends especially those who have become distant in recent times.

God be with you and me. In Jesus name. Amen.



Treasures 💫




How are you doing?


I have been super stressed for the upper half of September but gratefully, I am doing better now.

Let us ride into today’s topic.

Types of treasures

Treasures are a collection of elements that are deemed precious and durable and of high value. They can be anything, however some elements have consistently been accepted as treasures from time.

They include :

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Diamond
  • Precious stones
  • Stainless steel
  • Copper
  • Bronze
  • Brass
  • Platinum etc

I did not mention all, help me with the rest in the comment section.

Today, guess which I would be talking about?

You already know 🙄

What is your favourite treasure?

Precious Stones

I love stones. I will pick them over gold 🙂.

Don’t tease

I love them so much.

Rubies, Emerald, Diamond, Beryl and……

Well, I learnt some of their names while reading the Bible. They are mentioned many times in the book of Exodus, Leviticus and Revelation.

They include:

  • Jasper
  • Sapphire
  • Chalcedony
  • Emerald
  • Sardonyx
  • Sardius
  • Chrysolite
  • Beryl
  • Topaz
  • Chrysoprasus
  • Jacinth
  • Amethyst

Revelation 21:19-20

And Pearls. I love…. Pearls 🙈

I was opportune to see some of them which I will share in today’s post. It coincided with when I finished reading this particular book of the Bible so it was like practical 😊

The curator in the shop told me that most of these stones were sourced from the water bodies (e. g The Nile), under the ground and from sea shores. Some of them came from South Sudan, Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan.

You are a treasure

You are because you are.

2 Corinthians 4:7
But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. (KJV)
Coral beads

You can chose what your treasure

You have the choice to chose what to treasure.

Matthew 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. (KJV) 

What you chose as your treasure is a reflection of what is important to you

Your treasure defines where your heart is. It is a determinant of what is most important to you.

Matthew 6:20-21 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (KJV) 

What is your treasure?

What is?

Turquoise and Moon stones

Defining what treasure is to us will help shape our principles and reason for living. It will be a background of how we conduct our lives and the people and things we can accomodate.

End Note

As much as we are treasures, we need to live as one. We need to live as people whom God considers as treasures. The struggle is that we sometimes cannot see ourselves the way God sees us and thus we suffer.

God understands

However, we still have the choice to chose Him or not.

God is the treasure we should never ignore or loose.

I will like to end with this verse

Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.(KJV) 

Knowing the word of God is a healthy of way of keeping God’s treasure in our heart. As we meditate on it day and night, it builds our faith and hope in God.

Shells and Camel bones

Thank you for reading to this point.

I thought I would have more to write but alas, I stop here.

These past days have been overwhelming (I already mentioned that) but the upsetting thing is that as soon as I am out of one phase, another phase starts again.

Anyway, I am learning to cope with the fluctuations and I trust God to continue helping me. Amen.

As much as I enjoy creating these posts, I really desire that they bless you, the reader.

I pray they do 😊

Like, comment, share and subscribe if you are new (you don’t need to be a blogger, you can subscribe via your email) .

Until another post

God bless.



Evolution of a solitary being


And because she refuses to grow, she experiences regrets she should not experience.

The things she should have done.

The places she have gone.

The people she should have shown her affection to.

The people she should have allowed to go.

The people she should have given a chance.

All these boil down to Memories that are bitter sweet with what ifs……

Regrets are bred from longings that were not fullfiled either because of an internal or an external factor.

I hate regrets but because of the factors I have already mentioned, I have had to face regrets as a consequence of actions.

It is one thing to wish, it is another for the wish to be fulfilled.

A wish becomes a regret if left unfulfilled.

God fulfills His promises.

He will come true. It is not just a wish with God, it is a promise.

Proverbs 23:18 For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.(KJV) 

With God there is certainty .

This is something God has been teaching me. With Him, I am certain of my future.

Psalms 37:37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.(KJV) 

And I will add this song…

You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning 
Trouble may not last always 
For there's a friend in Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken 
Just lift your voice and say
I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

As life progresses, avoiding regrets may be hard but it is possible to reduce its incidence.

Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can a live a life that is led by God.

And a life led by God is not governed by regrets.

How are you coping with regrets?

I hope to see you in the next part.

Digital art can be gotten here

Until then




evolution of a solitary being


The place you find the most comfort in may be the reason you are not growing.

For the cavewoman, her emotions and the state of remaining hidden are reasons she uses to refuse growth.

Every scar incurred gives her more reasons to remain stunted because the larger the scar, the deeper she recedes inwards.

The more hurt her emotions are, the more she hides away.

But the cavewoman does not know the more she recedes, the more her light dims..

This limited mind causes cavew(hu)man to limit not only herself but her environment and God’s work in her life.

It is easy for her to think that she cannot do it.

For her to think that she would be rejected; that she would never be accepted

Why try? It would be no

The cave, the shell which is supposed to protect her is also the reason she is limited.

The fear of trying is a horrible type of fear. It is so limiting that it traps its victims within a cage of impossibilities.

Often times a catalyst is needed to progress and if no catalyst arises then the cavewoman remains in a position without moving.

At least a snail moves

Have you identified your limitations?

If it is not a cave, what is it?

A cage?

God is the God of impossibilities.

Jeremiah 32:17 Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee: (KJV) 

He works in ways we cannot understand. His ways are higher than ours…

Isaiah 55:8-9 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (KJV) 

God creates ways where is no way. He makes water flow in desert.

Isaiah 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.(KJV) 

Impossibility is a word that man created. It is not a language that God speaks. God speaks possibilities because that is what He does.

He makes things possible

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.(KJV) 

As this series continues, I want you to realize that one of the major reason you have not grown lies in you.

I am learning this hard truth and rather than blame my environment or people, I am looking inward first and realising that the main reason I have not grown is because I limited myself, my enviroment and God.

I am learning……

Are you better than me in this area? Please share some words in the comment section that can serve as a good healthy advice.

DiGital art can be gotten here

