
I wanted to write this post at the right time. After I wrote the previous post, the post clicked as the right post to come next.

This topic is a very common topic. I would not write chapters on it😂😂. I would write what I think is very important about about it. The conversation would be as simple as possible.

If you enjoy this post, do not forget to like, share and comment. Let the conversation continue. Your thoughts are welcomed.


Hypo or Hippo as in…hippoPotamus?


No emoji for the above animal.

It is an animal that lives in water and on land. They are one of the most aggresive animals on land. They are similar to elephants and cows. They are naturally herbivores but can resort to cannibalism when under stress making them to be generally refered to as Omnivores.

The adult male is called a Bull. The adult female is called a Cow. The young one is called a Calf

They have a lot of strenght in their jaws and has one of the strongest bite force among mammals.

They are hunted for their ivory cannine teeth, meat, and hide making them a at risk of extinction (just like the Rhinos).

I watched a video where the calf was eating apple. So cute but do not try a Hippo, they are tempremental. Live them where they belong😊

A Hypo is not a Hippo..

Why you do iT?

A hypocrite is a person who pretends. They have an agenda, and so create alternate versions of themsleves in order to achieve their goals.

Hypocrites know what is right, they are knowledgeable. They stick it to other people’s face but find it hard to keep to it themselves.

They create rules they cannot abide by

Does that sound familiar?

Like the government of most countries?

The same rule does not apply to all?

Hypocrites are passionate critics and at the same time, professional flatters. They easily blend into any crowd.

Today they say yes. Tommorrow they say no to the same thing they said yes to, because there is something to gain.

Not hard to find

Most of us, sometimes are hypocrites. We do not notice it because it us. We notice it when it is someone else.

For example: You find someone’s eating habit annoying while your eating habit is not any different.

Hypocrisy is displayed when we cannot tolerate the same things we do.

Let others be inconvinienced, not you

Remove the log

Jesus said to remove the log (a heavy piece of wood) from your eye before trying to remove a stick (the toothpick) from another person’s eye (Mathew 7:3-5)

I wonder how you can see with a log in your eye

Wipe your mirror first, check your reflection before jumping to clean another person’s reflection

Be tRue to yourself

If you preach it, live it.

If you give advice, use it

Use what you give.

Be true to yourself.

When you live by it, you will understand it’s difficulty and be more compassionate.

If you live it, you will be bolder to tell it.

No need to hide when you are being true

No need to hide like Adam and Eve

If you are not one

Then you will not be ashamed

No need to be shady

No need to flatter carelessly

You will not talk carelessly

You will not be quick to call another person a hippo…

There is always a result

What you sow you shall reap says the Bible (Galatians 6:7-9). You cannot meander for too long, a result awaits.

A series is starting on 27th. Specially made for Newbies on wordpress. If you are interested in starting a wordpress account or you just started one, the next post will be useful for you.

If you are yet to follow this blog, you can follow via email or as a blogger. You will get notifications when I post.

Have a great day….

N.B Did you notice I used emojis less compared to last year? I don’t know why too😂😂



I am not your MAMA!👵


I am so glad to be back….

Who missed me?🙊

Good posts will continue as usual, I have not exhausted my topics.

NOTICE: Arts in this post are mine and are all marked. Kindly do not save, just enjoy their veiw. Their original format were edited for this post.

Let’s move….voom….


Staring blankly

The conversation taking place is not the exact conversation, a mash up and mix up….

“I am not your mama”

“But you are my friend” (only known for less than two weeks without any meaningful knowledge about each other)

That was a bait to baby *she*

“That is not it. You should know what is good for you. I already showed you help, I cannot drag you”


Baby adults

I have low tolerance for adults who love to be babied. It really makes me (unavailable vocabulary)

They enjoy people telling them what to do everytime. Most times they will purposely not do what they are supposed to do because they expect you to do it. It is a habit and it is intentional.

I do not tolerate, neither do I encourage such trait.

The interesting thing about these set of humans is that they are good with words. They know how to flatter you to keep you doing what they want. They are good at manipulating your emotions by trying to make you feel bad when you try to avoid encouraging their behaviours.

They flatter alot

What does mama have to do with it?


I used mama because those were the words that fit in my mouth but it also includes papa. Parents are the ones who discipline their children. Those children grow up to become adults. Those adults get to live with other adults during higher education period. It is not the responsibility of another adult to correct you like your parents. The method should not be the same because the heirachy and ranking (synonyms) is different.

Your adult friends are your friends not your parents. You are an adult too.

Empathy or spoiling

Empathy is the ability to associate with people’s feelings and provide comfort as much as you can. It is a neccessry trait that helps us to show compassion to those who are hurting and going through tough situations.

It is not equivalent to encouraging laziness and lack of self discipline in another individual.

I noticed that some individuals love to parent full grown adults (tautology😂😂). They think they are being the matured one by encouraging unhealthy dependency from another individual….

The lie

These individuals who intentionally appear vulnerable think they are smart by playing tricks to get others to do whatever they want.

They have not worked on me

My allergy to such behaviours make me appear very strict (well…..maybe I am naturally strict😂😂) and discourages the other individual. It sure comes with colition, and resistance but at the end the other individual realizes I do not buy such pattern, and soon their real personality plays out, and it not as childish as they make it to appear.

How to identify such humans

Be observant

Notice how they repeatedly do the things you have told them not to (especially the ones they have agreed is improper)

Notice how they leave things for you to take care of, including their personal items that they would not take care of.

Notice how they tell you that they would try better next time but that time never comes.

Notice how they thank you profusely but never make an effort to do something that would benefit you.

Notice how they whine and cry about every single event including the ones they are at fault (others are always wrong), and in these situations they want you to back them up without evidence.

They are quick to call you ‘friend’. It is their subtle way of making you feel very important within a short period of time. They want you to become too comfortable and create a version of themselves that will allow you do what they should do.

Notice how it is difficult to reason with them. They either try to brush you off and avoid the conversation or break down in hysteria (it can get that bad). In most cases you will always be the bad guy, and even when they are wrong they would not applogize (sari, take an ice cream🍦)

Baby babies. Adult adults.

As simple as the heading is.

Be careful of what you encourage in any relationship. Those loope holes could become pitfalls in the future

Pretty girl in the garden🌻

Have you met such people?

How did you get along?

Share your thoughts in the comment section.

Do you like the art?




You never know until you know

You never understand until you understand

Experience teaches, and it can hurt.

Double blued tick⏩

You see this tick on the message you have sent.

The human has read it


Takes weeks to respond

When they do

They say ” I am sorry, I was so busy”



There is always an excuse why they could not meet up, why it could not work out


You keep pestering them


Pick your slippers and walk away softly👣

Some people do not chat a lot. They are not into social media, and they will let you know if they consider you important.

Some people think you will always respond, so they always take their time.

Some people know you like them that much, so they just take advantage

Some people are tired of your pester

Some people don’t use their phones😂😂

There were times I also found it hard to respond because of some of the reasons I mentioned above, I did not understand the gravity until I experienced it😂😂

Sometimes, it was not on purpose. I simply forgot.


And they were patient with me.

My turn?

It was hard 😂😂😂😂

After many trials

I gave up🙂

The ghosting was too much.

What does it mean when you are ghosted?

It simply means that you have been ignored for too long without any effort to reach out to you.

Most times, the person doing the ghosting is trying their best to be nice, and wish you could read the signals and let them be.

But most times, we do not get the signal so we keep pestering.

Last year, I wrote a post titled BUSY? The theme is similar. Those who wish to reach out to you will reach out regardless of how ‘busy’ they get.

Even when they are not able to reach out or respond, they let you know. They do not leave you in the dark scrambling for light.

You are important to those who want you to be



Communication is key, you get?


Just communicate

When you are relating with someone, stop leaving them in the dark for too long.

Maybe, it is still hard not to ghost….

If that is the case, be prepared to be well ghosted too😂😂😂😂

Have you been well ghosted before?

How did you deal with it?

Respond in the comment section below😁


BlogMas Series: 7


I am so sleepy….

I almost avoided writing this

I also lost the picture I wanted to share

Introverts and others🐑

I love having my space. I spending time alone without intrusion

I love to have a serene environment where I can do all the things I like to do alone. I just love the space.

I love knowing that humans exist outside the walls of my space, I do not just want them to intrude

The intensity of my introvertness depends on my level of comfortability: Meaning I can be more talkative if I feel comfortable

Introverts and food🐓

I love to premeditate meals hours before I eat, it helps me avoid suffering from hunger and lack of appetite or not knowing what to eat.

So, I looked for an individual to follow me eat at a resturant and everyone around me was not having my time…

Reward for always refusing to go out.

They were full or were not interested in going out

And I was like “you are on your own”.

Then she decided to follow me and even called me up to still go out..

This is the part i would have shown the picture..oops!none

Humans for the merry🐰

To enjoy any event, you need people, regardless the size.

As you prepare ahead, who will celeberate your wins with you?

Who will eat out with you?

Who will enjoy the moments with you?

It can be boring when you do it alone all the time.

N.B I usually enjoy a lot of things alone but sometimes I just want company and there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with that if you feel same way too.

I did not want to eat alone again so my friend followed out and we had a very crazy night out😂😂😂😂😂

It was, I will not give the details…

I am too sleepy…..

7 Swans are swimming=Company

3 days left….😁

Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

King james version




This was the original post I was talking about. The one that I mentioned in the previous post.

I am writing it now……

🐭🐭 (rats are cute)


They said there are different types of this word. They said there is :

Agape — Unconditional Love.…
Eros — Romanic Love. …
Philia — Affectionate Love. …
Philautia — Self-love. …
Storge — Familiar Love. …
Pragma — Enduring Love. …
Ludus — Playful Love. …
Mania — Obsessive Love.

I simply copied this from the internet, I knew 5 before this moment……

I will not explain the term because the little side note is explanatory….🙂

What type have you experienced or are you experiencing?

What type are you participating in?

Do they look familiar?

When you say ‘I love you’, which do you mean?

When you hear ‘I love you’, which do you think it is?

I wrote a post this year titled I LOVE YOU, you can check it out. Don’t worry, it is not too similar to this post…..😺😺 (I love cats)


Without conditions….

Beyond excuses

Above barriers


Sacrifical to the point of losses……

May not be reciprocated, rarely reciprocated.

Tough love. Suffering love……

The list goes on and on……

With the use of this term, the subject that is loved does not need to do anything, give anything or support. The lover loves regardless…..

Call it Scarce love…..







Reality Check💕

Like this floating love emoji above, I am on a journey that I rarely understand. It is a journey I am still processing. A journey of learning myself and adapting to the complex world around me.

I had constantly wretsled with loving rightly and hoping that those I loved/love would understand.

I came to learn that sometimes the way you love may not be the way they want, may not be the way they understand and sometimes loving them the way they want may become the obstacle to the relationship.

Sometimes, you may give all of yourself and almost die in the process but the one whom you are loving does not understand it is love. They don’t get it and may never do.

Sometimes, your love is not enough, more is wanted. And the more may not be what you can provide….

As a Christian, the only source I draw unconditional love from is God because we have been through situations and never have I been blackmailed for it.

The next group of people closest to showing me this kind of love are my Family. It could get fractured sometimes but it is the best they offer which I cannot find elsewhere (not yet found)

Then they are humans who have stretched themselves for me, and I appreciate and understand when they can stretch no more…… I am yet to meet more

Then there is me, who is learning to understand Love and how much of it I should keep giving even when my love is not understood……


How much of it have you given?

What are you expecting?

Expect less, I told ya….. Most times you find love in unexpected people💞

Your comments are appreciated and welcomed, let the conversation continue in the comment section.



Preamble (as usual)🐦

I like to ruminate on past events in my life. I love to dig up memories and play them over and over again. It is like a lazy past time. I love to check the places I made mistakes, and make changes from them or probably check my current life to see if I am repeating it. I love to play with thoughts of “what if”, “maybe”, “probably” and bleh blah bleh

The original preamble should have been that this is one of the old post I am sharing now but..there are two extremely notorious ones that are more than a year. They are still on my list looking at me with a look of disappointment 😠😡😑😒 that I have refused to share them. If only they knew that they are so important or maybe I am too lazy to stress my brain yet……

I hope they dont threaten to leave with the original content🤐


Ene was that kind of girl that put her heart into everything she did. You can call her too sensitive. It could be exciting to be with her but also frightening because she took everything very serious.

The worst part was she rarely ever faced the future.

As her friend I can tell you that I am tired of consoling and advicing her. She thinks I am perfect without horrible events in my past. She thinks I have the most wonderful relationship, family and whatsoever. I love her but she scares me with how much she loves to hold unto people. She is coming, let me stop my narration before she catches me red handed.

“Hibi!” Ene exclaimed

“Why are you exclaiming. You saw me in the morning” I replied as I tried to arrange my books I had thrown on the bed we shared.

“Yes but I was thinking of you throughout the class” Ene said as she laid on the bed in a supine position

“That still sounds weird” I said as I squeezed my forehead in disgust😂😂😂😂😂

“Whatever. You have too much love, that is why mine is like trash” she said as waved her hand at me before putting it on her forehead

Not again!! How did this connect with love?

“What happened again?” I asked trying to sound concerned. I already knew she was going to start telling her tales of woes. I was trying so hard not to roll my eyes and join my forehead🙄🙄

“Well, I have been thinking of what you have been saying, and……” she sighed as if she was trying to hold back tears

“What is wrong?” I was truly concerned as I went close to her on the bed. She was covering her eyes now with her right hand

“Well, I saw Frances today. He was with Ese from the Horticulture department. He looked so happy and that made me realize that I really needed to move on” she was tearing already, I could see the tears staining her face

I was quiet, she talked about Frances to the point I was beyond irritated. I had told her several times to stop wishing anything back with him. He had not bothered to reach out to her for months, it was very obvious he was no longer interested in their relationship.

“He meant his words and I always wonder if I was a nuisance to him” she continued

“Did he tell you that?” I asked

“No. But seeing how he looked so happy today proved that to me. He never smiled that genuinely the one year we dated”

“Well, sometimes people just cant seem to be themselves with some people but find that comfortability with others. If he was polite in breaking up and maintaining that space. It would be best for you to move on”

“You have said that many times, so I know that already. I have finally decided to move on. I dont hate him or whatever but….I find it hard to let go of the memories I shared with people”

“I dont think any normal functioning emotional human finds it easy but it is healthy to know that it is unwise to chase the wind. You cannot catch it, it would run away leaving you more depressed and frustrated” I was sincere in my tone. I had said this to her like so many times but this time I felt she was finally truthful to herself.

“Thank you Hibi” she said she sat up and hugged me, her tears staining my shirt


My talk🐦

You see…some people are highly sensitive and hold unto to others too much. They place this importance in their mind around particular persons, and even though this is not bad in itself, it can sometimes be very difficult to let go.

Seasons change, and sometimes friends and relationships do too.

We make mistakes, most times we did not plan or hope that they happened.

When we spend so much time on what happened in the past, we keep living there while the world moves without us. It is as if you got stuck while the time machine disappeared.

Memories are beautiful when they inspire you to move forward. That should be their purpose.

N.B There is an actual post on Memories🌈

Life happens everyday. You chose to allow it happen for you or you chose to get swallowed up in regrets.

If it does not inspire you, then you better discard it. If it does not cause innovation, then maybe you should trash it. When the seasons change, you dont have to fight it because it has changed. When the relationships end, if they dont want it, let them go. If you dont want it, let them know (hard, even for me. I most times do the silent method🐢)

The story was spontanoeously written for this post. I could be Ene and I am learning to be Hibi

Accept what has happened and moving on has become a practice for me.

Let me add….

If you really didnt do anything significant to end a relationship, dont bang your head on the wall. It is not because you are horrible or not good enough. It may also not be that the other person is. Priorities and focus change, humans too… That is it.

If you actually did something that was wrong, be apologetic and get better for the next person (if the other person involved has no interest again)

Something else📣

I made a podcast a year ago, and it is actually my first podcast on a topic similar to this. You can check it out on Anchor. I will share the link to that here:

Listen to this episode of my podcast, RoseCast, The Past https://anchor.fm/onyiyechi-roseline-agwu/episodes/The-Past-e2fp85

I feel there should be more to this but I will end here. ……. ….


Like. Share. Follow/subscribe. Comment. Thank you…..



I first heard this word (a text)from one of my best friend some years ago. I found it hard to reply but she was persistent until I allowed myself to say it to people that I really wanted to say it to.

As a Nigerian, these words are not very common within the household (maybe it is changing), you just know that your parents and siblings love you😂😂


They ain’t going nowhere after a bad fight. They literally see your messed up sides and still live with you. They fight others for you. They still find a way to hang out with you. You have basic needs provided (like c’mon you ain’t sleeping under the rain or begging for food). You miss them like crazy when you are not with them despite all the troubles they give you😂😂

You just know by some telepathic powers somewhere.

In Africa, family means a lot but saying “I love you” is not.

So, when I got to hear these words, they meant a lot and I decided to practice using them on my friends (mainly girls🙄). It made me feel nice like a flower🏵🌹 (actually I am a Rose. I love all colours but peach or red is nice too)

As I get older 🐢, I have met more people who use it freely with extra hugs too🤗 and some of those times they really were therapy especially the hugs😍

I decided to pass this beautiful something to my beloved family. I pester them with these words and they respond😁😁. It was a matter of starting it first.

The beauty about telling people nice and sweet words is that it could be the therapy a person needed. You became a sunshine being and lightened a person’s face and heart with your kind words.

N.B It would be best to mean it too. When said insincerely you rob it if its beauty.😑😒

Something else🌝🌚

I usually refrain from using it on the opposite sex (males) because I don’t want to be misunderstood. For now I limit the use on females and my family. It is a vintage woman’s boundaries.

Just mine . ..

My kids will get to hear tons and tons and tons and tons of it (hehehehe😊)


When using these words you may need to know if the person you are saying it to will be in same line with you or go overboard or underboard. It is beautiful when both of you are in a mutal understanding of what you mean by saying it, so it would not become an akward situation like…….

This…staring into blank space

Be sincere in your words and actions

This post distracted me…..I have to be gone…..

You can find page on Facebook as Kquotes





Sun Teddy

They stood akwardly, the world around them moving in normal motions.

Chylie palms were stained with sweats.

Was this how guys felt?

He was supposed to say something not look distracted. She was ready to bear her shame and majestically walk away.

It was her first time, she did not want to be the one approached again, not now that she was the first doing the liking. Maybe, he was her true crush. She had never told anyone that she had never had a crush, they would tease her. She just went with the flow and agreed as they spoke since she was the queen of the block. The queen of beauties who was also nice and sweet (as they said).

Sometimes she wished she were a boy. Not a girl who had many rules made to organise her life, she usually rolled her eyes in disgust when she thought of that.

“I am sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? You have not yet replied” she said as calmly as she could, hoping that would make him feel at least interested to replying.

He was so nervous, he felt like peeing. Not in front of her though. Why was she talking like that?

He never really carerd about being noticed or liked. He just knew he like someone before, then stopped, then lost interest in the whole thing. He had actually come to enjoy his space, not looking out for any princess on a unicorn.

He almost felt like no female would interest him again, maybe he would just buy a dog and be his papa for life. When he told his friends this, they laughed and mocked him. They told him he was crazy, and he became like this just because one girl told him no.

Maybe they were right, he was too passionate and put his emotions before his head. Maybe, he was actually afraid to like somebody, he was afraid to have heart races and merry-go-round cycling in his brain. He wanted to master his emotions, and the best way was to shut them up. He could try and still save a dying cat.

Maybe that cat stood in front of him..

What was he going to answer her?

Please leave me alone. Please!!

She could not hear that

Opom had asked her why Tay, of all awkward people to like. Why Tay?!

She had only smiled. There was no specific reason.

She just liked him.

He was cute and…….

Maybe he reeked of rejection. Like an abandoned teddy. She wanted to sun dry him and become the Sun that made him smile.

After much pestering, her best friend knew to leave her alone. Chylie did what she wanted to do.

He looked like he wanted to finally speak.

Hurry up bro, let me know what it feels like to get rejected.

She looked too patient, and that unsettled him. Was she that into him? He just rememberd that he had not shaved his scattered face in a week. He was not that careless, he was only careless this week.

She can hate if she want, I was not looking for love

“First, thank you. Second, no. I am not in the place for any of what you are asking for. I am still a bear hibernating”

He noticed that her countenance fell, he could do nothing about that. He had already missed The Running Man, the Pringles he bought was going to waste.

“It’s okay” she lied

“But you thought of that now. Don’t you want to think about it? Or at least give me your number”

She felt like a beggar. Did she like him that much to be shameless? With his scattered cute face

He had few contacts, he was content with that. Only his landlady was the female contact.

“Ummm.. Am sorry. I cannot do that either”

He was already tired. If he had known, he would have bought a bottle of Sprite and eat it with the Pringles. Maybe share some of it with her.

No again?

She wasted her highlighter. She was disappointed, not because of the highlighter but because he had said no twice.

It stung. She wanted to faint from embarrassment.

The Sprite in her bag was already warm. If he had Pringles they could share.

He sat down and opened his bag to reveal the Original flavour of Pringles. They could eat it as their parting meal.

“Do you mind sharing?”

“No. I have Sprite. We could share”

She sat down beside him on the pavement that the tree had destroyed with its stem.

They could eat it as their parting meal, and she could use the chips to choke down the tears in her eyes.

After their meal, they smiled and parted

Pringles and Sprite

No and sighs

Rejection, it hurts

But don’t take it too far

A parting meal is not bad

It was refreshing to experience it. Now she could be more considerate, she had always been. Maybe more considerate. She still liked him and hoped he came to like her before she lost interest.

At least he could not stop her from stalking his social media handles that he rarely posted on. Or he could not stop her from. .. .thinking about him.

It was refreshing to know how it felt to really like someone.

She brushed the stubborn tears that threatened to fall as her sneakers carried her fast to her room where she could explode better

He respected her courage but felt relieved to be finally left alone. All he thought of was to get the recap of The Running Man.

He would check if she had sent him friend requests and accept then, that would show her he had no hard feelings.

Maybe, next time he would be interested.

“Lets go wash our shoes” he said as he made for his motor bike.

The Sun was lazily setting down as both went in opposite directions

Sad Teddy

I dont like when people make too much out of rejection. Before I am misunderstood, some scenarios have been really bad but let us talk about a normal scenario.

If you told someone your interest and they said No. Why dont you accept no? Why think you could try and try and try and try and try and try and emek egg dkekk

Okay. . …

Let me move on.. .. .

If you were with someone and after a while, they said no. You tried to know why and they still said no. You tried to make adjustment and they still said no. Why do jausskkwojebdksksm.?

Let me move on.

You applied for something and they said No. You tried again and they said no. Why do you ajishdsso?

Forgive me 🦄

Let me move on

Rejection is for your good, and it is not always because you deserve better. It could be because what you were wanting was not for you, it was for someone else. 🐵

Rejection is an eye opener to develop yourself, it is not always because you were hated or you were too good to be true. It could be what you wanted was too good for you. 🐡

Rejection will happen because it is part of existing. It will happen to everyone. So dont think you are special because it happened to you or maybe happening to you. 🦃

Rejection does not mean you may turn out better or the ones who rejected you will regret.🐽

Rejection is a pill that can leave you better or bitter. Depends on which side you decided to swallow. 🕷

The notion I am tired tired of hearing is people insinuating that those who did the rejection were so horrible without most times knowing which scenario was which. Everyone cannot be chosen at the same time, if not what would be the use of timing and employment. 🌐

Sometimes you are rejected because you are loved. The person doing the rejecting may actually truely love you, and knows that what you are seeking is not what you need. It could be that you need to work on yourself and the love you seek is not where you are searching. You need to take more steps. 👡👞👟👠

So please dont be bitter when you are rejected. Don’t hold a grudge that was not necessary. Few people will believe in your dreams (that is well known). Dont plan to revenge (it may be unnecessary)

Search and check what you could do better. Someone, others are waiting for you out there. You stopped at the wrong station, you have to move on to the next 🚇🚂🚃🚆🚅🚄🚈🚎🚊🚋🚌

N. B To the one doing the rejecting, it takes nothing to be nice. Let the rejection be remembered with a smile that showed your kindest affection. Whether single or cooperate, it could be you. Dont feel guilty if you have to reject, sometimes you just have to but let your words spark more hope than utter rejection. 🏭🏀

Yellow Teddy


I took this picture a month ago,and the bear is not mine. I dont fancy teddy bears. It looked so lonely drying under the hot Sun. The owner had washed it. I took it because I loved how it looked not knowing I was going to write a post titled REJECTION.

After getting the topic, I realized that this teddy would fit in the description😊😊. So teddy made its way here.

I actually have one mini, tini teddy that is cute to squeeze in my palm but I left it tucked away, far away from me. I dont have it near, and I still dont fancy teddies. Mostly big ones 😂😂🐻🐻

I almost forgot that I had not posted in a week. It is almost two weeks. This is what happens when you jusggle living in two planets 😂😂👽👽.

Please dont forget to like, comment, share and follow my space. No specific date for posting.. ..

Let me leave this verse here

He has made everything beautiful in it’s time. ..

Ecclesiastes 3:11 (paraphrased)

Thank you.. ….💃💃

Okay. … .. I have also gotten rejected many times. Also done the rejecting. All have been inspirations

Okay. .. .


Final Teddy


“Don’t provoke me to anger. Don’t provoke me to anger” he squeezed his face and hands as his feet tapped to his weird song I think he composed.

I described a scene from one of the music or talent auditions where amazing people show talents they don’t have, and family members dont stop them from going.



How do you deal with offences?

How do you respond?

How do you react?

How do you cope?

There are things we cannot avoid as existing humans, and one of them is: Getting offended

Somebody will step on your toes but the most important part is how you react and handle these situations when you are confronted with them.

So the questions lies in: What kind of offences are even the important ones? Or… .What kind of offences can we ignore?

I will not give specifics because… We are all different and have different principles that organize our lives.


I will say that; the offences which really have nothing to do with harming us, offences that we can shut our ears too. You know them…

Okay, let me give example 🙄🙄

If someone calls you big head, you can decide to ignore especially if you dont have big head 😂😂

If someone stepped on your real toes, you can ignore. He or she will remove their shoes 😂😂

If someone insulted you, you dont have to insult back 😁😁

If. . . .. 😆😆

Truth be told there are issues which can just let the sleeping dog lie.

These issues will not produce any fruitful results when you decide to dwell om them.

The questions you need ask yourself are:

  • What will I gain from doing this?
  • What change am I expecting?
  • What impact will it make?
  • Will my response have an effect on the other person? Like will it help them?
  • Will I even get relieved from my annoyance or will it escalate?
  • Will? What?

Whatever.. .you want to add. .🐜🐜

There are certain situations you will need to confront people on and even in those situations you dont have to spit out your opinions anyhow. Dont spit like Llamas😒😒. I mean you dont have to be abusive or insulting, you will still not pass your message across.

It is best you pick your words and the most suitable ones for that situations and intelligently trash it out. Intelligent words will stick when you are confronting another for a wrong doing🙂

Dont express yourself when you are extremely angry. It is best you do it when you feel more comported, you will pass your message better.

You can close your(I wanted to say ya) eye and walk(waka) past 🚶🚶🚶🚶

In the book of Proverbs 17:28, it says “A fool, when he holds his mouth is considered wise. ..”(Paraphrased). There are so many passages talking on that in this book. I find this very funny 😂😂. You got(gat) to hold your mouth. Your opinion must not be spilled all the time especially when you are angry! 🙃🙃

Dont store offences and dont go looking for one. Save yourself unnecessary stress.

Stress can cause peptic ulcer 🙃🙃 and compromise your health too. If you are always on the edge looking for who will offend you, you are putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation for nothing.

Just know that people will offend you. You cannot avoid it but you can always deal with your response 💁

Maturity comes at a price. ..

And handling offences is one of them.

if you have a bad temper, anger issues, please see a doctor. Deal with it. Go for therapy. Go for a dance class. Go gyming. Go do charity. Go wash toilet…. .

Direct your excess emotions to creativity, to productivity. Make the world better🌫

Especially before you involve someone else in your life, deal with these issues very well.

I have met certain humans who have and tried and tested my patience. N. B I did not always win

I have met humans who had great control over their emotions. N. B they taught me so much 😊

We need more rational people, more matured people. Can you be one of them?

Finally: I listened to Lauvie Ajayi on Ted Talk on Youtube and she sparked me more 💞. Stand for the right, they may not like you but they will respect you.. .

Me in my corner, climbing the steps gradually 📈💪💪

I did a podcast on this topic, I said somethings I did not say here and plus music too 😁😁. Don’t Offend Me

Have a productive day 🌻🌿



Part 5, after a whole month.

This is a new month, April and write now, oops! 🙊right now I am eating 😂😂

Okay. Am done.

Last months have been exciting, more than previous years. I really hope to keep the energy even as other important areas of my life call for my attention more frequently.

They spent almost three hours talking and catching up on each other’s life. John had not changed much except in height, to Sandra he had always been a wise person and acted maturedly.

He had come back to visit his grandmother and also do a documentary for his project in school. She had asked about the other classmates and he told her they were doing fine even though Imex was the only one who had kept up with him.

“Imex! That guy” she smiled

“Yes. How else would I have gotten your number? He is really a great person and he is doing well”

“He is. It is amazing how he still reaches out even though his business is really booming and he has valid reasons not to keep in touch”

They kept silent. Both were very content. Their reunion was how they wanted it.

“So how has life been over there?” she asked

“Fine, not that boring. Was able to meet like minds. It has been an interesting experience. What about you?”

“Well…. It has been a little bit not exciting. It took me time to adjust. Met a senior who I had a good time with but we dont keep up with each other. Other friendships have just been there, somehow none is like what I had in secondary school. I kept looking for a replicate”

“Not too sad. You are still mentally okay” he teased

She got the joke and laughed “I managed to be”

“I apologize for not really keeping up with you. I also missed our friendship and the times we had in secondary school. I missed the whole group thing. I am actually bad at keeping up and I am lucky when it comes to making friends. So that makes me more complacent in reaching out to old friends but I will do better”

She smiled. “Please do”.

They were silent again.

She reached for her bag and brought out a packaged tiny box. She felt a little bit nervous but she had already planned to give him this, she could not take it back.

“Are you okay? You look strange” he said removing his glasses and wiping it with the small handkerchief meant for it.

“I got you this. In case we dont meet for a while” she was trying not to be nervous but she could not hide it.

He smiled and collected it. “Are you shy? You have always given me gifts. You have been the better friend” he inspected the navy blue box with a cream ribbon on it. He pulled the ribbon and opened the box, a key holder was inside. It had a metallic chain of stars and the head had his name written on it. The head was a folded mini pair of glasses.

“Wow, this is beautiful” he looked touched

“You like it?”

“Of course! This is thoughtful of you and of all things glasses!” he was laughing, throwing his head backwards.

“Guy, you love them that much and that is the first memory I had of you” she was still smiling, no longer nervous.

“I cannot defend myself. Thank you Sandra”

They had small talk about their plans then ended up in the park’s restaurant.

Both were unwilling to part ways but they had to.

“I promise to keep in touch”

“I will too. Try and answer whatsapp messages”

He laughed “I will. Thank you for today”

“Thank you too”

“Thank you for the gift”

“You are welcome” she was blushing

“Let me see you to your hostel”

In her beautiful flowery dress. In his once very straightened pair of trousers (which had been rumpled by seating down for long). They stood outside her hostel, awkwardly then finally after a hug they parted.

As she stepped in, she felt overwhelmed and spilled some tears. She was so happy and sad at the same time. She wished she could repeat these moments more often. She wished she did not have to imagine another long distance again from people she cared about or from John she cared about.

As she layed on her bed, her phone rang with the message tone.

‘Have a good night rest. I still have a week here, we can continue catching up right?’

‘Yes we can’ she texted back

She smiled stupidly, wiping away the little tears that had stained her face.

After one week, he sent her a package.

A bigger box

‘You got me silver. I got you silver and gold and some other things girly. You are truly amazing and I would want to keep that amazing person for long. Never forget, you deserve far much more. From your spectacled friend, John’

It was a wrist chain, gold and silver with molded rose in between. Her name was stylishly written round it. The girlish things were her favourite rose perfume, a milk silk scarf and mini diary where he wrote his words.

She smiled more and more. Whatever lay ahead, she was very much ready for him……

The both of them can continue their story in their world 🎀

People like Imex are not very easy to find. They are rare. They are just friends who are truely friends, who dont get in the way of what they see is good. They don’t force it, they are just there.

People like John need patience. They care but find it hard to really express themselves. Taking their silence or inactivity as not caring or thinking about you, may hurt you too much. They may actually seem selfish because they dont put as much effort as you do but the truth is that they keep people dear in their hearts, those that are actually dear.

People like Sandra care a lot. They truely care for those they love and like but they also need assurance. They are the usual sweet people who sometimes decided to stay away from the ‘world’ even though they really want to participate. Showing them that you also care and regard them brings out more sunshine from them.

In any relationship, dont force it.

Dont force it. I have always said this and I will still stand by it.

If you have tried your best to keep up or try to get to accomodate that other individual in your inner space and you still dont feel comfortable, its better you have a peace of mind.

Disclaimer: The above is talking about simple relationships not complex in the case of marriage.

I needed to point that out because you need make the right observations before getting into any deeper relationship with anyone.

If it is business where you may not need to be so personal, please face business, leave other matters aside. Dont try to force anyone to like you, it would always be stressful for you. Stress you dont need.

If you have friends who are so good to you, please appreciate them. Check on them and try and reciprocate as much as you can.

If you are like Imex, keep your good work on. You make the world a better place 😊❤

If you are like John, please try better. Not everyone would understand and not everyone would wait for you.

If you are Sandra, keep the beautiful sunshine part. Keep the sunshine but also learn to enjoy your company. There are those who love you but are not like you. They dont have to show you love the exact way you do or want. Your patience and care will bring out the best in them.

Relationship with the right people is a very beautiful experience. It creates memories that keeps you company in quiet times (There is a post on MEMORIES) and maybe if you last till you are old they can become stories for the young.

They grant you the opportunity to experience life in a different and exciting dimension. They are treasures you enjoy as you experience them.

Bad relationships leave scars and can dent you for a long time and maybe a lifetime. You can still chose how they will affect you even though some dont leave you with many options.

Chemistry that causes growth, discovery, world empowerment, growth of plants 😁🌿, human safety, creativity and many other beautiful things should be what you look out for.

I used beautiful more because I am a female 😂😂

I enjoyed writing these series. Thank you for everyone who followed through, I hope to keep seeing you on more topics. Your comments are always appreciated and if you want more styles like this you can indicate in the comment section below 😊😊

I am developing some mental abs to also tackle relationships in my life. I am a learner and I learn everyday even though it is quite tough on me. I can classify myself as John and Sandra sometimes, and I hope to do better….

So untill another time, if this decides to make a comeback 😊💞

Wanted something flowery but my fingers and eyes got this instead 😂😂. I still love it because it is art 😊💝
Should be the official logo even though this is the supposed end of this series 😂😂